

He smiled and Roshan quickly took over by introducing himself:

The names are Prince Roshan Ares Druk Morgan Kai over there is my little sister Princess Reanna and like you we have two mothers. One is the New-Adam and the other an Eve. They both gave birth to us. We are Hybrids." Roshan smiled and his sister who was standing at the far end added:

"Just like you!" The remark was meant to emphasize how normal it was for people like his mothers and like himself to have children with partners of the same sex. Even though it sounded as if they intended to ridicule Arian who was giving them a hard time about accepting his identity. Reanna was the most riled out of everyone after she heard from Stormie how he is in denial of his identity as a New-Eve. Ignoring her remark Arian just smiled at her and look into the crowd for the next person to introduce themselves. Kovu and Kona waved at Arian and he just scoffed saying:

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