

Dyon silently and gently held the back of Little Lyla's head, making sure that even should she wake up, that she would never see this sight.

The kids noticed Dyon's arrival but were too distraught to move. None of the other caretakers were in sight… it was as though they had never existed.

Minutes passed by as Dyon burned this scene into his mind.

Taking a deep breath, and ignoring the consequences, he sent Ri into his spatial ring along with Little Lyla.

With Little Black by his side, he slowly walked to the group of children.

Taking a look at the children, Dyon's heart ached. Their faces were covered in soot and tears. It was a heart rending sight.

Kneeling down, Dyon patted the head of a boy sitting near the edge of the huddled group. The poor boy's face had snot running down it as he quietly sniffled, but Dyon's touch seemed to be the light of his day.

Looking up with his big black eyes, the boy cried, "Big brother, are you going to leave us too?"

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