
A dangerous quest!

The group went looking for the basilisk nest, it should be close as the parents usually don't leave their eggs unguarded!

Just like crocodiles, basilisks bury their egg in cold sand or mud until they hatch!

Just going through bushes and grass, looking for an area that seems to have been dug out. Even after looking for about an hour, they were able to find none, they were about to give up as Alice started to get exhausted.

"I give up, they're nowhere to be seen! I wish Sylph was here to help!" Cain unintentionally said, he quickly realized what he just said and stopped talking.

"Who's Sylph?" Alice asked, she was too close to him.

"An old friend, their ability was amazing for locating things!" Cain was grateful that humans can hardly distinguish elvish names! God knows what the girls might do if they knew she was a girl!

"An old friend...huh?" Alice got a bit suspicious yet she kept silent, there wasn't any base for her concerns.

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