
Chapter Two: Surprise Party

And there he was. Standing, as though he was a broken animal, extending his hand, bloody and disfigured now, out to her as though he was seeking her help yet knowing there was simply nothing she could do to save him. Did he have something to do with the fight that was currently taking place?

" Jack?" She gasped at the sheer sight of him. Why was he here? What was going on? Was he the one who was causing the loud noises? All of these questions are ones that Kara could never simply know, all she did know, was that she had to go to him. She had to make sure that he was okay. That he was safe. Even though in this moment, she wasnt entirely sure that she herself was safe. He knew her name, which means he had noticed her. And Kara would not let him see her as a coward in this moment. Despite how terrified she might be.

Kara began taking steps foward towards Jack. But after only a few steps, she heard what seemed like a loud growl of sorts. It resembled something that would come from a large dog or maybe a bear. This startled Kara and made her back away from cautioun. She couldn't help Jack if she was dead. But what about Jack? What if he gets hurt? Whatever the source of the growl was, would be putting Jack in danger as well..

And without warning, Kara watched the large dark animalistic figure with thick black fur jump out from behind the hedges that separated the yards, and latch its oversized jaws and razor sharp, pearl colored teeth deep into Jack's neck, throwing him to the ground with ease. Kara had never seen such brutality and wasn't sure what to do. What could she do? Whatever this was, could easily kill her without a second thought.

Kara, was in complete shock, trapped within the moment. She felt so helpless. What could she do? What was she even seeing? Could any of this be real? " No!" Kara screams.

" This has to be a nightmare" Kara thinks to herself, trying to gather the courage to face her nightmare as she rushes to the aid of Jack after picking up a piece of asphalt from the crumbling street beside her. She wasn't sure what she could do but she knew she had to do something. Even if she was going to die, she had to get this creature away from Jack.

And without thinking, Kara crashed the piece of street into the large creatures back with all the strength that she could muster. A loud thud could be heard when the road colliding with the back of the creature but she felt no give. It was almost as if it didn't affect it whatsoever. Her attack was pointless in the end, and Kara could see her life flashing before her eyes.

The creature, without loosening its grip around Jack's throat, turns back slowly to Kara and this is when Kara could finally decipher the creatures identity. It was a large Black Furred Wolf. With deep and bright Golden eyes that almost looked similar to a solar Eclipse with giant black circles embracing the golden rings surrounding it.

" Let...let him go you freaking mongral" Kara yelped as she stared into its eyes, trying her best to not show her fear though deep inside, Kara had never been more terrified of anything in her life than this creature. This by far, was no normal wolf. It had to be at least 5 times the size of any wolf she had ever seen. It was Power, it was unforgiving, it was scared of nothing, and seemed all too proud of its Kill.

Kara stared into its eyes for what felt like hours, waiting for it to do something. Anything. But it refused to loosen its grip.It seemed almost completely unphased by her attack as well which left her disheartened.

Kara refused to look too far down though. She could not bare the sight of the carnage this monster had wreaked with its mouth. She could not bare the sight of what had become of Jack. And whilst it seemed far too long had passed, the creature with the golden eyes, finally dropped its prey and turned its attention to Kara who froze in place. So much so, she had not realized she dropped her weapon in fear of what it was planning to do with her now. She had attacked it, she had disturbed its kill, and that would mean she would surely be it's next meal.

Though it's voice was deep and slightly more dog - like, the beast spoke to her." You are the most frustrating girl on the planet, you know that?" The creature spoke in what sounded like almost perfect English to her.

This left Kara speechless. This creature could talk? In perfect English? How could this be? Is this a Demon of some sort? What in the world is she even looking at?

" Why..why would you do that..why would you do that to my friend..to..Jack.." Kara muttered out. This is all she could manage even though she felt hopeless in expecting any sort of logical reason coming from the creature. She had just watched this..thing attack Jack without any reason. Shouldn't this thing be in the woods or something? This was a suburban neighborhood and definitely did not belong here whatsoever. The only K-9's Kara had encountered here was the undersized dogs that her neighbors had owned.

" Because he was going to kill you if I had not intervened. And I would like to add, he was not your friend. You two never really spoke more than a couple of words to each other in passing. So don't act like you two had some special type of friendship or some thing! "

This snapped Kara back into reality at the sheer audacity of the creature. Kara was offended by his words, and in a sudden burst of anger she responded " What the hell do you know? How would you know? You don't know me. You don't know him. What the hell is wrong with you? Jack was not trying to hurt me. He was probably trying to save me From your crazy ass before you killed him!"

