
A demon in the east

GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! The samurais screamed in agony, their blood smattering like splashed water. Thud! Thud! The demon woman leaped from the ground to the house wall slicing one of the samurais' heads off.

"Hehe! Seeing you cry in despair like that, your sacrifice has been in vain." The woman growled with a slight giggle, and her severed arm quickly regenerated.

One of the samurais pulled his bow from his back and took a shot. Cling! Swinging her arm, she deflected the arrow away revealing her power. Her hands turned into mantis-like blades, her skin got covered in green scales as her eyes grew larger.

"She is the real demon, she had us earlier. Kill her!" One of the samurais shouted holding his blade straight, he took a deep breath and rushed ahead. The woman leaped at him with a swing but he deflected the attack.

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