
Chapter 15

The two spend the whole 3 days in Blake's luxurious home. They had no problem, drinking tea, jacuzzi night, kissing under the moonlight, sharing wholesome words and eventually got to the thing where they said it's already official, that they're already dating.

Blake can't believe it and these pass few days she had been bossing Luther around to buy expensive roses for her crush.

While Kiki can't even stop smiling when she saw Blake's text messages to Luther.

She's really bossy.

"Hey babe". Kiki said cheekily to Blake and held her chest it's the first time she had called her crush nicknames and it's making her heart burst.

Blake walk towards Kiki with her genuine smile and hugged her so tightly while planting a soft ticklish kiss in her neck.

"call me that often please" she plead and swayed kiki's whole body in her huge bedroom, even though Blake had felt her phone buzzing she just shrugged it off because they're moment was so to die for she ignored it and carried on swaying her girl.

Dancing in Blake' s dim bedroom, Blake humming her favorite song, Kiki was hugging her tightly while closing her eyes.

'I never thought, this day would come, to me'

Kiki thought.

As the night got deeper, Kiki was now being so comfortable in Blakes arms. Blake now have felt kiki's weights kicking in, she's sleeping,she thought.

She then placed Kiki gently in their bed while putting the covers around her body she smiled before taking out her phone and snap a pic.

She crouched down to Kiki and whispered.

"Damn, I love you" and planted a kiss on her forehead, she then look again in her phone and saw text messages from a number she never thought would be contacting her again, her eyes darkened.

Text message from Arabelle

You better be working.

Blake sighed and massages her temples, what the fuck is her number popping on her phone again? After all these years she's got the skin to text me again? She thought, her eyes almost bulging out.

She didn't reply and went on to read Luther's text messages.

All about going back to work and to answer his phone calls because it was urgent.

Blake dialed Luther's number and sighed heavily. "why didn't you tell me she was back?" Blake was frustrated that she went to her bedroom balcony so that Kiki cannot hear her silent shouting.

"Wow, you're the one who's not answering my phone calls!" Luther argued.

"Damn, what the fuck mom didn't even told me about her coming back!" Blake wanted to jump off the balcony.

"Maybe your mom didn't want to ruin your years of living peacefully haha" Luther said plainly.

'' Funny Luther". Blake said. "But come on now, Blake she's still---" Luther was caught off guard when the other line was now beeping, Blake had ended the phone call, Luther didn't get to say what he wanted to say to Blake for years now, he shrugged off his shoulders and carried on playing with his phone.

Blake who has been taking a vacation in Melbourne was now texting her assistant Luther for a ticket for home next week.

She didn't want to call him because he's going to be nosy again! And she hated that!

Blake went back inside while looking at her girl, she sat down and carres her cheeks.

She hates the fact that their vacation is over, and it's time to go back to work because the witch just arrived!

Damn, She knew, she knows that Arabelle comes back home from time to time but she never thought she would come back this time! Blake just hopes that Arabelle's nasty personality would change for the better good, not being nosy anymore.

At this point her mind was aching, her whole braincells are in a nutshell!

She should've stayed in Norway! And not come back here so soon! Fuck fuck fuck!

She stood up again and went to the balcony and drank a couple of red wine.

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