
[Soul Society Arc] Part 85: Threads of Trust and Turmoil

# Rukia's Inner World #

The petite shinigami stood there, her chest rising and falling with each ragged breath, her hands marred by bruises and cuts. Frustration etched across her face, she clenched her fists in an attempt to contain her rising anxiety. Meanwhile, her zanpakutō, Sode no Shirayuki, hovered beside her, its icy presence offering a semblance of comfort amidst the turmoil.

Rukia: "Why won't this damn thing open?!" - Her voice, usually calm and composed, cracked with frustration.

Sode no Shirayuki: "Rukia-sama... please, try to remain calm..." - Sode no Shirayuki's voice carried a soothing tone, attempting to ease the storm brewing within Rukia's heart.

The reason for Rukia's turmoil stemmed from the events that had unfolded just minutes ago. From within the Senzaikyū, she had sensed a sudden clash of reiatsus, a tumultuous collision that had sent shivers down her spine. Yet, what had truly alarmed her was the distinct presence of Yato's reiatsu within that chaotic symphony. For the first time, she had felt his reiatsu clearly, unlike before when she felt his reiatsu only when he had already worn himself out a lot. However, that reiatsu had gradually diminished, leaving her with an uneasy feeling.

She attempted to return to her inner world, sprinting towards the portal that supposedly bridged her soul's realm to Yato's, desperate to understand the inexplicable connection. However, fate seemed to conspire against her, for the portal remained obstinately sealed, refusing to yield to her silent pleas.

Rukia stood there, her eyes fixated on the sealed portal, her frustration palpable. Her fingers tensed, ready to attempt another forceful opening, but just as she prepared to act, Sode no Shirayuki intervened. With a delicate touch, the zanpakutō gently enveloped Rukia's left hand, her grip reassuring and tender.

Sode no Shirayuki: "Rukia-sama... observe..." - Her voice, like the soft whisper of snowfall, carried a soothing tone as she held Rukia's hand, drawing her attention to the ring adorning her ring finger. The small band gleamed with a warm, familiar luster. - "You still carry this... and the red thread remains tied to my finger... take a deep breath. I know that if you focus, you'll realize that he's fine."

As Sode no Shirayuki spoke, her eyes reflected a deep understanding and unwavering faith in the bond shared between Rukia and Yato.

Rukia's gaze shifted from the ring to Sode no Shirayuki's eyes, finding solace in the zanpakutō's unwavering support. Her tense features slowly relaxed as she inhaled deeply, her eyes flickering with understanding and the faint spark of renewed hope.

All of a sudden, the portal began to swing open, its motion drawing Rukia's and Sode no Shirayuki's rapt attention. Out from the mysterious rift emerged Yato, accompanied by his zanpakutō, Ōkagetsu. Yato had traded in his traditional black Shihakushō for more casual attire, donning gray pants and a long-sleeved hooded shirt, giving him an air of relaxed nonconformity.

Yato: "Hello there..." - He greeted them with a casual, almost playful tone, a hint of mischief in his voice. Rukia's reaction was swift, a visible flicker of irritation at Yato's disarming composure.

As Rukia's gaze met Yato's, her eyes flickered with a complex array of emotions—relief at his return, mixed with a touch of frustration and fond exasperation.

Rukia: "You fool! What have you gotten yourself into this time?!"

Yato: "Geez, what happened?" - Yato's words were delivered with an easy, carefree demeanor, his posture relaxed as if he had just returned from a leisurely stroll.

Rukia: "I should be the one asking! I felt your reiatsu dropping rapidly!" - Rukia's eyes narrowed, her voice a blend of worry and frustration, her hands gesturing animatedly to emphasize her concern.

Yato: "Oh... Well, it must've been when I was fighting the captain–"

Rukia: "You fought a captain?!" - Rukia's disbelief was palpable, her eyes widening in astonishment as she looked Yato up and down, as if trying to assess any visible injuries.

Yato: "Don't worry... I let him live." - Yato's grin was sly, his tone carrying a mix of mischief and cockiness, his posture relaxed despite the seriousness of the situation.

Rukia's incredulous gaze remained fixed on Yato, unable to fathom how he could treat a confrontation with a captain so casually. Her eyes bore into him, searching for any signs of injury or exhaustion, her concern etched across her face.

Yato: "I didn't want to defeat the captain and risk making our situation worse, especially now that it seems a captain has been killed." - Yato explained, his tone more serious now, his eyes conveying a sense of responsibility and caution.

