

As we leave the conversation I see Emma looking at me.

Richard: "I know what you want to tell me Emma he won't sit still and I don't think you managed to read his mind he was wearing a piece of metal in his head."- I said it quietly.

Emma: "yes I had interference in getting into his mind, but that didn't deny me that I could read part of his mind if he plans to hurt you and attack your family."

Richard: "well when he does he won't have the financial support he was counting on before to save him from jail."- I said seriously.

We walk towards the limo to see a Harley who has a nervous look on her face pointing in front of us to see a Batman standing in front of the car.

Emma: "honey could you remove that pest in front of my car before I take drastic action I'm in a good mood for that costumed idiot to ruin what's left of my night."- She said as she lay back in the limo while she poured herself a scotch.

Richard: "I'm coming Emma anyway I have to talk to him about some things." I said it calmly to get out of the car.

Richard: "Hi Bruce, how's your night."- I said it seriously while his look becomes more somber.

Batman: "How do you know my identity."

Richard: "when you are in another dimension you learn things and tell me you figured out how to stop me right after all you must already have a plan on how to stop me without killing me after all I think you read about the idea of creating a self-adapting machine and because of your little hack you broke into my system and stole information that endangered most of the population pray it didn't fall into the wrong hands because the apotheosis project could have fallen into any hands."- I said it as I lifted it up and my body began to grow so that the suit ripped he didn't change his look.

Richard: "Yes I think I saw Clark here that's why you are confident possible he is behind me right now."- I said it to turn around and see Clark gently lowering himself to the ground while wearing a headband on his head and looking inside the car.

Richard: "Clark how was your date with Miss Lois lane." I said it quietly.

Richard: "and before you start with some stupid question I know you always knew what dimensional sector I was in ...Bruce after all you have a plan when I get threats from other dimensions how to return them that also works the other way around you just took your time to get into my system and look for something useful."- I said it calmly to look at Harley who greets me.

Richard: "well you see Miss Harley is working as a driver for Emma and I think she likes the job."

Harley: "I get a check with five zeros on it."- she shouts out in excitement.

Richard: "Well, I didn't expect that."- I said it in surprise.

Emma: "she earned it and you just be thankful I didn't take your pay because you are my boyfriend."- She said it from the back seat.

Richard: "you heard my boss and I think you got the scoop on the planet, not Clark." I said amused.

I started to walk to my seat to just say goodbye.

Richard: "Well I had a good constructive talk."- I said it quietly so she would lie down on my shoulder and I just stroked her hair.

Without further ado, Batman stepped aside.

Richard: "And one more thing you should be in Gotham... maybe crime is down there, but that doesn't stop the joker from staying there." Without further Harley accelerated like a psychopath.

Richard: "With the speed, we are going we can get to your house."

Emma: "I don't want to sleep alone, take me to your house."

Richard: "well Harley takes us to the forest Hill neighborhood the house is a white house with a mahogany door with a cherry tree in the front."

Harley: "How can you have a cherry tree if it doesn't bloom in this climate."

Richard: "it's part of an experiment Winston is doing I'm still proud of that little guy."- I said smiling.

Harley: "Got it pudding."- She said it with a tone of excitement.

She moved forward quickly while dodging traffic jams and a few insults from cab drivers.

Harley: "what's up even a fucking pig can drive better or excuse me it seems that you are his distant relative."- She said it mockingly while spitting in the face of another guy we passed by.

Richard: "Harley you have a driver's license."

Harley: "Sure pudding it was easy I just followed what the New Yorkers did."

Richard: "Yes you learned too well."- I said it looking at her blankly for her to speed into the neighborhood where I live and see the house to tell Harley to stop to get out of the car.

I open the door Emma just stretches her arms for me to carry her in a bridal way to enter the house where an aunt may be waiting for me with the girls with a frown on her face.

Emma: "hello mother in law here is my sweetie and you guys I think you should try hard to reach me."- She said it mockingly.

Richard: "Emma you drank too much you drank three whole wines and the whiskey was the punch line."- I said it as I took her to the couch for one person.

Jennifer: "what do you mean by a sociopath with powers honey."

Richard: "she gave me 60% of lex corp industries which I sold to tony who will give me half a billion dollars so I can start my own company."- I said it as I hear a glass fall to the floor to see a peter with his mouth open and an incredulous look on his face.

Aunt May: "Augustus we can't accept that."- She said it in anguish.

