
Chapter 8 - Consuming the Dragon

But before going to the dragon, I decided to fulfill one of my old ideas and absorb the soul of a real phoenix. Finding the location of the phoenixes wasn't difficult. I found out that they live mainly in China and India. In terms of strength, they are not so strong. Their main advantage is almost complete indestructibility.

In terms of strength, ordinary phoenixes were equal to demons with four to six wings. The strongest representatives of the phoenixes were equal to the twelve-winged demons. In general, nothing dangerous for me.

After poking around for a couple of days in China, I still found one rather large flock of phoenixes in one mountain range. The strongest phoenix was weaker than me, but not by much. But these phoenixes were not very dangerous to me.

I just flew at full speed towards the strongest, simultaneously forming a concentrated spear of darkness in my hand. Flying up, I stuck it into the phoenix, and before it had time to regenerate, I simply absorbed its soul, before that I pulled it out with the help of the Holy Grail. I saw that her digestion would only last 6 hours, so I just caught all the other phoenixes in a net from the darkness and waited. After 6 hours, I absorbed the soul of the next one and waited again, only this time less.

Three days later, I absorbed the souls of the remaining 72 phoenixes and traveled to Kuo. I already knew exactly where Issei's house was, so I calmly found it and went inside, under invisibility of course.

It was now about one in the morning, so nothing bothered me. After going to Issei's room, I stood in front of his bed and focused on my absorption power. But I didn't point it at Issei, but at what was inside him. A Boost Gear with the Soul of the Dragon Emperor. Absorption was even somehow ordinary. But the time of digestion told me that everything was still successful. Exactly 689 days before the end of digestion, that is, digestion will end about a month before the canon. Ideally. I even have time to get used to the new forces.

Well, now I was waiting for the routine. I taught Tosca magic again, and tried to create new spells. In addition, I now had a reserve of elemental energy that I could weave into my spells.

But unlike in the past, now my pastime has become a little richer. Now I sometimes went on raids on fallen angels and wild demons. Also, Tosca and I began to visit our favorite cafe in Rome more often. And there we could meet Xenovia and Irina, who we could always talk to nicely. Our relationship with Tosca also progressed fairly quickly. But we haven't had sex yet. I figured we were still too young for that, so we'll wait until about the beginning of canon with this.

And so my days went on, until I found the ritual for extracting the sacred gears. The Fallen hid it well, but you can't hide anything from me. And when I found it, I could even improve it a little. Now, at the cost of the soul of the former owner, the sacred mechanism adapts to the new one and there are almost no problems with its use.

I even found a few Sacred Gears that I could graft onto my allies:

1. The Poison Spirit is a Sacred Gear capable of creating and manipulating poisons. Its strength depends on the amount of poisons it has absorbed.

2. Spear of darkness - a spear that enhances the magic of darkness and attack power. Its strength depends on mastery in the magic of darkness and the amount of mana.

3. Crown of clarity - increases learning, reaction and speed of thought. It also grants a sixth sense, which can be used to sense danger. Strength increases gradually

4. Bloodsucker - a sword that becomes stronger by drawing blood from its owner and his victims.

5. Armor of Light - A unique armor-shaped barrier that fully protects the wearer of the mechanism. Strength depends on the quantity and quality of energy.

6. Hawk wings - wings that allow you to fly very fast, and improve speed and reaction. Strength depends on the physical fitness of the owner

7. The Essence of Air is a Sacred Gear that allows you to directly control the air and enhance air attacks. Depends on the quantity and quality of energy.

I have already captured the owners of all these mechanisms and placed them in an artificial coma. Now I thought to whom which mechanism is more suitable.

But most likely I will give Tosca the strongest of these mechanisms - the Crown of Clarity. Mae is most suited to the spear of darkness. I will give Alex the Armor of Light, Adam the Wings of the Hawk, Kristina the essence of air, and Cyril the Bloodsucker.

The spirit of the poison will remain with me, although I don't really need it, it's more suitable as a way to develop invulnerability to all existing poisons. But I will absorb it with my ability when it recharges. This ritual will also justify all my other abilities.

Two weeks later, I began the rituals by which I transferred all the Sacred Gears to my allies. With the crown of clarity, Longing will become even stronger. Already, she is at the level of an eight-winged angel in strength. With her barrier, she would be able to temporarily block even Ten-winged attacks. In the future, she will become so strong that with the help of a barrier she can withstand attack by the strongest of the living. Her primordial Sacred Gear is quite simple - it increases defense with every kind of protective barrier Tosca can create. And of course, the more mana, the better the defense.

