
Chapter 12 - New Sibling!?!


(A/N: The information On Sprits isn't 100% correct, if you have a problem with that, that's too bad)


~Minato POV~

"Finally, I can get back to work" I say to myself as I sit at the table in my own personal study.

"It's been so long" I mumble, ready to get down and dirty with some magic research after a couple months on not doing any.

I've been to busy with my parents, exploring the common and forsaken. Plus I've been training Kashi.

Wha I've been planing on researching for quite a while now is Sprits Magic or Sprits in general. From what I know is that Sprits themselfs are the natural creation of highly condensed mana.

"I should check the Library" I say leaving the study to grab some books from the family library.

Heading down the secret door my father showed me years ago, I enter the library. Looking at the surprisingly vast library always puts a smile on my face.

Heading to the section I know has information about The Sprits. I grab a couple of books, that should have information about Sprits.

~Few Hours Later~

"God, my eyes hurt" I mumble rubbing my eyes.

Closing my eyes to let them rest, I go over the information on Sprits that I've learned which ultimately isn't that much.

Okay, so Sprits a manifestation of the natural mana in the world, they also are nearly always Elemental in nature. For example a Sprit formed near an active Volcano would be a Fire Sprit.

Sprits have also been classed due to their potential power. The Strongest being the Great Sprits such as The Salamander or Undine the water Sprit of the Heart Kingdom. My Family doesn't have any information about the other two great Sprits, Wind and Earth.

The weakest Sprits are just called Sprits most of these would be considered new Sprits and have never bonded with a mage before, which is important as binding with a mage will help the Sprit grow as a Sprit will grow along side their chooses partner.

A Sprit can also only be bonded with a mage that has the same affinity as said Sprit. So for example a wind Sprit cannot be bonded with a Fire Mage.

Let's move onto Sprit Magic, Sprit Magic is a type of Magic only available to mages that have bonded with a Sprit. It is considered one of the most powerful types of magic in the world.

Now onto the Final and most crucial piece of information I've discovered, past ancestors called it the Saint Stage. It only happens when a The Sprit and their Host have achieved nearly 100% resonance.

Saint Stage allows the mage to become vastly more powerful then they are naturally, using the full potential of their Sprit.

In the last 500 years since my family's creation we've only got 2 recorded instances of this happening. One of the two Mages belonged to the Vermillion family they bonded with a low level Fire Sprit. This aloud them to become The Wizard King.

Some of the past members of my Family also believe that the First Wizard king had a Bonded Sprit which is what allowed him to combat and beat the demon that attacked the kingdom.

Now I don't know if that's true as it never appeared in the Anime, but it could be possible. It requires further research-

"MINATO!" I hear a loud shout from down the hall.

"YES!" I shout back.

"GET YOUR ASS UP HERE, ITS TIME FIR DINNER" Shouts the voice I now recognise as Kashi.

"COMING!" I shout back. "How dare that brat shout at me. I guess it's time to step up his training, Hehe~"

~Scene Change~

"AHHH, my compliments to the chef" I say rubbing my full stomach.

"Agreed" Kashi says from beside me.

"Minato, Kashi we have something to tell you" My father says grabbing our attention.

"Oh yeah?" I smirking knowingly.

"Well you see, your mother and I have been think that-"

"We're having another baby!" My mom shouts out before my dad can explain.

"Honey you said that I could-"

"About damn time!" I shout out. "You've been trying for ages now"

"I agree, even I could tell you were trying for another child" Kashi's says.

"Oh you guys knew" my dad says looking kinda depressed.

"It's okay honey" my mom whispers to him patting his shoulder.

"So how far along are you? and are you planning on finding out it's gender?" I ask.

"A couple of weeks now, and we do plan to in a couple of months" My mom tells us.

"I would like a baby sister" I say thinking it over slightly. "Another boy would be too much trouble"

"Well you two run along now, we talk more later" my mom says still confronting my dad.

"Sure, later mom" I say hopping if my chair and leaving the dining room. "Come Kashi"

~Scene Change~

"Well what are we doing today then?" Kashi asks standing across from me.

"We shall test your barrier strength" I tell him doing some stretches.

"Just basic ones?" Kashi confirms

"Yep, they are the easiest for you to use. But are also the most useful" I tell him. "So I'll attack you, and you'll have to react quick enough to block"

"Got it" Kashi agrees preparing himself.

"Alright we'll begin when the rock hits the ground" I tell him tossing a rock into the air.


I blast at Kashi using purely physical strength and slam a punch into the barrier he casted before I reached him.

I then start farting around him land various punch's and kicks into the barrier to test it and find a weak point. Unfortunately the barrier is dome shaped, so all points I strike are an equal distance from Kashi which means there's no weak points.

Channelling my own mana, I use it to boast my strength and speed. Now with the increase power I can see my punch's and kicks doing something to the barriers. It shimmers with each strike.

"Your barriers have gotten stronger" I tell him in between strikes.

"I would hope so" he reply's.

"Let's step this up a notch" I say.

I decide to add a few weak [Rasengan]'s which cause visible damage but it's quickly fixed thanks to the consist mana Kashi is fuelling his barriers with.

Deciding to use a newer technique to test the barrier. I start to from another [Rasengan] but this time I throw it at the barrier.

"[Flying Rasengan]" I say using my newest version of the [Rasengan]

"Mmm not bad" I say as it hits Kashi's barrier.

Wanting to test Kashi's barrier further and my New [Flying Rasengan] I start to bolt around the barrier using [Flying Rasengan] each time I stop.

Thanks to my speed it is almost like each [Flying Rasengan] hits at the same time or just after each other.

With the constant barrage of [Flying Rasengan] Kashi's Barrier begins to slowly get smaller and weaker until it's not even a dome any more, it's more like a wall.

"I think that's enough" I say. As soon as I finish speaking Kashi collapses onto the ground drenched in his own sweat.

"Good work, Kashi" I say leaving him to recover.

~End of Chapter~

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