Her confidence was bursting out of her and she could not stop even though she knew speaking in this tone could very well cost her, her life. Though she was already this far in and couldn't go back. " Might as well speak my mind" She thought to herself.

" Sure. Okay. Do you even know who Jack really is? Because I would highly doubt that you do. I would highly doubt that you even know or could comprehend what he is capable of " The wolf looks down to Jack's face, his eyes still open and his neck looking rather broken. And this beast seemed to take some kind of a sick pride in that, which only made Kara even more upset.

" If you don't want to believe me, then perhaps you should check his mouth. He isn't even human. He is a vampire. He was going to kill you if I had not stopped him. He tried to attack you before but I stopped him. " The creature snaps at Kara who refuses to look down at Jack's body. There is no way her gut could stomach the sight of him. Though the Beast's words did get Kara thinking. " Could he be referring to the sounds I heard earlier? " But Kara shook off the thoughts. There was no way he was telling the truth and had no intention of checking Jack's mouth.

" What the hell are you talking about? There are no such things as vampires except in movies. And even then, they are super cheesy " Kara responds to the Beast who rolls his eyes at her in annoyance.

" Look, I don't really have the time to explain all this to you. And you are not going to believe me either way, So Why don't you just go Home and tell your mother that the time has come for you to come home. The Underworld awaits" he snarls at her which makes Kara take a few steps back.

" M..mom? " Kara continues backing away. " How do you know my mother? And what do you mean, The Underworld Awaits? " Kara is more confused than ever. How could this creature possibly know her mother? What did he mean by ' come home'. None of this made any sense but she knew she needed to get home. She couldn't stand here with this creature and maybe if she got back home she could call the police and report what happened to Jack. "Like I said, Go home and tell your mother what I said. See if you believe me after that.." The Beast barks at her, making it all to clear that she needed to get moving.

Kara begins running home as fast as she could, bursting through the front door of her home, where she finds the house completely dark.She knew her Mother would be home and couldn't understand why the lights are off. Kara stumbled her way through the hallway calling out for her mother. But there was no reply. The house was dead silent. That was until she reaches the Kitchen " Thwick" the sound of a light switch flips on and Kara is blinding by the kitchen light " SURPRISE" a few dozen voices scream loudly.

It's the birthday party, Kara completely forgot about it as her mother walks up to her and takes her by the hand and brings her over to a huge cake she has pre-made for Kara which read " Happy 18th birthday" in giant purple lettering.

" Its chocolate so don't worry, I know it's your favorite" Her mother smiled happily as she pulled out a knife and placed it in Kara's hands. " Mom..we need to talk..we have to call- " Kara is interested by a few cheers to cut the cake which only frustrates Kara. But every single time she tries to speak, she finds herself being cutoff by a neighbor

" MOM..WE HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE" Kara finally screams, which came out alot louder than she had originally intended for it to be.But at least it got the attention of everyone in the room.

Everyone at the party just stopped and stared in complete astonishment at the words that just left from Kara's lips. Kara's mother took Kara by the hand and pulled her away from the kitchen and upstairs away from the party where they stood in the dark hallway, directly beside Kara's door.

" Honey what are you talking about? " Her mother asked, deeply concerned for her child's stress. " Mom..I just watched one of my friends get mauled by...by..like..a thing..I don't know even what it is.. a wolf..I think? And he spoke to me..and said something about it being time to come home and I don't know..I'm just so confused right now" Kara begin sobbing frantically.

She felt as though she was losing grip on reality and just wanted everything to stop so she could just have a mental relief. Though as she explained what happened, she had not taken notice of how wide her mother's eyes had gotten at a few of the words.

" Was it a black wolf..? " Her mother asked in a hurried voice. " I..I mean..yes. Mom..is there something you are not telling me? How do you know about it being a black wolf? " Kara asked as she tried to gather herself to the best of her abilities. The fact that her mother was more concerned about the color of the wolf and not that her friend has been mauled was deeply troubling to Kara. Something about the way her mother reacted made her concerned that she did indeed know the beast that Killed Jack.

Though, her mother didn't reply and simply let out a long sigh " I knew I should have told you "

This made Kara even more confused " Told me? Told me what? Mom...-"

Suddenly the doorbell rang and instantly, it was as if her mother snapped from whatever mood she was previously in and painted a bright smile back upon her face. " I should probably get that" Kara's mother brushed past Kara, ignoring her daughter's plea for an answer and made her way down stairs and to the front door with Kara following closely behind her, trying her best to get an answer to her question.

