
Chapter Eight: The Perfect Architect and Engineer


After the event with Mordred and Morgan la Fey making the adults in the world dissapear and Cell saving all their pathetic lives, Cell is now in his room with his two children, Krilla and Cell Jr. and was in deep thought.

Cell's daughter approaches him and asks him why he was in such a deep contemplation... "Daddy, what are you thinking?" she asked so whilst poking Cell in his cheek.

Cell is then brought out of his thoughts by his daughter's gesture.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing daughter." Cell said trying to dismiss his daughter.

Needless to say, Krilla was not convinced.


"Sigh. I was just thinking that we are living on the Justice League's headquarters right? Doesn't that technically mean we are homeless and we are living on our workplace?"




Cell Jr. is then contemplating about what his father said and thought...'Daddy's right!'

"Apart from them offering this arrangement to keep an additional eye on us. This is a rather pathetic situation. Me, the perfect being living in a space apartment! And with a group of goody two shoes to boot! If my three android siblings found me, I'd be a laughing stock!" Cell rants.

"Come, let's go. Rest for now kids for tomorrow we will do something very important. We will build our own house." Cell ordered as his kids followed.

The three then sleep in the same bed side by side with Cell in the middle. 'Sleeping does seem to speed up my natural regeneration, and it kills time too. I never thought something so trivial such as sleeping would be beneficial to me. 'Cell thought as he lies down on the bed.

Cell and the others woke up early. Cell Jr. and Krilla then asks their father to where they were going to build there supposed house. But Cell just answered them with..."We'll figure something out. I won't settle for anything less than perfection."

Cell and co. went to fly out of the watchtower, out towards to space and into the earth's atmosphere. When they had arrived there, Cell started flying and searching for the perfect geography as to where to build his house.

Cell found an isolated rocky place in southern America. The same place where he challenged Superman a few days ago. The place reminded him of the venue of his Cell games.

Cell then surveys the area. Isolated from the stupid humans? Check. Far away from the Justice League? Check. A wide area for training? Check.

And with that Cell decided to build his perfect dream house here.

"I'm not an engineer, but I did have a bit of experience from building the Cell Game's arena. Alongside my superior intellect, massive stock knowledge from the computer I was programmed with, and the books I've read in my spare time about engineering. Surely, it can't be that hard." Cell mumbled to himself dismissively.

'Let's see, I have to clear some of this land first. I have to make sure it's all perfect and symetrical.' Cell analyzed.

Cell then points his palm downwards to the ground as he was hovering in the air, a few feet from it. He then makes a small slashing motion with wrist acconpanied by a red Ki wave that was produced from his wrist motion, that leveled the surrounding mountains, hills and plateau into a wide flat plain.

Cell, after being pleased with the outcome of flattening off the ground, turns his eyes towards a far away mountain in the north.

Cell's eyes, then changed color from purple to red, indicating he is using his psychic and telekinetic abilities. He then points his palm in the huge mountain. As he points towards it, the mountain seems to levitate above the ground it was connected to. And it rose a few feet in the air.

With his right hand occupied in currently lifting the mountain, Cell uses his other hand to edit the shape of the rubble, effectively stone cutting it, he did so by curling half of his fingers into a fist, with the index finger and the middle finger remaining uncurled. He then swipes his fingers swiftly in different directions with smooth strokes and fast motion as if writing in a paper with cursive letters. Each swipe makes the a chunk of the mountain get cut off and slices it off, effectively sculpting the mountain.

He keeps repeating the gesture until the soil and mud of the mountain is separated fron the marbles, the stone and other minerals Cell deemed useful for building materials.

After acquiring the materials and cutting them to his desired shape, he then mumbles... "Ah, yes. these materials will make a fine floor."

He then, cuts them further into square tiles. Each with the same size of length, width and height as well as thickness. After this is done, he flicks the hand he is using all of it to float in a downward motion, bringing all of it down gently to place all of it on the ground.

Cell then grabs a few metals and asked Cell Jr. to melt it and liquify it, after it is liquified, Krilla is to make the liquified metal float with psychic powers of her own and keep it in place as to not waste it or spill it against the ground.

The children did as their father ordered and got to work, helping their father work on the house. As they finished liquifying the metal ores, Cell then takes over the control from Krilla of the floating liquid metal and evenly distributes it in the middle of the crevices and nooks and cranies in between the floor tiles. After it is all placed, he then points his finger and traces the line in between the floor tiles with an underpowered Death Beam to smold and weld it together, making the marble floor and metal bound together and making it more durable against shockwaves from the ground. A grout, so to speak.

"Yes..yes, this should be perfect...it looks large enough, symetrical and is durable enough to withstand against a few decades of natural deterioration and degradation."

As he finishes laying it all down, his red eyes return to its majestic purple color, indicating the stopage of his use of psychic and telekinetic abilities. Said abilities and eye color changes in his abilities was inherited from Frieza, an Arcosian frost demon.

'Now, for the walls...I need to build a construction column to reinforce the wall's durability.'

'Tsk! we ran out of metal and steel for that. Oh, well there is always the home depot. and Gotham is quite nearby...' Cell mumbled in his thoughts as he flies away to the city.

Cell then arrives at the city in mere seconds, to find more metal bars instead of fishing for metal by himself as that would take longer.

After a quick minute of flying, Cell arrives at Gotham. This is his second time being here, since he got transported here with his failed Instant Transmission leading him to this new world.

