
Felicitous Memories XI

"Mhmm, that smells good, what's for dinner?" asked Dom as he smiled and he walked to the kitchen as Natasha smiled at him.

"Pasta" replied Natasha as Dom walked to the fridge.

"Well that sounds delicious" said Dom as he smiled and he took an apple as he washed it over running water and he bit into it.

"Yes, so how far are you with unpacking upstairs?" asked Natasha.

"Good, still so much work though, I never knew that moving could be so much work" said Dom as Natasha laughed.

"Well of course you wouldn't, you have moved anywhere in your entire life, and neither have I" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Well can you blame me? I've lived in the same house for my entire life" said Dom as he laughed.

"Oh before I forget, your secretary called me" said Natasha.

"She did?" asked Dom in surprise.

"Yes, she said that she had been trying to reach you, but she hadn't been able to get through to you" said Natasha.

"Oh yeah, sorry, my phone died, and I forgot to charge it" said Dom.

"She thought as much, anyway, she said that she needed your opinion on a few things, and that I should tell you that she called as soon as I see you" said Natasha.

"Alright, I will go charge my phone right now" said Dom.

"Alright" said Natasha.

"Thank you" said Dom as he smiled.

"No need to thank me, what surprises me is that she chose to call me, I don't know why she did, she should have called Grandfather, or your dad" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Well of course it made sense that she called you" said Dom as he smiled.

"How so?" asked Natasha.

"Well you are my wife after all, of course we will be together" said Dom as Natasha rolled her eyes at him, he was just teasing her, she did not know why he liked to do that so much, it was just simply annoying.

"And well Grandfather scares her" said Dom as he laughed and Natasha laughed, she could believe that, Ernest was always very thorough when it came to business.

"And my dad went on a business trip early this morning" said Dom.

"Ahh I see" said Natasha as of course she knew that just because Ernest gave Dom a few days off did not mean that Dom would stop working, he was a workaholic.

"Yes, anyway, let me call my secretary, ask her what's going on, and then we can have dinner together, okay?" asked Dom as he smiled.

"Okay" said Natasha as she smiled and Dom smiled at her as he walked out of the kitchen and Natasha's phone beeped as she took it from the counter and she smiled when she saw who messaged her as she decided to call him and her call was picked almost immediately.

"Ahh, I can see that you are no longer upset with me Pete" said Natasha as she smiled and she put her phone to her ear.

"Do you give me a choice Nat?" came Pete's annoyed voice from the other side of the line.

"Glad that you know I wasn't going to call you until you called me first" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Because you are very stubborn" said Pete as he scoffed.

"Oh you are one to talk son of the law" said Natasha as she scoffed back at him.

"Let's stop this Nat, I'm sorry" said Pete.

"Oh what exactly are you sorry for? Is it for trying to change my mind several times, or for behaving like a child, or for making me upset?" asked Natasha as she switched off the stove.

"For it all, does that make you happy now?" asked Pete.

"I am" said Natasha as she smiled.

"*Sigh*, so how are you?" asked Pete.

"Good, good, I'm making dinner" said Natasha as she smiled.

"That's nice, I called your dad, he said that he's settling in well" said Pete.

"I know, I called him as well, and I'm happy that he's happy, or at least he seems to be" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Hmm, so…" said Pete.

"So what?" asked Natasha as she knew what he was going to say.

"How is Dom treating you?" asked Pete.

"We are doing very well thank you very much" said Natasha.

"You aren't trying to still get me to regret what I did are you now?" asked Natasha.

"No of course not, you already married the guy, there's nothing that I can do now" said Pete.

"Glad to know that you know" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Mhmm" said Pete.

"Pete you have nothing to worry about, Dom and I get along very well" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I know… and that's what I hate most" said Pete as he left that last part to himself.

"Alright enough about me Pete, how are you?" asked Natasha.

"Miserable" said Pete.

"Why?" asked Natasha.

"Well my best friend just got married to a man that she doesn't even love" said Pete.

"Oh grow up Pete, I thought that we went past that already?" asked Natasha as she sighed.

"Just know that I care about you, and if he ever does anything to hurt you, I will beat him up" said Pete.

"Oh relax Pete, there will never be a reason for that, besides, Dom likes you, I always thought that you two could be good friends, if you made an effort" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Not in my agenda" said Pete.

"So do you…" said Pete as he was cut off.

"No, I do not love him, Mr. Lawson" said Natasha as she laughed, she knew what Pete was going to ask her.

"I know" said Pete as he sighed, he really hoped that she wouldn't fall in love with him, it would kill him on the inside, even more than he was already hurt before.

"Well nice of you to call Pete, I have to go now, take care, and don't forget to eat, because you do that sometimes" said Natasha.

"Only when I'm busy" said Pete.

"You are always busy, so don't forget to" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Thanks Nat" said Pete as he smiled.

"Anytime" said Natasha as she smiled and she ended the call as Pete sighed and he looked a his phone, he wondered why things had to play out like this, maybe he should have made a move and told her how he felt about her.

"Hey" said Dom as he smiled and he walked into the living room which probably had to be the only room in the house that was fully furnished.

"Hi" said Natasha as she smiled.

"You do know it's a bad habit to eat while watching tv right?" asked Dom as he laughed.

"Haha very funny Dom, might I remind you that all the furniture in the dining room is yet to be unpack, hmm I wonder whose job that is" said Natasha as Dom laughed.

"Right, okay, okay, you got me, I will do it tomorrow" said Dom.

"Better" said Natasha as she rolled her eyes at him.

"You know, if Grandfather had told me that he was going to buy this house as a wedding gift, I would have told him not to bother, it's just so big" said Natasha as she sighed.

