
The God Of Contracts

I calmed myself down first and thought about different ways to handle such a situation. If there was such a deadly way to detonate the entire zone, then that meant there were explosive things scattered across the twenty entrapped races worlds, the ten controlling worlds, and the thousand pocket worlds.

I didn't care at all about the pocket worlds or the controlling worlds. But the twenty races' worlds shouldn't be allowed to be touched.

They were going to be my spoils of war. Not to mention these worlds were a safe place for me and my forces in the face of such an overwhelming attack.

"If others manage to do it, then why can't I do it as well?" I kept telling myself this in an attempt to find a way to solve this problem.

"That means I'd never allow them to use the last defensive layer until I'll join the worlds' wars and see what they know about such a thing."

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