"Ah, Gotham...a filthy city, with filthy environment and plagued by filthy criminals, that is run by filthy corrupt officials. Even the Frieza Force and the Cold Empire wasn't this disorganized! Then again, their inferiority doesn't even make for a good enough comparison for my perfection. " Cell mocked.

As Cell arrives at the Gotham home depot. he is met with terrified screaming of the workers there. Cell rolls his eyes at this and flares up his Ki and uses his psychic powers, his eyes turning red in the process to hold everybody in place.

"Listen here you neanderthals! I need the best and finest steel and metal bars you have. Along with cement mixtures and bricks.." Cell announced.

"Do not worry, I am not here to steal from your cheap business. Wayne Enterprises will pay for it, so give them a call and say that Perfect Cell needed it for...erm...important and personal uses." Cell explained as he lets them go, his eyes shifting back to it's purple color.

"I-I see, well, erm...Mr. Perfect Cell sir. Uh...how much of our f-finest steel and metal bars would you like?" asked one of the workers there, to which Cell assumed to be the manager as he is dressed rather formally and differently than the rest.

"How much do you have in your inventory?" Cell asked

The manager answered..."Well...6 to 7 metric tons."

"Splendid! I shall take all of them." Cell replied.

"I see, may I have your address and contact info so..." The manager said but is then cut off.

"That won't be necessary. I will transport them myself. Just forward the payment to Bruce Wayne." Cell said as he snickers, deviously. Dumping his bill to Batman, as he figured out his identity from digging through the JL files in the watchtower, not that it is a secret to the founding member's archives.

"B-but..." The manager protested but Cell sent him a glare that stopped him.

Cell's eyes then turn red once more and all the metal bars and steel ores, come flying straight through the roof, burrowing holes to it and flies towards near Cell.

"If that is all, I will be taking my leave. Forward the payment from the damages bill towards Wayne Industries as well." Cell said. as he flies away, but stops for a moment and turns around...

"Oh, and tell Bruce Wayne 'thank you for your generosity' when you message Wayne Industries. Remember, the name's Perfect Cell." Cell said to the manager as he flies away, with his materials in tow, floating beside him back to his construction sight where his children where waiting as Cell told them to guard the construction site, in case anything happened to it.

"I'm back, did anything happen while I was gone?" Cell asked.

"Uh...nope!" Krilla answered with as a bead of sweat dripped through her cheeks, she then whistles afterwards whilst kicking small stones away. Cell then looks towards Junior, and he is doing the same thing, albeit not making eye contact.

"You guys killed the locals while I was gone, didn't you?" Cell asked.

"Only because they attacked us with toys that shoot metal pebbles! It was self defense!" Krilla answered defensively.

Cell Jr. defends his sister and says..."They said something about alien invasions, and the world ending that had to do with the mountain or something. Nothing too important, daddy."

Cell just drops the subject and sets his attention towards architecture. He sets down the materials on the nearby ground. He then, uses his psychic powers once more to cut the metal bars and use them as skeletal frame to use in his construction column.

He then orders Cell Jr. to turn get water from a nearby water source, and mix the cement mixture and bring it back. Cell Jr. does as he was told to do and sets off. Cell kept doing the same thing of cutting metal bars and making skeleton frames for the construction of the building. Krilla helps with this as to make the process faster and more efficient.

After a while, Cell Jr. comes back with the wet cement. Cell and family goes off to apply the cement to each of the skeleton frames and the construction columns, effectively making walls and porches of cement as well as the upper floor's walls, roofs and floor.

This goes on for a while until the building process is complete. But the building itself quite isn't. The cement is still wet and unpainted. So Cell will use his Ki to generate winds to dry up and ventilate the cement, but carefully in order not to damage the building. He then orders the pair of siblonga to "fetch" paints from the store, as payed for by the generosity of Mr. Wayne and Wayne Enterprises.

As the android siblings fly off to tend to their task, Cell powers up his Ki amd flies around the house, generating a small whirlwind behind him as hs zooms through the building. He is careful as to not damage his work, and to accomplosh his task of drying up the cement efficiently.

Cell stops flying eventually, and checks to see that the outer parts of the building has been succesfully dried off. The inner parts of the building however, are not. Cell then goes through each room, spinning his body to create a small tornado to dry off the rooms. He got the idea, from Red Tornado with his ability to be a human sized electric fan, and make the cement inside dry.

After he is done drying the house, Cell's offspring's then return with tons of buckets of paint. He then beckons them to come forward.

"Okay children, listen up. I want you guys to paint everything white. You can have fun whilst doing so but make sure that everything is perfect. Am I understood?" Cell ordered to which the children just nodded.

Junior and Krilla then flies through the building with a bucket of paint on one hand and a huge paint brush on the other. They then zoom around, they were so fast that it was as if there was a blue motion blur on the outer and inner parts of the house, coating the building with white liquid.

The construction took over the span of half a day, and was done by the afternoon, considering the sun's position on the sky as Cell looks at it.

"Ah, finally! It is complete! My Perfect Mansion! All with 50 rooms, complete with a massive kitchen, an expansive training room, a huge swimming pool, a library, a loving room, lounge, attic and a basement and most importantly a highly sophisticated laboratory!" Cell proudly stated.

(Photo of the mansion, photo not mine.)

"Um, daddy...the rooms are still empty." Krilla said.

"Not for long. After all, Wayne Enterprises is generous enough to pay for it all, right?" Cell answered to which the children laughed at.

To Be Continued


For those wondering what Cell Jr and Krilla looks like...

This is the Photo of Cell and Cell Jr.

Photo of Cell and Krilla.

(All of these photo are not mine and are found randomly on Google.)

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