Emma: "just see it as a gift from me mother-in-law, besides he is my assistant and it would be a waste to have him in my company if he is not in the invention sector and I don't think he has any idea what he needs to give him the materials."

Richard: "I'm going to get some water."- I said this as I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Aunt May: "And how did you meet Richard, honey?"

Emma: "it was in the most romantic way he crossed my path and after he was insulting to me I threw him into a car and then I tried to brainwash him when I saw that my power didn't work I got angry so he put our lips together and I knew that he is my ideal man."- she said it with a smile.

Peter: "I really don't want to know what the honeymoon will be like."

Emma: "I'm going to make him take me to new nova for the honeymoon."

Aunt May: "What is a new nova?"- Sheask curious.

Emma: "it's a planet that is the base of the nova corp one of the many officials in the universe and that planet is very beautiful."- She said it with a glow of emotion.

Aunt May: "I didn't know you had already traveled to other planets."

Emma: "when you meet the Inhumans who are a faction of humanity that split off and travel around the universe as nomads you find it entertaining."- She said smiling.

I came back with a glass of water to give her.

Richard: "What did I miss aunt."

Peter: "What are you going to call your company."

Richard: "I am thinking that this will be a family legacy will be Parker Industries we will take care of what we can think of and the first thing I have in mind is the mass production of my phone that will be the first super phone that has the ability to reach signal anywhere in the world and hologrollamada and its ability to store internally a terabyte and with a RAM of about 100 gigabyte among other things."- I said smiling.

Peter: "isn't it going to be expensive for you to mass build that phone."

Richard: "You know the funniest thing about the things we buy, they just add a few things to it and I used the simplest phone to make it that way and I modified its programming and I have my futuristic phone model and the rest I created."- I said smiling.

Richard: "Although I don't know if I should put a support system."- I said thoughtfully.

Peter: "like SIF."

Richard: "hell no that would be too much for them it will only have simple functions to make calls or search for something without having to specify among other banal things." I said smiling.

Emma: "You want to become the owner of the phone industry, Richard, it wouldn't be bad to smash those companies that only make useless consumables."

Richard: "well I have to plan everything where my company's building will be and other things I have in mind."- I said smiling.

Emma: "take me to bed."- She said it while she put the glass on the table, I just carried her.

Diana: "why haven't you ever done that to us"

Richard: "well if you asked I would do it I am always happy to make you'll happy."- I said it with a soft smile.

Jennifer: "maybe no one has asked you, but why are you half-naked in your boxers?"- She asked curiously.

"well I've changed the suit...it was given to me by Emma"- I said thoughtfully

Emma: "the suit was yours, but I'll discount it anyway."- She said it sleepily.

Richard: "well let's get some rest and Jenni you have something to do tomorrow."

Jennifer: "no honey why."

Richard: "if you have the whole day off I would like to spend time with you and have you help me in making a legal document so I can make the process of passing my rights to tony and with that, we can go for lunch or do something together, after all I missed 7 months with you and I want to make up for lost time."- I said this to open the door and take a sleeping Emma to bed.

The girls smiled to follow me to the room.

Kori: "you have to be thankful that the door doesn't let the screaming out."- She said it so I would be the last one to close it.

While Karen and Alice went to their own rooms and Emma went to sleep and I laid her down in the corner to watch the naked girls with a flirtatious look.

Richard: 'this is going to be a very long night and you know something helpi.' I thought about it as my smile almost looked like it would split my face.

[I still think that sometimes you're depraved because all these women are so dangerous that if they all get together they could defeat you].

Richard: 'don't say that helpi and don't ruin the moment because it's the best day I've ever had in my life.'- I thought about it to lift Jennifer up and lift the other girls up.

The next morning.

I stood underneath the sleeping girls with a smile on my face.

Richard: "I should be thankful that I have actually been losing the need for sleep and my stamina has increased incredibly."

I stand up while I stretch and get the girls settled and go to cook for them to enjoy their morning.

I come out of my room to see Peter looking at me with dark circles under his eyes.

Richard: "what happened to you pet."

Peter: "rhino."- He said it annoyed.

Richard: "Peter, all you have to do is use the electric shock that is built into the suit to paralyze him and with the webbing you knock him out."

Peter: "I had already dug the electric charge against vulture that winged idiot keeps shooting his magnetic feathers back at me."- He said it in annoyance.

Richard: "It sure is hard to be Spiderman."

Peter: "I wish I had at least a few your abilities. You just hit Rhino hard enough to get him to Central Park."

Richard: "You have a chance to have at least 70% of my current strength"-. I said it quietly.

