
The Hunter and Winston Fight

On the second floor, I arrived at the nearest room door. I opened it and wanted to go in, but had stopped as I saw werewolves and their children hiding there. I would not want them to be included in this mess. I know their main target was me. The fear in their faces says it all. For that, I closed the door once again and faced the stairs.

"Damn!" I cursed. I saw the hunters standing at the top of the stairs, turned their gaze on me, then started to aim their guns at me.

I ran to the balcony. I remained there, waiting for the arrival of Atticus and Matthew. Within a minute, they were in front of me, still aiming their guns toward me. Even though they had not told me to raise my hands, I did it voluntarily without waiting for their commands. They had frozen in front of me.

"Kill her!" command Matthew towards Atticus. Atticus was eyeing Matthew for that.

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