The door is flung open and Kara finds herself staring at the impossible. " JACK?" Kara exclaimed as standing before her, was Jack. Wearing completely different clothes from earlier and without a single scratch on him. " How is that even possible?" Kara thought to herself. " I just watched him get his neck snapped..how is he even standing.."

" Hey Kara..I hope you don't mind but I kind of met your mom in the grocery store the other day and she told me it was your birthday today and she said I could come to your party. I hope you don't mind but..I brought you a present " Jack reaches down at his feet where a big black box wrapped in shiny red ribbon with a giant ruby red bow on top of it.

" I didn't want to go too overboard but I..well I've been wanting to introduce myself properly to you for a while and well..I was hoping we could finally have a chance to meet " Jack grins with a charm that would almost completely woo Kara if it wasn't for the fact that she had just witnessed him get his neck broken and mauled to death.

" I...dont..just..how" Kara stumbled over her words and Jack's grin disappeared. " I'm so sorry..if it makes you too uncomfortable I can leave! I'm so sorry for the trouble " Jack turns and proceeds to start walking away but Kara's mother calls out to him.

" No no no, please come in. It's no trouble at all. Kara has been needing to make proper friends so just come on inside and we will get you a big slice of cake " She smiles as she nudges him inside and past Kara. Not even making eye contact with Kara whatsoever.

" How the hell is he alive?" Kara thought to herself. " Was the wolf..creature..thing..actually right? He would have to be a vampire to survive what happened to him. What in the hell is going on?" As Kara's questions begin to build more and more , Kara's mother closes the door and makes her way into the Kitchen to help Jack get settled in for the party. Something was very off about this and Jack didn't give the same feeling to her anymore in comparison to how she feels normally around him. Something was different now.

" WE WANT CAKE " the fellow party goers demanded as Kara just stood at the door in shock that everything was being completely ignored by her mother and that Jack was alive. Something was not right about any of this and Kara refused to let her guard down. She wasn't sure what was going on but she do her best to make sure her mother is safe..at the least


Kara makes her way down the hall and keeps a close eye on Jack who notices her watchful eyes and motions for her to come sit with him. Despite having reservations, she obliges and heads over to the table and sat down beside him.

" So...I noticed you watching me. I'm going to assume you either don't like what you see " Jack chuckles, trying to make conversation with Kara who is still very guarded.

" No..its just..I thought I saw something that..well..I guess it doesn't matter now. But I could have sworn that I saw you -" Jack interrupts her by grabbing his present and presenting it to her.

" Come on..open it. I worked really hard on this but I took a guess and figured it would be something you would really really like" Jacks Enthusasim was so over powering that Kara sighed and again, obliged his request. She was still on shock but felt it best to just go along with this for now until she could determine what was actually going on..

Kara, being cautious, made sure she took her time stripping the ribbons off the present one by one, not being entirely sure what to expect.

After a few moments, the box layed naked in front of her and now all she had to do was remove the lid. Kara did her best to brace herself for what layed underneath.So, carefully and cautiously. She gripped the lid and lifted her jaw dropped in horror at what she saw.

There, in the box, was the severed head of Grace. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth. The look of Horror on Grace's face matched Kara's perfectly. The sight horrified Kara. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. It wasn't all that long ago that she was just talking to Grace and trying to escape her.

" Do you not like the gift? I thought for sure you would like it. Considering how annoyed Grace made you. " It was at this time that Jack stood to his feet and began to stretch his arms out. " I knew you didn't like her so I figured this would be the perfect gift. But then again, perhaps it was not enough? " Jack Smiled as he lifted the table beside Kara and threw it down the hall towards the front door which wedged itself perfect to block off the exit. Kara couldn't believe the strength that he possessed. Given his frame, there is no way he should've been able to do that.

" I mean, I don't typically give out gifts, but I feel maybe I was too inconsiderate" Jack grabbed the nearest person to him which happened to be an elderly man and placed his hands on top of the man's head and below the chin, and snapped his neck quickly with ease.

" I know you don't like your neighbors so perhaps I should offer them as well? " Jack grabs another neighbor and repeats the same action over and over again as Kara stares on in complete shock. " Jack..what are you..doing..why..are you doing this" Tears begin streaming down Kara's Face as she watches the massacre.

