
Dante Going Crazy!

"AAHHH! Fuck! I can't take it anymore! Can't you hatch already, Ava?! Daddy can't stand the wait!!"

Dante yelled seeing that there is no movement coming from the egg.

And yes, Dante already came up with a name for his daughter, Ava. Ava Black.

Meanwhile, Dante kept yelling in anguish that his daughter hasn't hatched yet.

"Should I speed things up a bit? That won't hurt the child, will it? No no no! What the hell are you thinking, Dante?! It'll only take a few more months for her to hatch! What's a few months to me, someone who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years?!" Dante mumbled to himself while pacing around his egg.

To understand what's going on, we have to go back in time by about… 5 minutes.

After Dante completed his tasks, he came straight back to his egg in order to wait for Ava, his daughter, to hatch.

But Dante severely underestimated his impatience. He thought that a few months would go by in the blink of an eye. Well, who knew that blinking one's eye happened so fast!?

See, Dante has never been one to wait for anything. He's someone who goes at his own pace, completely ignoring everything around him. Not just that, but Dante is always doing something. Whether it be training, cultivation, research, or even just straight-up traveling to his destination.

In his mind, there is only him and nobody else. For example, if say he wanted to buy a rare metal or material and the seller told him that he'd need to wait a few days or a few weeks to get it unless it was impossible for him to get it himself, Dante would not bother waiting.

He'd either look for a place to get whatever he needed himself, or he'd just go kill/trade with whoever had it and then go about his merry way.

And no, Dante does not consider the time it takes to search for those locations, travel to them, and retrieve said item as a waste of time. Because he has a goal in mind and not only that but he also learns a bit more about the world by doing that.

This trait of his only got worse the stronger he became. What's the use of having power if you still need to wait for things?

But now, he is almost forced to wait! Well, maybe not forced since he could speed up the flow of time around the egg, but Dante feels like that's a bit unnatural.

This is going to be the only person in both of his lives that Dante will love and provide affection to. He doesn't want a mindless drone that can only bend to his will. Nor does he want to come across as overbearing to the only person he cares about.

How could his daughter possibly love him if he enforced his will upon her?

If he were to speed up time around the egg, isn't that the same as enforcing his will upon his daughter?

At least, that's how Dante sees things.

"But who knew waiting is so excruciating?! Will I really have to endure months of this? I'd rather die!!"

Dante wailed and for the first time in his existence, almost broke down into tears.

Needless to say, Dante is in for a rough couple of months…

And soon, a day went by…

In order to take his mind off the wait, Dante started crafting. At first, it started off with simple things like stuffed animals and baby clothes.

3 days went by like this

During the past 3 days, Dante was pumping out toys and clothes like a madman. He made all types of clothes ranging from pajamas to super high-class dresses. The size of the clothes also ranged from newborn to adult!

Dante then realized that he was basically swimming in clothes and toys.

He went back to the egg to see if anything happened, but it was as quiet as always.

"How many months has it been? It should almost be time for Ava to hatch, right?" Dante muttered with an almost crazed look in his eyes.

He then checked the time and his expression froze.

"Ahaha… AhahahaHAHAHHA! 3 days? It's only been 3 days?! Why? Oh Dante(god), why have you forsaken me?! I have loved you for so long and this is how you treat me?! Ptui!"

[A/N: Dante thinks of himself as a god and sees himself above all things. So instead of the expression "Oh God!" He says "Oh Dante!"]

Dante seemed to already be on the verge of collapse waiting for this egg to hatch, but he didn't give in!

"Weapons… Weapons… That's right! My beautiful baby girl needs weapons! Right now I only have weapons that suit me or just look cool! My cute little child will definitely need all kinds of weapons in order to slay scores of enemies! Hahaha! Yes! How could I not think of this?! Ava will surely like these gifts when she hatches!"

Dante laughed like a maniac and began crafting.

A few days went by and then a week.

2 weeks

A month

2 months

Dante created every weapon that he knows with every material ranging from Low-Mortal Tier all the way up to Immortal-Tier. Not only that, but he created one for every age group. He also didn't want them to all look the same, so each weapon has a different design.

Dante didn't have to go that far since he could've just inscribed a size and weight rune on each weapon that would fit the wielder perfectly, but he didn't want to do that.

After Dante did that, he created a basement to hold all of Ava's weapons and carefully set each one of them on display, covered by a sheet of Immortal-Tier glass, to make sure baby Ava doesn't hurt herself.

Then, Dante did something a bit special to the room. He separated the weapons into their respective tiers and closed off each section.

After that, Dante started working on a set of trials that Little Ava will need to pass if she wants to get to the next tier of weapons.

This actually took a bit more time than Dante thought since it's about creativity rather than strength or ability.

Well, the prerequisite for doing something like this is strength, but the actual trials are a bit different.

He wanted to make it like those novels he read where the main character receives an inheritance, but he won't get everything immediately. He has to meet the qualifications first or pass some sort of trial.

Dante then proceeded to do that for the rest of his knowledge as well, except for anything related to combat.

Although his daughter will be similar to himself, she will be different. He can't make her practice something that isn't 100% compatible with her body. Knowing that Dante decided to wait until she was born in order to figure that out.

Nevertheless, he still created the trials for them, it's just that there won't be any rewards as of yet.

Another 3 months went by in this manner and Dante finally finished the trials he set up for all of his knowledge.

Right now it's been about 8 months since Ava's egg was created and according to Dante's calculations, she should be born around 1 month from now.

Over these last few months, if there is something that Dante wished he could feel right now, he would wish he could feel sleepy.

If Dante were still a mortal with a limited lifespan, his eyes would most likely be bloodshot and he'd have a haggard look to him. He'd also feel the need to rest as his mind would've felt like it was on overdrive, but these things don't affect Dante.

His body will always remain in perfect condition no matter what. His mind is more advanced than any advanced A.I. Not only that, but Dante can process the information of the entire Immortal Realm in an instant if he so wished.

So getting his mind and body to feel exhausted is a near-impossible feat. He still doesn't know his own limitations or if he even has any limitations.

But right about now, Dante wished he had some limitations. Instead of being exhausted, he has almost been driven crazy with the wait!

His mind only makes things worse. Dante sees the world thousands or even millions of times faster than even the strongest person beside him in the Immortal Realm. So a second to someone else might seem like a million seconds to him.

Dante walked closer to the egg with the same crazed expression he's had on his face this entire time, but the closer he got the egg, the calmer he started to feel.

He could feel the heartbeat of his daughter. Her soft breathing. Her blood flowing. Even the occasional kick or squirm.

He could feel his connection with his daughter.

Dante's face was now extremely calm and serene as he slowly walked closer to the egg.

When he reached the egg he picked it up, walked over to a nearby tree, put the egg in his lap, and just rested his head against the tree.

With his mind fully relaxed now, Dante closed his eyes. Although he still wasn't able to fall asleep, his mind was now relaxed.

A smile crept onto his face and he stayed in this position.

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