


I went up the ring for the fifth time when the bell rang, and Cassy was the one who climbed up after me. I watched as she leisurely walked in front of me with her eyes not leaving me. I smiled inside.

"She's trying to read me, but she wouldn't get any. I'm trained to conceal my emotions that could give any hint to my enemies. My father was thinking ahead as he trained me as well as my brother. He thinks about what would happen once we were facing danger, and one of them is to conceal our emotions when we are facing our enemy.

If you are scared, make sure you didn't show it or they will use it against you. If you can read their movements, hide them or they will think of a new tactic to use against you. If you are sure that you're going to win, make sure not to lower your defense, because they might be hiding something that could defeat you.  Always wear your face void of emotion when you're in front of your enemy. Those are some of my father's words, and I always live them.

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