" Because my dear, I've been watching you for a long time. And you are destined for great things. Great things that are bad news for me. And I can't have that. It would be far to much of a risk to my people. It would cause me way to many problems that are so easily avoidable right now" He smiles as he snaps another neck.

Everyone at the party seems to be a trance like state, not being able to react or move. This is of course, all except for Kara and her mother though her mother doss nothing but watch this happen. " Your..people?" Kara asks as she watches neighbors die before her eyes. This all feels like a bad dream. Sure. She didn't know their names but they were still people. Still faces that she knew and had grown up with. People that...were a part of her home.

" Yes Sweetie..my people. I'm not human. And neither are you. You're mother has been lying to for a long time. Isn't that right..Margerat?"

Kara turns her attention back to her Mother who looks on with a completely unphased expression. " I knew that you would come for her someday. I hid her as best as I could. And I kept my promise. But I knew you'd still find her. But you already know that you can't win this. You won't win this. She is destined for greater things and there is nothing that you can do to ruin it. You...and your kind..will die " Kara's mother replies in a stern tone as Kara suddenly remembers " Vampire..you are a vampire "

She turns back to Jack who now begins to laugh. " Of course I am. Look at you! Figuring that out so quickly. Looks like someone listened to the little Puppy after all" He cackles with a devilish grin.

" Now, if you don't mind, I think I'm going to kill your mother first and then I'm going to - " Jack stops mid sentence. His silence is welcomed to the ears of Kara and her Mother though they are surprised that they have been graced with that silence. Both watch on as they see Jack's Body begin to lift off the ground.

Kara and her Mother stand back, baffled as to how this is possible. It is then that Kara's mother can see someone standing behind Jack. An all too familiar and welcomed face. An Old friend that Margerat wasn't all too sure would make it to the party.

" Its about time you got here Gabriel " she smiles with confidence knowing that now, things are under control.

Gabriel, has slid a kitchen knife deep inside the back of Jack, cutting and twisting as much as he can, lifting Jack off the ground and tossing him to the side where he crashes against the wall nearby.

" Gabriel? " Kara croaks at the sight of him. " Okay now I'm completely fucking losing it.." She shakes her head, not being able to process everything that is happening. Why would Gabriel be here? And how does her mother know him. As far as she was aware, they had never met before and Kara wanted to keep it that way.

" Sorry I got here so late. But I got delayed in the street because SOMEONE decided to hit me with a damn rock" He glares at Kara with disapproval.

"It wasn't a rock..it was a piece of road. And also..again, WHAT THE FUCK" Kara screamed at Gabriel and who just smirked and looked over to Jack who is now unconscious

. " Kara, I understand you have alot of questions but right now isn't the time. You need to go with Gabriel " Kara's mother rushes to Kara's side and places her forehead against Kara's. " You have always been my daughter. I've raised you for so long but..there are alot of things you don't know. Things that I could never tell you because I was both too scared to lose you and also partially because of your safety. Kara.." Margerat takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes " " You are not my real daughter. I really wish I could explain more but..we don't have the time. You need to trust me..and him and just go with him before more of Jack's kind show up" She pleads with Kara as best as she can.

" GO WITH HIM? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN GO WITH HIM? AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU ARENT MY MOTHER? IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL I HAVE SOME DAMN ANSWERS" Kara's screams get louder and louder as rage begins to fill her body. Gabriel shrugs and walks over to Kara " We really don't have time for this. Come on, you are coming with me " He grabs Kara by her hand rather hard which is immediatly met by Kara's disapproval.

" The hell I am. I'm not going anywhere" She tries her best to resist him but finds out just how strong he really is.As much as she tried, he couldn't even get his arm to move at all despite how much she twisted and turned to escape him.

She is scared and confused and all she knows is that this should be the one thing she has control over and yet she doesn't even have control over this. " Come on " Gabriel grabs Kara harder and lifts her over his shoulder with ease.

" I'm sorry it had to be this way Margerat" Gabriel turns to Margaret. " I know..just promise me you'll protect her" Margerat Sighs as Kara begins kicking and screaming. " You know I will" he nods as he pulls a strange item from his pocket that resembles some sort of a compass as it begins to glow in his hand.

Within a matter of seconds, a loud bang roars through the house and a flash of light rips through every shred of darkness from within the walls. Once the light is finally gone, so too are Kara and Gabriel.

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