
Are You Afraid?

"What's the feather for?" I felt weird for him to do such a thing while introducing himself. It was funny actually, and that was why I had to ask.

"It's the prime feather of the flying Gorgons, one of the fiercest foes I ever met in my apocalyptic trial," he said, and from his weird words I could tell one thing.

That dude wasn't part of my apocalypse, and that meant his stats were much higher than mine!

"Are you afraid?" He seemed to do it on purpose, giving such hints about his origins.

"If I want you all dead, all I need to do is snap my fingers," I laughed, while answering without any speck of worry.

I wasn't lying or trying to put a strong front here. In my chariot, no matter who was here, he or she would get their asses kicked if they tried something funny.

And if they got outside my chariot, they'd end up having lots of dangers waiting for them. Surviving wasn't guaranteed, and they'd lose their lives in less than one minute.

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