Due to the strengthening of my allies, I decided not to go hunting for now and start training my friends. But the training itself did not take me much time, and it was quite boring, so I decided to find a hobby for myself. And they, of course, became reading manga and various books. But only when I started looking for interesting works, I realized that in this world there is simply not a single book or manga from my world.

And that gave me one brilliant idea. Due to the great value of the mind characteristic, my memory became almost absolute and I could remember all the books that I had read in my past world.

I first decided to release books that were hugely popular in my past world and almost became classics. These were Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and A Song of Ice and Fire. And after the release of these works, they immediately became very popular. The reason for this was not only the quality of the books themselves, but also the widespread advertising that I ordered with the money that I had accumulated over the years of extermination of all evil spirits.

After such success, I decided to remember all the books that became popular in my past life. And he released twelve books at once: The Little Prince, The Da Vinci Code, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, War and Peace, Gone with the Wind, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , The Count of Monte Cristo, Crime and Punishment, The Godfather, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Green Mile. (P.A. I read most of these books, and took two simply from the top of the best books in the world, but in fact all these books are popular and almost everyone should know them)

Most of these books have also been huge successes, some more and some less. I wrote all the books under the pseudonym Darkness, and didn't hide my face much. Of course, my portrait was not in open sources, but if desired, it could be easily found.

My works literally stirred up the world community, they all gained such popularity that I was already called the best writer in the world. And I even felt a little embarrassed because I didn't write all this. But I still continued to transfer the books of famous authors of my world to this one.

Next I decided to rewrite all the books of certain authors that I know at all. I started with Stephen King, then Arthur Conan Doyle, Alexander Dumas, Jules Verne, William Shakespeare, HG Wells, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Victor Hugo, Ivan Goncharov, Howard Phillips Lovecraft. I just went into a rage and for several weeks in a row, almost without distraction, wrote everything that I even remembered. In the end, I only wrote sixty-three books, which was all the books by these authors that I read and liked in one way or another. After that, I decided to release about one book a week.

But after I finished writing the books, I wanted to release a manga as well. But here things were more complicated, so I hired a team of professional artists and manga artists to help. Thanks to my already known name, it was very easy for me to do this.

I decided to release the most classics from the beginning, and these were Naruto, Bleach, Gintama and Fairy Tail. They were quite large and sold in my past world. But drawing manga turned out to be much more difficult than I thought. Despite famous artists and manga artists, I had to tell them all what each character, location or item looked like. And although it was easier than drawing everything by hand, it still took a lot of time and nerves.

After writing several volumes, I also began to draw other well-known works: Fullmetal Alchemist, Gantz, Toriko, Bakuman, Killer Tutor Reborn, Warrior Beauty Sailor Moon, Death Note, "Tokyo Ghoul", "The Promised Neverland", "Mages: Labyrinth of Magic", "Assassin Class" and a few more.

After that, I slowly began to reduce the number of assistants until I was left alone. My manga drawing skills were already good enough to do everything by myself. Manga I was releasing more slowly, but there were several volumes per month.

After some time, I almost finished all my work, and decided to check what I had wanted for a long time. Namely, find the ancestral mansion of the House of Gaap and see if I can enter it.

I decided to go on this business alone, because hell was too dangerous a place for my friends. I immediately teleported to the territory that used to belong to the Gaap clan, and now, with the exception of the family mansion itself, the entire territory belonged to Lucifer

After looking around and realizing exactly where the mansion was, I went towards it. Surprisingly, I didn't encounter a single demon along the way. Apparently, this area was not even guarded. But when I almost reached the mansion, I realized why there were no guards here. Around the mansion there was a huge barrier working on the magic of space. Right in the air, various portals and mini black holes sometimes opened, and invisible threads made with the help of spatial magic flew through the air.

The barrier was so good that even Lucifer could not just break through it. Most likely, it would have simply been sprayed across the universe, and no amount of regeneration would have helped.

But as soon as I got close, I didn't even need to use space magic, because the barrier itself opened a path for me leading inside.

And there I was waiting for a huge and majestic mansion, to match the demonic kind. And surprisingly, it looked like no one had ever left. The absolute purity and novelty of things immediately caught my eye. And despite the fact that all the things were clearly not made in our century, they looked like they were made only yesterday.

After examining the entire mansion, I came to the conclusion that there really is no one here, and all the artifacts, including the one that controls the barrier, obey me. There are only two rooms left in the mansion that I have not yet visited - this is the treasury and the library.

And first I went to the treasury. The entrance to it was a huge, about five meters, completely golden door, which was also enchanted. As soon as I touched it, it was like a light breeze washed over me, and the door opened.

