
Cad Dad Going Home

Chapter 175 – Cad Dad Going Home

Early morning in a high school, two Korean students, who came to school early, were watching clips of the Pangu Online game together.

"Dude, the game is nuts."

"I thought World Two's story events were insane, but this one takes the cake."

"Nah, World Two is still better by miles. At least, players can join in the event. But this one is just cinematic purpose."

The clip showed the battle between a Godzilla and a mysterious green being inside the meteor. As soon as they fought, everything erupted. The nuke-like blast destroyed Siren City. All players, including the clip owner, were killed.

The clip ended, and the two high-school students continued to discuss the game.

"Yuan Empire is done for. By the way, where are you in the game?"

"I'm still loitering in Yeet City."

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