Rukia: "A captain was killed?!" - Rukia's voice was filled with shock, her eyes widening in alarm as she grasped the gravity of the situation.

Yato: "That's what I heard... although I still have my doubts." - Yato's hand absentmindedly moved to scratch the back of his head, a gesture betraying his lingering uncertainty.

Rukia: "Yato... which captain was killed...?" Rukia's question bore a sense of deep concern, her eyes locked onto Yato as if searching for reassurance in his response.

Yato: "I think his name was Aizen..."

Upon hearing the name, Rukia's eyes widened, her features shifting through a spectrum of emotions, from alarm to profound worry. But as Yato continued, he sensed a subtle shift in her expression, a hint of relief. It dawned on him that her primary concern was her elder brother, the captain of the 6th Division.

Rukia: "I see..." - Her response was measured, a quiet acknowledgment of the information.

Yato: "But I still have my doubts about this death... at least for now..."

Rukia: "What do you mean by that?" - The question hung in the air, laden with anticipation and unease.

Yato momentarily rubbed his eyes, a subtle expression of contemplation, as he weighed the words to come. He needed to convey his concerns to Rukia without revealing his prior knowledge, a task that required careful navigation. In that brief moment, he also cast a fleeting glance at Sode no Shirayuki, who had stood quietly beside Rukia, her presence offering an unspoken support.

Yato: "The truth is, ever since I arrived in the Soul Society, there have been some things that haven't quite added up for me." - His voice carried a measured tone, as if he was choosing his words with great care. - "Every shinigami I've come across, I've been able to sense... something different about their reiatsu, as if they've been affected by something. However, there were two shinigami I didn't detect that same reiatsu from."

Rukia's silence lingered, her eyes fixed on Yato, urging him to reveal more.

Yato: "The problem is, both of them are captains. One of them had this eerie grin, his eyes closed, and short, white hair. When we were at the gates of Seireitei, this guy appeared. Oddly enough, he didn't seem too keen on stopping us... it felt like he could have ended us right there if he wanted to, but he didn't." - Yato's voice carried a mix of confusion and concern, his brows furrowing as he recalled the encounter. He purposefully omitted the captain's name, opting to describe his features instead, a precaution to avoid any suspicions about his prior knowledge.

As Yato spoke, Rukia's face transformed with recognition and worry, her eyes widening slightly at the mention of the distinctive description.

Rukia: "Captain of the 3rd Division... Gin Ichimaru..." - Her voice was barely above a whisper, her words heavy with trepidation. A shiver ran down her spine as the reality of the situation sunk in.

Yato: "The other was the captain that I faced. He was a blind guy who talked a lot about justice... though, in reality, he didn't really shut up for a good while. The guy even told me what his zanpakutō could do during the fight... like, who goes around revealing their tricks, right?" - Yato's words were infused with an almost bemused disbelief, and he punctuated his statement with a playful tone, as if still trying to make sense of his peculiar encounter. The remark evoked a comical sweat drop forming on Rukia's head, a humorous touch to a rather perplexing situation.

Rukia's brows furrowed slightly, her eyes narrowing in thoughtful consideration as she absorbed Yato's words. Her lips parted as if she were about to say something, but then she paused, her gaze distant as she delved into her thoughts.

Rukia: "Kaname Tōsen... Captain of the 9th Division..." - Rukia murmured the name softly, her voice carrying a mix of recognition and contemplation. Her eyes flickered, reflecting a blend of curiosity and concern. She raised a hand to her chin, a habitual gesture when she was deeply engrossed in thought. She knew from her limited knowledge of the captains that Gin and Tōsen were not known to be particularly close, adding another layer of intrigue to the situation.

As Rukia delved into her thoughts, Yato's sharp observation noticed her injured hands. With a casual yet genuinely concerned tone, he couldn't help but address the issue.

Yato: "How did you hurt your hands like that?" - His voice held both curiosity and worry as he furrowed his brows in concern, casting a subtle, searching gaze over her.

Rukia: "It's nothing, really. Don't worry about it. Please, continue with what you were saying." - Rukia's response was soft but determined, attempting to steer the conversation back on track despite the lingering concern etched on her face.

But instead of continuing the conversation, Yato released a small sigh and drew his zanpakutō, causing it to shift into its shikai form without any spoken command.

