
238. Call Me Mom

"How are you there? Have you finished everything?" Dean asked Henri, who had been in Singapore for a month.

Henri said that all his plans had gone well, and now it was just a matter of waiting for the results. He also said that Adam intended to kill Jasmine's parents.

There were sudden attacks almost every day, but Uvril had a formidable guard. So that can break all attacks made by Adam quickly. 

Henri also hung up the phone after reporting everything to Dean. He began to get ready to protect Angela, who was about to attend a music event.

"Are you ready?" Angela asked Henri who was preparing his gun.

"I'm ready, Mrs. Angela," Henri answered as he stowed his gun under his coat.

"Could you not call me madam? I think that's too formal. You can call me Mom just as Dean calls me mom," Angela says and asks Henri to call her mom.

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