Peter: "wait I remember aunt Hestia talking about it."

Richard: "Have you been working out so that you can increase your muscle mass because you don't have the adaptability factor that I have and between us, it's not very good when I adapt it tends to hurt a lot." I said it in a whisper.

Peter: "Well I haven't had time to exercise and I don't think going to a gym will do me any good."

Richard: "you can go to my lab or ask Nick for a fitness room and ask something that has me interested and you already have a team formed."

Peter: "yes you should meet them they are amazing this white tiger she is agile and has powers because of a mysterious amulet, this powerman who is bullet-resistant and has super strength he is a little cocky but he is very friendly, this iron fist knows something like martial arts and can give a blow that can bend steel and is always with words of peace and last but not important this bucket who has in his head a space bucket that gives him powers." Said the last tired one.

Richard: "Sounds like a great team, it's always good to have someone to support you Pete."- I said it quietly as I finished my dinner to let it cool down.

Richard: "Pete set the table." I said it while taking off my apron.

Peter: "You have already thought about what you will do in the future with the company."

Richard: "I have a lot of ideas, but first I have to find it, which I don't think will be a problem with the support of some friends"

Peter: "And why aren't you in a brother team?"

Richard: "I don't know most of the villains that I face don't hurt me and the few times that there are many villains ...you support me and the girls are entertained with their jobs today Diana has to return again to the peace summit, Illyana lent her the Genesis book it won't teach her anything dangerous since she is not its bearer but as she has part of my essence it will let her learn something from them, Jenni will have a date with me, I think Karen and Galatea will go to Metropolis I like when they appear in the news those suits fit them."- I said it with grace.

Peter: "The table is ready."

Richard: "I got it girls, come and eat, I prepared beef stew with a lot of meat."- I said smiling as I took the pot to place it in the middle of the table.

I hear footsteps coming out of my room to see the girls running quickly out of the room to see an annoyed Emma looking for me.

Richard: "Emma I'm in the kitchen dinner is ready."- I said it quietly so everyone would come to eat.

Emma came in looking at the table everyone was sitting down and serving everyone Emma was about to eat when I hit her on the hand with the spoon.

Richard: "wait for Aunt May Emma you are the guest, but no one eats unless everyone is there."- I said it quietly.

Emma: "I don't like you treating me like a child, Richard."- She said it offended.

Richard: "don't try to eat before the others."- I said it calmly.

I heard the soft footsteps confirming it was Aunt May I saw her black hair come to the table to sit down with a loving smile.

Aunt May: "It's nice to be able to eat other people's cooking."- She said it happily.

Richard: "I hope you enjoy it, it's beef stew."- I said it sitting in my chair to be moved and placed next to Emma who smiled at me.

Emma: "so you really prepared food"- She asked interested.

Richard: "Yes, I told you when we went to the party."- I said it quietly.

Emma: "I thought it was a joke of yours."

Richard: "no I really like to cook, it's like a way to relax."- I said it quietly while everyone is serving themselves so Emma can taste it and freeze.

Emma: "you really are a box of surprises honey."- She said it with excitement.

They all ate with a smile while I save some of the food for Ororo.

A few minutes later.

We finished eating Jenni lifted me up to leave with a smile.

Jennifer: "Let's start our date honey."- She said happily.

As we walked out the door to spend some time together.

Jennifer: "what do you plan to do for our first date."- She asked excitedly.

Richard: "I've never really been on a date so I'd like to learn more about you, Jenni."

Jennifer:" I would like a new dress I saw in a nice clothing store and a romantic dinner."- She said it with a smile.

Richard: "let me make some calls."- I said it taking out my phone.

To get away from her.

Richard: "tony it's me can you do me a favor if you have a ticket to ask me anything just don't be embarrassed if the favor I want you to do me is to get me some reservations to the best Japanese cuisine."- I said seriously.

Richard: "I understand, but don't take advantage if it's ok I accept to be in the Ultron project but I will build their AI system if I will give you part of the knowledge to make metal adsorption but that's a secret because of our deal as future business allies."- I said tiredly.

Richard: "Tony no Tony I'm not going to send you a picture of Jenni in a bathing suit I won't accept a picture of pepper in a bathing suit it's not because she's not beautiful she's very beautiful it's because I wouldn't want to intrude on her privacy."

Richard: "ya tony but help me find something also I want you to trace something I'm going to send you."- I said it hanging up and sending the trojan that took information from my computer.

So far.


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