
Chapter 6

"What are you doing? Get up..." She then turned around before putting her hand in her forehead and sat down. "I was joking.. Go.. Change.." And with that she stood up and walked away.

I was there, catching my breathe. I then held my forehead gosh it's hot! Am I having a fever? I sighed heavily before standing up and went to the bathroom to change.

Maybe I'm in the bathroom for more than a minute now! And shit I can't face my boss! I'm so Embarrassed!

"Get yourself together!" I slapped myself and splash a bit of water in my face and breath heavily. This is so awkward! I want to freakin' die for pete's sake!

I don't have any other freakin' plan of course I wouldn't jump off the plane right? This is going to be a long ride from London to Melbourne shit! I didn't signed up for this working and traveling with my boss, does every secretary do this? Right? Yea this is my first even job and I'm already a secretary what the fuck. I'm cursing a lot shit!

"Oh you're alive?" I heard someone say behind my back, shit I just got out from the bathroom! Was she waiting for me?!

"Oh uh, that's funny.." I laugh awkwardly while pursing a smile in my face, she's still staring at me like a hawk ready for its little prey. Literally she's tall maybe 5'11? I'm not that short okay im 5'3, she's just so tall.

"let's talk about my work" She then disappeared and I followed her to our seats, while I drank another cup of water I looked outside, such a stunning view! I smiled

"Here, you discuss it to me, I hate reading" And with that I nodded and got the papers she handed. We're sitting face to face while she's drinking in her mug I don't know if it's coffee or not but I bet its milk.

"Uh, first stop is of course the 5 star hotel in Melbourne Australia, then the next day boss is your board meeting with Gil Corporation, in there villa..." I said while she nodded

"And the next day.. There's no plans boss, if I'm not mistaken we're staying here for three days right?" I ask bluntly while she chuckled and nodded. "Oh hell yea, I'm waiting for my schedule, my Assistant is going to give it to me sooner or later" And with that her comment made me realise? As a secretary am I responsible for giving her, her schedules?

"Excuse me boss, I've been working in your company for only days and this is my first job, am I not qualified for the job? All I do is sort of the papers and make you sign all the important papers and yet I didn't sort all of your schedules? I only received it and read it all to you? "I ask, what am I even doing?

" Thats fine, I like it this way Ms. Ervann"She then smirked and close the hood in her hoodie and sighed before leaning her head in the chair, maybe she's sleeping.

I sighed and tidy up my things before heading to the bathroom and did my skincare. I need a good night's sleep.

"Wake up, we're here" I yawned while covering my mouth, the first thing I saw in the morning is her round eyes, and thick lashes, did I mention her thick brows too?

"What.. Oh!" I then stood up while fixing myself. This is embarrassing.

"Good morning boss" I smiled, she nodded and looked away. "Sorry for the informal way of greeting" She sighed and went in the other side while I'm here being a confused little dog.

"Five star hotel" I uttered while holding the papers in my hand. We're in a black SUV right now.

I looked out the window and saw the beautiful city of Melbourne Australia. I touched the windows of the cars and sighed. What a beautiful sight.

"Young Master, We've arrived" The driver said with a strong Australian accent. The man in the front seat then went outside to open My boss' door and yes, I didn't waited for them to open my Goddamn door, I'm not a filthy rich figure so I opened the door myself and got my belongings.

I then went to the other side of the car and admired the beautiful sophisticated building, I can't believe I'm staying here.

I followed my boss in the hotel, without uttering a single word.

"My suite" I heard her say to the receptionist, I look at the receptionist and she was smiling from ear to ear, tucking her other hair in the back of her hair she chuckled 'cutely' she's not cute just to be Frank. I just observed them as I waited for my room keys so that I can rest for today.

"Of course, young master!" She said sweetly while rubbing her chest in the Freakin' counter, what the actual heck?

"sure" My boss said coldly while waiting.

"And if you need any further entertainment Young master, I'm always here..."

"This is it?" I heard my boss said, I then shot my head up and saw that she was now holding one hotel door card and keys.

"Uh, what do you mean young master?" The receptionist paled.

"I have my secretary here, bring her a nice hotel suite, not the ordinary ones" Then with that she look at me and then look at the reception.

"what are you waiting for?" The receptionist got startled and push all the keyboards so fast that her nails are clicking rapidly. "My apologies young master... Here.."She bowed and sat down.

What was that? The Receptionist thought.

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