
A troublesome operation

Author note:

Keep in mind that Christina no longer has her forearms nor her hands, so when I say 'arms' I mean what is left of them.




[ 3rd pov ]

Inside the infirmary, seven people could be seen working around a young girl. Three similar blonde kids were cutting and sewing her 'arms' while taking small crystals out of them. A fourth blonde kid wearing a pyjama, this one with different facial features stood near her head, sweat coming from his forehead as he kept his eyes closed with a focused expression. Two tall boys stood next to the girl, holding her in place as she throbbed around. The last person was a pretty girl who looked a bit sick at the sight of blood and the screams of pain, however she remained standing at the sidelines in case the people needed anything.

"What are you doing?!" said one of the three blonde children, who was taking out shards of glass from Christina's arms. "Keep her asleep!"

"I am doing my best okey!" replied the kid in a pyjama. "My powers over dreams are quite weak, besides she isn't having dreams she is having nightmares. Do you have any idea of how hard it is to try and keep someone asleep while the person is not only in physical pain but also having nightmares?"

"Enough you two!" said another blonde kid, this one had been sewing back the cuts on Christina's 'arms' once the other two removed the glass shards in them "This is not the time or place for this discussions!"

The two kids who had been fighting looked away before getting back to work.

Drops of sweat flowed down the foreheads of most of the people present. They had been in surgery for well over four hours now and it was getting harder over time. The fatigue was getting to them and while they tried to remain calm, it was too much for kids like themselves who were still young and overall inexperienced at this type fo thing. They usually relied on ambrosia to heal demigods, so the infirmary didn't perform this types of operations normally.

"Save me Thalia!" screamed Christina while throbbing around. Her eyes were unfocused and her words incoherent at times.

"Keep her stable!" said another blonde kid, this one was taking out glass shards as well.

The two tall boys who were holding Christina down were about to answer, however the blonde kid that was sewing the wounds beat them to it.

"I already said to stop arguing!" he said with a serious expression. "I know it's hard to do this, but shut up and continue! This is the third time we are operating her, I chose you two because I thought you would understand how badly she needs help better than others, so don't make me kick you out!"

The blonde boy who was about to start fighting gritted his teeth and continued getting glass shards out.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" screamed Christina.

"Get something for her to bite." said the blonde boy who had told everyone to focus. It appeared he was in charge. "A piece of cloth or something similar."

The girl who had been watching the group of six from the sidelines immediately moved and grabbed a pillowcase before placing it on the mouth of Christina.

Christina bit the pillowcase while still screaming, however her words became even more incomprehensible after this.

"Get her asleep!" said the blonde kid who was in charge.

"I can't!" replied the kid near the Christina's head as sweat continued to course down his forehead. "Her nightmares are getting worse! It feels like she believes this also is a dream so it's getting all messy inside her head! It's harder to get someone to sleep if they are convinced that they are already asleep okey?"

Christina continuó to thrash around, moving her legs and body as much as possible in an attempt to break free from their grasp. Her already broken throat continued to scream, forcing some blood to come out of her mouth and nose.

"Get more ambrosia!" said the kid in charge, looking at the girl who was around. "And once you get the ambrosia grab her legs! We can't have her moving around so much, otherwise it will be dangerous to continue the operation."

"Urghh, why isn't Chiron here?" asked one of the two tall kids who were holding Christina's body down.

"And what would you want him to do huh?" replied one of the blonde kids. "He is a teacher not a doctor!"

"Well, he could give us moral support or something?" replied the tall kid, making the other tall kid chuckle.

"Dad would be disappointed if he heard you were in need of moral support." he said.

"Shut up, Darius!" replied the kid.

"Why don't you make me, Ramon?" said Darius.

The kid in charge saw the sparks fly between them and couldn't help but grit his teeth. "Are you children of Ares really that empty-headed so as to fight while we are operating someone?!"

"Hey Alex, we are helping you so stop complaining." replied Darius.

"Yeah, what he said." continued Ramon with a smug smile. "Now hurry up with your doctor stuff, we can't stay here forever."

Alex, who had been in charge of this operation, couldn't help but feel veins pop. on his forehead. He decided to ignore everyone from now on and just focus on the operation, otherwise they would indeed stay here forever.

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