

Bell rang at exactly 7:35 a.m. It signaled the uniformed students to get to their classes. The hall was filled with loud chatters and hurrying foots. Everyone wanted to get to their classrooms before the second bell rang. But many others continued their conversations. Not budging until they were done.

"Hold up!" a short kid shouted behind the two teenage boys. He also wore a uniform but without the jacket and scrambled his way through the busy crowded hall. He was hurriedly trying to catch up with Ceilo.

"Hold up, Deimos" short kid repeated from behind.

The two boys in front had not heard him due to the chaotic hall. So, he repeated himself to make sure they heard him.

He bumped into Ceilo, startled, jumped backwards in fear of the action he had committed, and tried to explain himself while apologizing for what he had done.

"How what how?! I - I'm soo sorry" The short kid uttered in panic, while bowing.

Everyone froze. Both the ones attending to their class and the ones chattering. All froze and stared at what was happening

"Omg I can't believe you touched him." One kid said.

"Your done for." Another added.

The terrified kid was still in shock. He got up and tried very hard to explain himself. Stuttering and sweating. He knew his life was over. Everyone knew.

"Everyone scatter. There's nothing important or entertaining to see here." Deimos ordered

"Go back to your conversations and destinations" He finished.

Everyone returned to what they were previously doing.

Those who were heading to class, continued their way to their classrooms. While those who were still talking with their friends continued their conversations.

They all followed his command.

For a brief period of time.

Ceilo started walking towards the panicked short boy.

Everyone stopped again. Frozen again, they turned their heads towards Ceilo and began to watch once again. Confused, curious, and interested.

They were waiting to see what would happen next. So, they gazed and did not turn away.

As Ceilo made his way towards the short boy, began to shake. His nerves were uncontrollable. He could not stop shaking. His body was no longer in his control.

He wanted to run, but could not move his feet. Frozen.

He wanted to talk, but could not move his lips.

He was afraid.

So much fear consumed him. So much that his brain could no longer function properly.

He did not know what to do.

Just as Ceilo lifted his hand, Deimos intersected and stopped him.

"Stop Ceilo. It was only an accident." Deimos explained, as he blocked Cielos' way.

Ceilo stopped and stared at Deimos.

His hands now down, he turned around and walked away from the short boy and Deimos.

He continued to make his way towards class.

As he headed to class, everyone made way for him. Creating a path to his destination. Like a CEO of a company coming in on his day to work. Deimos followed behind him. They were both in the same class.

After their presence was erased from the hallways, everyone continued to previous duties.


After 5 long hours of rotating from one class to the other. It was finally time for a lunch break. Students stared at the clock. It felt like the longest minutes of their lives. The ticking of the clock grew louder and louder as the break got closer. It was like a ticking bomb. Waiting to explode the exasperated students out of their misery. Lecturers speed up their lectures to try and end it with a good note. But as soon as the clock hit 11:00 am. Every student jumped out of their chairs, grabbed their belongings, and hurriedly made their way out the door.

"Make sure to get pages 100-200 down. With good annotations. We will be discussing and writing essays on it tomorrow." Teacher shouted towards the sprinting students.

Students ran out the class slid through the hallways and out the doors. They looked like animals that had escaped from the zoo. The once empty and silent hallways began to fill with noisy chatters. Some scattered towards the cafeteria while others headed outside. It was a 1 hour and 45 minutes break.

Everyone was excited for it. This was the time of the day that they enjoyed the most.

Ceilo and Deimos walked out of their classroom and headed towards the cafeteria.

As they made their way to the cafeteria tables, a ball flew right by Ceilo's head.

It almost hit his head. As it flew, you could almost feel the breeze of its high-speed frequency. It felt like it was purposely thrown at him. Whoever threw it, meant to hurt him with it.

A group of young thug wanna-bees came towards them and began to mock them

"I was going for your face but sadly missed. Aren't you a lucky one," One said.

"Try that again. Let's see how lucky he really is." The other mocked.

Another ball flew towards them. This time right towards their face but Ceilo easily dodged it.

Anger contaminated the thug wanna-bees' face.

"You think you're cool, huh? Do you not know who we are?" the, now furious, thugs angrily inquired.

They were five. Five of the most feared thugs in the school. Making other students suffer was their joy.

They liked to see others in pain. And loved to be the cause of the pain.

The staffs and faculty members, did not do any to try to stop them.

They could not.

Many of the students who had attended this school knew how to fight and they did not listen to adults.

The school was also an old school, so the principal and staff members did not care about discipling the students.

Whomever wanted to fight, fought and whoever wanted to cause chaos, created chaos. Without any punishments.

All five of the thugs surrounded Ceilo. They all tried to fight him. Throwing punches from one side to the other, fast and strong, right at him. But Ceilo blocked them all. He didn't throw any punches. He just blocked them. He made them look like fools.

Many students spectated.

Time froze. Ceilo realized that he can end this fight on a devastating note

The scene before him went through a plan in slow motion in his mind. First, Ceilo will distract the fighter. Then, he will employ a series of rapid-fire attacks to discombobulate and disarm his opponents, rendering them unable to fight for at least six months. All the while, the predicted fight occurred in slow-motion in his mind.

Back to reality. The fight plays out exactly as Ceilo predicted it, but this time, in the proper time frame. It lasted for mere seconds before the thugs stopped. They were badly beaten and were no longer in a physical and mental state to continue.

They had to stop fighting before they end up immobilized. The horror of the worst things Ceilo was capable of doing to them flashed through their heads.

They were horrified.

The thugs limped away furiously as they shouted in anger, "we'll remember this day. And we'll definitely remember you two!"

"What a bunch of fools." Deimos said.

Bell rang and everyone hovered backed to their classes. By the end of the day. Everyone was talking about what had happened.

How embarrassing it was to see the tough kids at school get schooled by one guy. Many were already aware of how strong he was. But he never picked a fight with anyone. He had never hit a person before. All the fights he was in. Always ended with the other party leaving angrily with injuries.

Sorry for the late update. I had a family emergency to tend to.

Aeononcreators' thoughts
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