Rukia: "Huh? Yato, what are you doing?" - Her surprise was palpable, her eyes widening as they fixated on his zanpakutō. Curiosity and concern mingled in her gaze.

Yato: "Give me your hands." - he requested in a calm yet authoritative tone.

Rukia: "Yato, I told you not to worry—" - Rukia began, her tone firm and protective, her eyes holding a touch of frustration as she attempted to dissuade him.

Yato: "But since I decided to ignore you, give me your hands." - He said, his lips curving into a smirk. There was a playful glint in his eyes, a subtle challenge that dared Rukia to resist. Despite her irritation, Rukia begrudgingly complied, her injured hands cautiously finding their way into Yato's firm grip. - "I just want you to trust me... you know, I usually use this to scare others since...I don't go around telling people about my abilities...I prefer to let them imagine..." - He added with a smirk, an attempt to inject some humor into the situation. The atmosphere shifted from worry to a more lighthearted moment, as Yato's playfulness seemed to ease Rukia's concern.

Rukia's eyes were filled with curiosity as she fixed her gaze on Yato, who had gently taken hold of her hands.

Yato: "Ichi no Uta, Kuroihoshu." [一 の 歌・黒い捕手, First Song, Black Catcher]

Suddenly, in response to Yato's words, the blade of his zanpakutō began to radiate flames. However, these were unlike any flames Rukia had ever seen. They were utterly and unsettlingly black, devoid of the usual fiery colors. The eerie darkness of the flames seemed to defy the very essence of fire itself.

As this extraordinary phenomenon unfolded, Yato's hand, still clasping Rukia's, began to emit those same unnerving black flames. Rukia's initial reaction was one of alarm, a natural response to a sight so bizarre. She flinched and tried to pull her hand back, fearing the flames would scorch her skin. However, a moment of realization washed over her as she felt no burning sensation, only an oddly comforting warmth emanating from the inky black flames.

Sode no Shirayuki directed her striking cerulean gaze toward the dark flames, her translucent form flickering with an air of intrigue and intellectual curiosity. Her ethereal visage seemed to absorb every detail of the mystical display.

Her attention then gracefully shifted towards Ōkagetsu, Yato's zanpakutō spirit, who, rather than showing any sign of unease, greeted the peculiar scene with a serene smile.

Yato: "This ability, though it may appear menacing due to its appearance, actually possesses healing properties." - he calmly elucidated. - "When these dark flames come into contact with an wound, they trigger an accelerated healing process." - His explanation was gentle, intended to reassure Rukia. - "Essentially, the flames enhance the body's natural regenerative capacity, expediting the healing process."

Rukia couldn't help but find Yato's zanpakutō ability fascinating, and the comforting nature of those flames left her intrigued and appreciative.

Yato: "So, how did you get hurt like this?" - he inquired, a genuine curiosity in his voice.

Rukia: "This portal wouldn't open." - She let out a huff in annoyance, her earlier frustration returning. - "Why can you pass through it, and I can't?"

Yato: "Hm...Maybe it's because you're in Senzaikyū?" - he speculated. "When I was in the world of the living, I couldn't even see the portal." - His response was accompanied by a casual shrug.

Rukia: "Now, let's get back to the matter at hand..."

Yato: "Ah, right... Where did I leave off?" - He stared into the distance, racking his memory to continue.

Rukia: "You mentioned feeling a different reiatsu in the shinigamis but not sensing the reiatsu in Captain Tōsen and Captain Ichimaru."

Yato: "Ah, yes. Well..." - He paused, deep in thought, as he carefully considered how to explain the situation to Rukia without revealing his prior knowledge of the impending events. - "During my training, Urahara informed me about the rough timing of your judgment. However, the pace of events has accelerated beyond what was expected. It leads me to believe that there might be someone pulling the strings behind the scenes to ensure your execution." - Yato's voice held a note of concern, and his furrowed brow showed that he was deeply troubled by the situation.

Rukia: "So, you're saying someone is orchestrating my execution?" - Her gaze sharpened and her voice held a mix of incredulity and concern, her mind racing to grasp the implications of Yato's words.

Yato: "Exactly. It doesn't make sense for things to escalate so quickly without some external force at play." - His tone was steady, his words chosen carefully to convey the seriousness of the situation.

Rukia clenched her fists, which were now healed. Her frustration was palpable.

Rukia: "But who would want me dead this badly? And why?" - Her voice quivered with a mix of fear and frustration, the weight of the unknown pressing down on her shoulders.

