
Chapter 42 - I'll help you

- "Where did you learn to fight like that, John?" - asked Arthur, pointing his finger at the bruises that he managed to get in the fight.

He was surprised that John, who had never been famous for his ability to fight, came out almost unscathed. He has always believed that he is the strongest among the brothers in fights, but when he feels a burning sensation on his face, the thought of it makes him feel insecure from his thoughts.

"You saw how I beat him up, right? Well? Do you see the difference between us now? I think I'm more like my father than you are.." John replied with a bright smile, which made his split lips even more visible.

The fight with the Lee family was one-sided and all thanks to John, who not only beat his opponent well, but was also able to help Thomas and Arthur.

It wasn't difficult for him to deal with these bastards who insulted his mother, because compared to Noah, those with whom he fought were like children who had just learned to walk. But of course he is not going to admit that he studied with Victor.

"You taught him that, didn't you?" - asked Arthur, when he looked at Victor, who was sitting in the back and having fun with Finn in his hands and behaved as if the brawl that happened an hour ago did not bother him in any way.

"Are you interested in this too?" - Victor said when he looked at Arthur across the seat.

"Listen, I'm actually a fan of fighting. If you're serious, you can give me some advice.. Then I won't mind..." said Arthur, flexing his left shoulder, as if preparing for a duel.

- "Guys, we just kicked the Lee family's ass, and the only thing you decided to talk about at this moment is how to learn to fight?" Thomas said with his hands on the steering wheel in a clearly bad mood.

When Victor heard Thomas' words, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. This guy decided to get into a fight himself and provoked it himself, forcing the others to follow him, and now he says it's not the best idea to talk after a fight.

When they returned from the fair back to Birmingham in the evening, they noticed that there was a mess all over the city. Inspector Campbell, as planned, still decided to conduct a full-scale operation to search for weapons.

Every street, every house was ransacked by the police in search of weapons that were stolen from the weapons factory, which is why there is such a commotion going on around.

- "Fuck you.. What the fuck is going on here?" - said Arthur as he looked around.

- "Don't swear in front of the child, Arthur .." - said Victor helping Finn get off the car. He didn't like it when someone was swearing next to the children.

- "How can you calmly react to this?" - Arthur stroking his hair and looking around.

The people who got hurt by Campbell did nothing but look in their direction.

The Shelby brothers did not react to this in any way, although it is unpleasant to admit, but from the very beginning they knew what was going to happen, and from the very beginning they did not dare to interfere in this mess.

When they all entered the Shelby family gambling house together, Polly and Aida and several other people who have a close relationship with Shelby or have any relationship with their business were waiting for them there.

- "We agreed that they could turn everything upside down!" - said Arthur sitting on a chair waiting for a mug of beer to be poured for him.

He felt that this fucking inspector decided to play with their family and he didn't like that it made their reputation suffer a lot because of it.

- "They also trashed several pubs that pay us for protection. Only the Garrison was left untouched, what do you think people will think of us now?" Polly said, filling a mug with beer and handing it to Arthur.

"Then give them money as compensation," Thomas said, taking a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket to smoke.

When everyone finished discussing the current situation, everyone gradually began to disperse. Victor also decided to leave, since there was no point in discussing this issue with them. After all, Shelby's affairs do not concern him in any way.

When Victor went outside, he met Noah, who had already noticed that he had arrived here and immediately decided to come over to give something.

"So, did you find out what I asked you?" Victor said, looking at Noah, who was looking around and looking at the people who were bringing their things back into their house.

- "Y-yes, the woman you wanted to know about has already got a job in a pub and is now working as a barmaid. I-I also found out her residential address." Noah said, turning to Victor.

"That's good.. " Victor replied when he noticed Thomas coming out behind him, so he added, "You can go.. Tell Emilia that I will be back late today, let her not wait for my arrival and go to bed without me."

"Okay, I'll-I'll tell her y-your words." Noah said and turned around to leave.

When Noah left, Victor decided to approach Tommy. Taking a cigarette out of his pocket, he put it in his mouth and lit it. Patting his older brother on the shoulder so that he noticed him, he said, "Do you need help?"

- "It's not as bad as it seems.." - Thomas replied, looking at the people passing by.

- "You understand that it would be a little inappropriate to say such words now. First the gun factory, then the inspector who sat on the tail of the Shelby family, then cheating on bets without Kimber's consent, and now the discord with the Lee family. Don't you think things are getting worse? " Victor said, not even paying attention to the fact that Thomas's face was getting darker with every word he said.

Thomas's face changed a lot after Victor's words. He understood that the situation was becoming less stable. His plans were only to take the place of Billy Kimber, but now he has added a few more problems because of which everything can go awry.

"I think you're right..But do you really want to help? If you get involved... You and your whole family will be in all this mess. Thomas replied with a grim expression.

- "Mmm... I don't think we can do it by doing everything together... Well, what about my offer? I will help you, and you will help me at the same time. If we work together, I think we can handle it. An ally in the face of the family, isn't it a good gift for you? " - said Victor shaking out the ashes.

Victor is going to use the opportunity to expand his influence with Thomas. His plans were to seize all Kimber's property into his own hands, and Thomas, in turn, will take the place of this leader and since they are relatives, they can act together.

"What's the benefit to you of helping me?" Thomas asked.

"You want to take Billy Kimber's place, don't you? I can help you take his place. But everything that belongs to him, I will take with me and it will belong to the Romanov family. You and I will only be in the black, won't we?" Victor replied, looking Thomas in the eye.

He didn't need to think that even without him, Thomas wouldn't have any problems to deal with all this.

But since he does not yet know what will be waiting for him next, now is the perfect time to offer his helping hand, because the sooner they start acting together, in the future it will only be to his advantage.


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