
Leandra Sick

"No, anything why dizzy never mind."

"Go to Hospital?"

"No, never mind, later also heal."

"Already eat?"

"Not yet, I don't want to eat. Want to sleep only."

Rigel to kitchen with quite a long time, it turns out he make porridge for Leandra.

"Eat first, I know you not yet eat realized was that right?"

"No, don't , I no lost eat."

"Little only, after this drink medicine, then you rest."

Because coercion that Leandra devoured a number of bribe porridge that .

"I bribe only."

"I just you new go home, if want to bath yes no nothing."

"You eat first, take a shower later no problem."

Finally Rigel waiting until Leandra wants eat and he give drug sick head to Leandra.

"Medicine what this?"

"That drug for dizzy you, I hope with this also heal."

Leandra complied what to say by Rigel. She drink drug the and return rest her body .

"Already now you rest only if there is anything call yes. I want to take a bath first."

Leandra nodded his head. She often sick head as this no without because, she will sick head when many once thought.

After Rigel take a shower, he see Leandra who already asleep sound asleep. He hold Leandra's forehead.

"Why hot this way."

Quick Rigel compressing Leandra, her body so hot but Leandra still asleep .

After the heat subsided, Rigel also rest her body .

Moment morning day arrived, Leandra indeed already no hot will but still a little dizzy .

"Why I compressed?" Leandra realized if he compressed because there is towel small on her forehead.

"Your body overnight hot really, have to I compress."

"Why I dont know?"

"You sleep where know, now already no hot right? "

Leandra shook his head . She want stand up however his head still dizzy .

"Want to where ?"

"I want to get ready to hospital."

" No, I dont need. what are you doing go, Already at home only."

"But I should research, Rigel ."

"You want to more dizzy, right? No. Already obedient just at home later I allow it."

Leandra obeys follow Rigel back. She lying on top the place sleep, the phone is the same once no he touch because the more dizzy if play it.

"Eat before yes, this the cure also drink."

"Thank you, I'm sorry bother again."

"Never mind, I'm your husband no one else."

"Yes, but I don't nice only."

"If it hurts increase contact I just yes, let later I home."

"Yes , thank you."

"I go before yes."

"Be careful."

Rigel answer with voice clear breath course.

Leandra still staring breakfast morning the with medicine on the side.

It feels like he lazy very for eat especially drink medicine, however again what he think is Rigel. He dont want to burden his life Keep going continuously.

Leandra insists herself for eat and drink medicine .


The cell phone ring hard once, with lazy he take cell phone for answer calling phone . Calling the originated from Her mother alone .

"Yes, Mom?"

["How come his voice different like this?"]

"No why, why Mom?"

["You are fine? You why?"]

"Yes, Lea is fine, just this dizzy just why Mom."

["Already breakfast?"]

"Yes, already same drink the cure also already Mom."

["Or perhaps Mom want to could grandchild yes?"]

"No, Mom, this there is what Mom call Lea?"

["Mom, suddenly miss you, it turns out you again sick. Mom to there how?"]

"Waa, don't, no anything why mom, later also dizzy heal."

["You thinking what dear? Certainly there is a lot of you think until dizzy this way."]

"Lea too no know Mom."

["Yes already now more good you rest just sleep. After that drink milk yes dear."]

"Yes, Mom, thank you, love."

Calling phone ends. Leandra's cell phone is placed back on top table. She to sleep himself, with method sleep he will a little relieve pain on his head.

In the morning, 08.15 AM

Alcie see to right DNA to left, view to outside room not yet also find his current best friend this currently sick.

Rigel arrived hospital and quick enter the place college student study gather. Reasonable startling because his presence that.

Get in touch Alcie be at the forefront so Rigel doesn't need hard-hard call him.

"Leandra is sick today, allow me she yes. "

Rigel said to the nurse who was there, then Thing that make curious everything except Alcie.

"Why can Doctor Rigel know?" ask nurse with college student study that.

"She mom meet me, we happen to live on the same complex."

"Oh thank goodness only one complex."

sound relieved they hear statement that is not actually from Rigel.

"What's wrong?"

"No, anything sir scared just suddenly doctor Live with Leandra like that."

Rigel looks still calm will but Alcie no. She quick reach cell phone and contact Leandra. Day at home sick without Leandra it's good quiet. No there is friend story as good as Leandra. How lucky he still together Renza .

Rigel is in room personal, cell phone hers moment that ring quick he answer because that from Leandra 's mother .

"Yes, Mom?"

[" Are you busy, Rigel?"]

"Oh no, why mom?"

["Leandra is sick?"]

"Yes mom, sorry because not yet had time said. Leandra already say yes same MoM?"

["No, coincidence just Mom miss it turns out he sick. here want Rigel, that Leandra often dizzy if too many once he think although that trifles."]

"So he there is sick mom?"

["Mom not yet check it out so go on , just just he often sigh so. Try you ask just slowly possible he want to story, oh yeah tell he rest just and make milk warm for her yes."]

"Yes, Mom, ready. Later maybe Rigel come home fast."

["Oh Thank you, Rigel , sorry Mom trouble you."]

"No, nothing, thank you thank you ma'am already love know."

After calling that over, Rigel soon complete her job. He still should check patients who have timetable take care road. Lucky just day this no there is an surgery.

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