

Everything I could see around the buildings here was filled with such rich green colour. It would be a nice play to live in, but that would be for another time.

As for now, I just landed my chariot in the middle of a group of ancient looking buildings, with one in the middle that gave me a roman empire feeling.

It had many columns and a big dome in its upper part. It must be something iconic for this place, something that lost its significance since the start of the apocalypse.

"Come," I called forth a few dragons of mine, "go over there and look for the leaders of the group of humans fighting here. I want to meet with them, so bring them on your backs and make sure they stay away from harm."

"Roar!" My dragons could speak if they wanted to, but it seemed they loved to roar instead of using human tongue. I watched them fly away towards the direction of the ongoing violent clashes while being lost in thought.

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