"Th-this is… just…too…" I said softly as I entered the room and saw its contents. There was a huge amount of all kinds of gold coins from different eras, precious stones and artifacts. The whole room was about five hundred square meters in size, that is, it alone occupied about a quarter of the entire mansion.

But there was something about this room that particularly hooked me. In the corner stood several small pedestals with various objects on them. Coming closer, I saw the objects themselves and was even more surprised than at the entrance to the treasury.

"Muramasa Blade, Masamune Blade, Caladbolg, Hrunting, Clayom Solas…" I read the names of each sword that was on the pedestal and got more and more fucked up. These are the legendary swords, the power of which is almost equal to the Sacred Gears.

On the next pedestal was a book called Gaap. Judging by the fact that it was kept in a treasury and was covered with many protective barriers, it was something very important for the Gaap family.

And on the last pedestal lay an expensive ring. The pedestal itself, unlike the others, was scratched and covered with cracks, but I clearly saw the inscription "Ring of the head of the Gaap clan" on it.

Well, without thinking twice, I just took the ring and put it on my hand.

- Aaaaaaaaaa ... - I screamed from the strongest pain that I felt as soon as I put on the ring. My magic channels seemed to go berserk, trying to absorb the endless demonic energy that was coming out of the ring. This went on for about another five minutes, but for me those minutes were an eternity.

- What the hell was that? The damn ring somehow affected me. But it was some kind of amplification, we need to check it, - I said when I caught my breath and opened the status.

Name: Daniel Gaap Darkness

Races: Fallen Angel (10 wings); Phoenix; The highest demon, the head of the Gaap clan (12 wings).

Sacred Gears: Eye of Insight; Sizzling anthem; holy grail


Mana: 357800/357800/17300 per hour

Prana: 182680/182680/9134 per hour

Mental energy: 456640/456640/22832 per hour

Soul Energy: 269360/269360/13468 per hour

Demonic Energy: 1159900/1159900/63840 per hour

Divine Energy: 58740/58740/2750 per hour

Elemental Energy: 378000/378000/126980 per hour


Body: 4567

Intelligence: 11416

Soul: 6734

I have greatly increased the amount of demonic energy and increased the number of wings. Also, the vampire race disappeared from me, which is very strange, but even useful, because this race was of no use. Also, due to phoenixes, elemental energy appeared in me. But the ring itself still strengthened me quite a lot.

I wonder if every demonic kind has this, or just mine? Although I doubt that everyone has it. If that were the case, the demons would have been the strongest faction in the world for a long time. Most likely, this kind of Gaap was able to somehow make such an artifact for reinforcement, and most likely I absorbed much more than ordinary demons, due to my nature.

I also checked the libraries, where there were many books about various demonic families, history, magic, and most importantly, the use of space magic.

But all these books paled in comparison with the one that I found in the treasury, it revealed research on the magic of space of all generations of the Gaap family, in which the magic of moving between worlds was even touched upon. Perhaps all members of the Gaap clan did not die at all during the experiment, but simply moved to another world. Either way, the truth is never known.

After that, I moved into this mansion, along with some of my friends, in particular Maya, Tosca, Kristina and Kirill. I also decided to recruit some servants, starting with choosing a butler.

And it turned out to be hard, but in the most unexpected place I found a suitable demon. His name was Silver and he was an old man with an interesting history.

Silver was a demon who personally participated in the great war of the three factions, being a lesser demon. But for all the time of his life, he could only reach the top level of the power of an average demon. He could have lived quietly until his death if his grandson had not offended the young master of one of the demonic families, because of which his entire family was slaughtered, and he himself was forever locked in a dungeon.

I found him, gave him strength and purpose in life. I bestowed upon him a rather strong Sacred Gear, the Ax of the God of War, which enhances attacks, general physical strength, and is able to control his weight. With its help, he is able to break through very strong defenses. But the main reason for his service to me was that I revived his granddaughter, whom he loved much more than all the rest of his family.

After that, Silver began to serve me and my family. It was to him that I instructed to recruit a staff of maids, and it was precisely from the same people as himself, that is, from those demons who are in despair and no longer hope for any help.

For all these cases, almost all the time that took the digestion of Ddraig's soul had already passed, and only a couple of days were left before its completion.

And in these couple of days, I prepared the most protected room in the estate, which was protected by Maya and Tosca, who had almost reached the strength of twelve-winged angels.

And so, when the time finally came, I lay down on the bed and began to read off the time until the end. Only a couple of seconds left and I will finally become strong. It was with these thoughts that I passed out, after a small flash of pain.

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