"Tell me about it, there's only the two of us in here" said Dom as he laughed and he sat down beside her.

"Everywhere is so quiet, and lonely" said Dom as he sighed.

"I know right?" said Natasha.

"It was totally unnecessary for him to buy this house, he should have told me, I would have told him not to" said Natasha.

"Well you know how he is, he said something along the lines of we are adults, newlyweds, blah, blah, we need to start our lives on our own together, without any interference from outside forces at all" said Dom as Natasha laughed.

"Oh Grandfather and his many ideals" said Natasha as she sighed.

"You know how old school he is, it's sometimes very, very annoying" said Dom as he laughed.

"You know what condition he gave to me when I became CEO?" asked Dom as Natasha shook her head.

"Well he told me that once he made me CEO I had one year to get married and settled down, or else, he would remove me from position of CEO" said Dom as he laughed.

"You have to be joking right?" asked Natasha as she shook her head.

"Nope, not at all, and knowing Grandfather, he wasn't joking, I don't know if in his very sweet Grandfather mind of his, why he thought that I would somehow spend all the company's hard earned money, on luxuries and women, and end up leaving us bankrupt, believe me, I am sure that's one of his fears" said Dom as he laughed.

"Oh but you won't do that not at all" said Natasha.

"You don't even have a girlfriend, who does he think that you would spend money on?" asked Natasha.

"You are right, I don't have a girlfriend I have a wife" said Dom as he laughed and Natasha hit him on his chest.

"Oh be serious Dom, anyway, do you want to eat? So I can go get your food?" asked Natasha.

"Don't worry, I will get it myself, you don't have to" said Dom as he smiled and he stood up as Natasha smiled at him.

Natasha walked to a café as she opened the door and she found who she was looking for as she walked to the table.

"Hello Lia" said Natasha as she smiled and Lia got up as she smiled energetically.

"Oh Sweetie, hello" said Lia as she hugged Natasha and Natasha smiled as they both sat down.

"Have you been waiting long?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"No Sweetie, not at all, I just got here, anyway how are you?" asked Lia as she smiled.

"I am good Lia" said Natasha as she smiled.

"That's wonderful, I am good too anyway, are you going to order, or should I?" asked Lia as she smiled.

"I'm fine thank you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alright Sweetie, hey, excuse me, can I get a latte, very light, and hold the sugar please?" asked Lia as she stopped a male waiter as the waiter nodded his head and he smiled.

"So sweetie, how is everything? How's school? How's your dad?" asked Lia.

"Well everything is fine, school is fine, my dad is getting better, he smiles more, laughs more, I am happy to see him like that" said Natasha as she smiled and Lia thanked the waiter who brought her order.

"And… Dom… how are you two?" asked Lia carefully.

"We are goo, everything is fine, a bit weird though" said Natasha as she laughed.

"I see… and how is moving?" asked Lia.

"It's fine as well, we have finally finished unpacking it's starting to feel a bit homey" said Natasha as she smiled.

"That's good… and you have your own room right?" asked Lia.

"Yes I do, you should come over, the house is way too big for just two people" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Don't worry, I will come and visit you very soon" said Lia as she smiled.

"And you and Dom, your relationship, how is it?" asked Lia.

"Good" said Natasha.

"You don't… you don't love him?" asked Lia.

"Of course I love him, we are very good friends" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I mean, romantically, do you love him like that?" asked Lia.

"No I don't Lia, we both know what we are doing, and I don't love him in that way, we are comfortable with each other" said Natasha as she laughed.

"You are still married to him though… it's a commitment" said Lia.

"I know that you are worried for us Lia, but we will be fine" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I am worried for you Natasha, Dom is sweet, nice… it's easy for anyone to develop feelings for him, and he would be totally oblivious to it, I don't want you to get hurt" said Lia.

"I will be fine" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Okay fine, whatever you say, although if you ask me, I still didn't want you two to get married" said Lia.

"Then you should have objected at the wedding sweetie" said Natasha as she laughed and mimicked Lia.

"Oh believe me I would have, if not for the fact that Nine was sitting right next to me, and he wasn't going to let me do anything" said Lia as Natasha laughed.

"Oh Sweetie, but still I'm serious" said Lia as she sighed deeply.

"Can we stop talking about men Lia? Let's talk about something else? For one how is school for you?" asked Natasha.

"Oh Sweetie, it's annoying, and I don't mean the work, I mean the people, especially the men, they are annoying" said Lia as Natasha laughed.

"Don't tell me that the great Cecilia Thomas has not found a man that interests her" said Natasha.

"Ain't that the truth sweetie, I tell you, some men need to buzz off" said Lia as Natasha laughed and her phone rang in the same moment as she looked at it.

"Who is it?" asked Lia.

"Oh it's Dom, he's asking if he should come and pick me up" said Natasha as she looked at Lia.

"Ahh well no, he shouldn't bother, I have my dad's car with me, I can drop you at home" said Lia as she smiled.

"Okay, I will tell him not to come" said Natasha as she texted Dom and she put her phone away.

"Anyway Sweetie, I only have a few more weeks of break, I was planning a shopping day, just one day, you and I go to the mall, and do nothing but shop, and before you refuse, I know that you don't like shopping, but please do this for me, it's not every time that you wonderful Lia will be in town" said Lia as she laughed.

"Oh well alright, if you put it like that, fine, just one day, and don't expect me to buy anything, my clothes are fine" said Natasha.

"Alright, that is fair, you can just watch me shop and give your opinion" said Lia as she smiled and Natasha smiled at her.

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