
Chapter 2 - Mission

After taking the elevator down, the young guy left the multi-storey building and headed towards the parking lot. Every time he took 3 steps, a click from a lighter was heard in his hand.

Whether it's a matter of habit, but at this moment his ears were completely focused on the sounds made by the opening lid of the lighter, which allow him to completely discard his superfluous thoughts, giving him focus at this moment.

Sitting in his car, Mark took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, took a cigarette out of it and lit it. At the same time, taking a deep breath to fully taste the cigarette in your hands.

*Vroom* *Vroom*



[ 8:37 11.02.22 ]

Standing in front of my locker, I completely forgot what I wanted to do now. After today's nightmare, the devil knows what's going on in my head. Everything I saw was so real that the feeling of fear I experienced was beyond imagination.

- "Hey, Mark! Why are you standing like an idol in the morning?" - I heard a voice behind me, I involuntarily turned around and saw Valera, who was looking at me with a toothy smile, but from this smile I had a strong desire to punch him in the face.

- "Nothing, just thoughts.. " I replied, opening my equipment locker.

- "Hehe.. Look at Igor, he's brought a porn magazine with him again" - lightly patting me on the shoulder, he pointed to the side.

Igor, another of my comrades-in-arms with whom I am very good friends, was sitting where Valera pointed out. In his hands was a magazine with a girl in a bikini on the cover. * Sigh* In this case, it does not look appropriate, but this is Igor, for him to look at half-naked girls before a mission is something like a ritual.

- "Tsk.. You don't understand, every time I look at these beauties, I understand that these girls are under my protection," Igor said, continuing to flip through the pages of the magazine.

- "If the fat, bald grandfather from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a beauty for you, then I feel sorry for you. He-he-he" - answering Igor, Valera, sitting on a bench, began to pull on his shoes.

Ignoring the conversation, I took out my gear and quickly changed clothes. After I was already dressed, I turned my gaze to the photo with my mother, which was attached to the back of the door, after peeling it off, I put it in my breast pocket.


- According to intelligence sources, the Foreign Minister is currently being held hostage.

- Not so long ago we received a signal, thanks to which we were able to find out the location of the minister.

- Judging by the information from the base, he is being held hostage by the Cobra group. According to the data, we can say with confidence that these bastards are pretty well armed.and their numbers, though not large, but most of them are experienced killers. The location where they are most likely holding a hostage is on their territory.

Standing on the podium, the captain pointed to a point on the map.

- So that you understand, their base is located on the territory of an abandoned mine and there is also one exit from this mine. If something happens.With the entrance, I'm afraid it will take several hours to get you out of there, so you have to do everything quickly and cleanly.

After the order was given to us, we all went to the hangar with the whole squad. Standing in formation, all the fighters were armed to the teeth and the atmosphere that these guys show in everyday life completely disappeared, turning into a cold and aggressive aura that surrounded the entire formation.

- Fall in!

- Attention!

- At ease!

Looking at his guys, the Captain looked at each of them until he fixed his gaze on the youngest guy. Mark, unlike his more senior subordinates, had a completely different feeling than the others. His indifferent gaze was more obvious than the intense gaze of the other guys.

- "Everything I wanted, I said. The only thing I want to say from myself is that everyone should come back! This is my personal order! And it's not up for discussion!" The Captain shouted with a loud roar.

- That's right! (All)

- Fall out!



[21:56:31 11.02.22]

9000 meters above the ground.

A military plane was flying through the dark clouds at a huge distance from the ground. There were 25 people in the aircraft compartment, fully equipped soldiers. Each of them was busy with something of their own. Of all those present, only three guys stood out, who talked incessantly on various topics.

- "Mark, what do you think is better, this one or still choose this one?" Igor asked, pointing to the two photos in his hands.

Only a dumb guy probably won't guess what kind of photos this guy was holding.

- "Listen, Igor, if you don't hide it right now, I'll shove these two pictures up your ass.." Valera said with obvious irritation in his voice.

- "And no one asked you!" - snorting, Igor.he turned away and continued to think about the dilemma. - "Long legs or big breasts?"

Ignoring the arguing couple, Mark silently continued reading his book.

When everyone was focused on their thoughts.the sound of the cabin door opening was heard from inside. Noticing the pilot, everyone turned their gaze to him. Noticing that he was noticed, the pilot checked his wristwatch {20:59:30]

"We have reached the jump point. The lantern will be open in 30 seconds. ". - the pilot said in an even tone: - "I wish you a successful mission.".

- "Well, let's go..." -

I wanted to write one big chapter, but... changed my mind. Enjoy reading.

Jasmercreators' thoughts
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