

The three men finally gathered again in Yu Ming's room, but the three of them were sitting at the table now. Wu Jingguo was no longer sitting at the window like he did last night, and he was also properly wearing his blue robe again. The Crown Prince still had a shame, after all, and Bai Chen was glad that Yu Ming also still felt a bit of embarrassment as he too dressed properly once more before finally gathering at the square table.

"So, you did meet your mother's ghost, Prince Bai Chen?" Yu Ming asked Bai Chen again, and the Werewolf Prince let out a heavy sigh as the fish demon kept saying the word "ghost."

"Are you afraid of ghosts, Yu laoban? You are a demon, but you are afraid of ghosts?" Bai Chen asked the older man instead of answering the question given by the man.

Of course, Bai Chen knew the difference between demons and ghosts, but he still couldn't believe that Yu Ming was indeed afraid of ghosts when the man held the status of Wu Jinhai's master.

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