Yato: "I still don't know... but it probably has something to do with the presence I sense coming from you."

Rukia: "From me? Are you talking about the reiatsu you felt from the others?" - She gazed at Yato with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity.

Yato: "...Hm, no. I sense this other presence from you, but it's not exactly reiatsu... I can't quite explain it." - He appeared lost in thought for a moment, as if searching for the right words to explain.

Sode no Shirayuki: "I knew it." - The zanpakutō spirit chimed in, her cerulean eyes reflecting a knowing look.

Rukia: "What are you talking about, Sode no Shirayuki?" - She turned her attention to Sode no Shirayuki, her expression a mixture of puzzlement and concern.

Sode no Shirayuki: "I sense... something that has been placed within your soul..." - The spirit's voice held a hint of unease as she continued. - "It's hidden, but I can't be certain what it is." - Her words carried a sense of uncertainty, underscoring the mysterious nature of the presence within Rukia.

Yato: "Another weird thing is this Aizen guy supposedly biting the dust..." - He gave Rukia a thoughtful look, as if sharing a perplexing puzzle. - "In our group, the only ones who could take on a captain and survive are Ichigo, Ishida-san and me. Hm, Maybe Tatsuki...or Chad... but I'm not sure. Anyway, if anyone in our group had gone up against a captain, it would've caused quite a stir. But here's the catch, Aizen is said to be gone without a single soul noticing or sensing any kind of ruckus." - His voice held a tinge of suspicion and concern.

Rukia: "Captain Aizen is known as one of the brightest minds in the Soul Society... I can't believe he'd be taken down like that without leaving any traces."

Yato: "So... either someone plotted against this Aizen, or he might be in the middle of it." - he speculated quickly. - "But I've only encountered two captains so far, and neither of them had this different Reiatsu within them..."

Rukia: "You met my nii-sama in the world of the living. Did you sense anything unusual?"

Yato: "His Reiatsu was sealed, and to be honest, that day I didn't pay much attention to that detail..."

Rukia found herself grappling with mixed emotions in the face of the unsettling revelations. However, Yato's reassuring gesture of placing his hands on her shoulders brought her a sense of comfort. It was as if he was silently telling her that they would find a way to resolve this predicament together.

Yato: "Look... I'll do some more digging and try to gather the information needed to get you out of the Senzaikyū as soon as possible." - he declared, his voice firm and resolute. - "Your Gigai was confiscated, right? If I can retrieve it, I can easily get you out of there."

Rukia: "My Gigai was taken to the 12th Division..." - She sighed heavily, her expression reflecting her resignation. - "But orders were given to destroy it..." - Her eyes met Yato's with a mix of hope and doubt, wondering if he could really make a difference.

Yato: "Darn it... Where can I find another Gigai around here? In the 12th Division?" - he questioned with a hint of urgency, his eyes searching for any signs of opportunity.

Rukia: "Don't go there!" - she spoke in a serious tone, her voice laced with genuine concern. - "The captain there is a mad scientist, and—"

Yato: "Oh, where's your trust in me?" - He replied playfully, but as he took those few steps back, his demeanor shifted from carefree to one of weariness. He could feel the strain weighing on him. In that moment, Rukia reacted instinctively, reaching out and holding his arms gently to prevent him from stumbling, her worry etched across her face.

Rukia: "You need to rest, Yato. You can't push yourself like this," - she said, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Yato managed a weak smile, appreciating her concern but trying to mask his exhaustion.

Yato: "I know, I know. Just a bit lightheaded, that's all," - he reassured her, his voice lacking its usual energy.

Ōkagetsu: "Don't forget, being inside the inner world isn't the same as resting," - she remarked with a sly smirk, her presence standing resolutely behind Yato. - "You're not fully recovered yet... and you used your powers to change clothes," - she said with a smirk. - "We'll figure out a plan, but for now, you need to rest."

Rukia nodded, her worry etched on her face, but she reluctantly released her grip on Yato, allowing him to steady himself.

Rukia: "Alright, but promise me you'll take it easy," she said, her concern turning into a determined plea.

Yato managed a tired but sincere nod, his usual bravado momentarily subdued by his weakened state.

Ōkagetsu gently guided Yato back towards the portal, and together, they gradually faded from the sight of the petite shinigami and her zanpakutō, Sode no Shirayuki.

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