
Villain Cultivator 2.0 (16)

Chapter 462 – Villain Cultivator 2.0 (16)

Brown Leopard City was the capital city of the Leopard Province, located a hundred kilometers north of Fortress Number 19. It was a part of the Yeduk Kingdom.

Between them, five small farmer villages acted as a buffer and hidden outposts, just in case goblins slipped through the fortress defense.

The villages were equipped with a siren system. Whenever a villager rang a bell in their town center, the bell in the Brown Leopard City would also ring, alerting the villagers and townsmen about the invasion and the monster threat.

However, the bell remained quiet for centuries after the fortress had been built to surround the last goblin territory. No monster managed to get through. Even after Shuri bombarded the fortress walls and destroyed so many sections, the knights and craftsmen worked together and rebuilt the walls in a few days.

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