
The Princess’s Manner

Chapter 26: The Princess's manner

Maria's POV

I managed to sleep just before the dawn of day. I spent the last couple of days locked up and going through meetings upon meetings, contrary to being curled up in bed as Zia and Ursula imagined. I had received project and financial reports on all of my companies, and from what I saw, we were doing relatively okay. 

For this reason, I closed my eyes to sleep a little more for a few minutes. However, minutes soon turned into hours, and the next time I opened my eyes, it was already mid-day. 

Stretching luxuriously after that blessed sleep I just had, I yawned. My stomach rumbled rhythmically. Whatever Ursula gave me last night had successfully opened the floodgates of my appetite. I stepped out of bed and into my shower. After my bath, I came out feeling good. There was this need to appear sexier than usual today. I didn't know why, but I was feeling naughty. 

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