
Cursed Blade

Alice kept straining herself, no matter how much power she put in, the holy magic was too unstable to form a blade. For a moment, she thought she couldn't conjure an angel weapon, which was exclusive to them. This will only prove that Ariel was right and holy magic and curse magic are different by implying that the holy magic Alice is using is defective or unrefined.

"Fine, if holy magic won't do…" Alice growled, her whole holy magic disappeared and only the curse magic.

Ariel leaped away as she felt the pulse of cursed magic, the fine hair on her skin stood. That sight reminded her of the old war, she instinctively took a fighting stance.

A dark lump of cursed magic was slowly forming in Alice's palm. The more cursed magic that Alice released, the more worried Ariel got. She didn't expect Alice to reach that point, she genuinely didn't expect to pull that.

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