
Chapter 63 : Jarhead Berserk

The announcer said into the microphone, "Without further ado, let's get into the match! First up, will be Duri vs Taio! Taio has a power level of 900,000 and he has a record of 50-7! Meaning he's won 50 fights and lost 7 fights! Next up, Seven will go against Kimera! Kimera has a power level of 840,000 and has a record of 49-8! I'm pretty sure we are all aware of the rules, so let's get down to the nitty gritty of it-!"

Duri interrupted, "Ugghhhh hurry the hell up I'm trying to beat the shit outta someone! I didn't wait 63 chapters to fight in my first tournament for nothing! And I certainly won't have you giving boring monologues! I swear I'll-!"

Seven covered Duri's mouth, saying to the announcer, "Don't mind him. He's an idiot. Continue please, but can you speed it up?"

The announcer responded, "Anyway! This will start off as a 1v1, with opponents taking turns fighting their assigned opponents. After the fight is over and the winner is declared, we will tally the number of wins, and the winning team will move on to fight the next team! If there is a tie however, the crowd will vote who will 1v1 from each team in a first hit wins match! Now that that's outta the ways, let's begin!"

Seven said to Duri, "My raw power level is around 300k now."

Duri answered, "300k? Last time you told me it was around 200k."

"I know, but I've been training hard as hell since I was at your house."

"So what you're saying is.."

"These guys have a higher power level than me."

"What's your level when you're in your Spirit of Wrath form?"



"Around 7."


"Seven million."

"Damn that's a lot."

"But I don't wanna use it on these guys. Plus, I can't hold the form longer than a minute, and plus it drains tons of my energy since I'm new to it."

"You told me someone with a lower power level can bear someone with a higher power level if they were smart with their attacks and avoided getting hit."

"Mm. Yeah, I guess I did say that. But I definitely wasn't expecting their levels to be this damn high."

"Exactly. You're usually the one who comes up with a strategy in the group, so you'll think of something."

"Yeah. I guess. You're fighting first, so I'll think of something while you're out there getting your ass whooped."

"Shut up, dumbass! I'm not losing to these background characters!"

"Ooo, temper. Go get em'."

Seven and Kimera left the ring to stand on the outside of it, even the announcer left the ring to stand outside.

The announcer yelled, "Bring down the force field!"

The force field began to form around the fighting ring, and it was forming downward fast, covering Duri and Taio.

Taio had short black hair, brown eyes, and was wearing mummy wrap all over him.

Taio said to Duri, "F.Y.I, I'm  a big fan!"

Duri answered, "I got a lot of fans, kid."

"Kid? But you're younger than me. You're the kid."

"I'm about to be 16, brat!"

"You're..so..cool! Too bad I can't go easy on you!"

Taio shot his wraps over at Duri, and they were moving at a fast pace.

Duri thinks, 'Easy.'

Duri created a shadow staff, and he darted forward towards the wraps.

Taio thinks, 'He's taking them head on? It doesn't matter how strong he is, my wraps have been trained for more than 10 years.'

Duri began to easily twist and flip between the wraps, spinning his staff around and around as he went, and the staff was ripping the wraps apart.

Taio jumped back, thinking again, 'Yeah okay. But my wraps can regenerate!'

The wraps regenerated themselves, and Taio was moving around the platform fast to maintain his momentum.

'I'd be open bait if I just sit still. If I continue to move around while attacking with my wraps, I can tire Duri out, and have room to set up my next attack.'

Taio continued to send the wraps, and Duri continued to shoot through them with his shadow staff, spinning it like a chopper blade, ripping them apart.

Duri thought, 'I'm actually having too much fun. Haha, I bet this kid is actually trying! I have to savor this moment, this is actually becoming one of the greatest days of my life. I can't believe I'm actually in the tournaments after so long. I'm gonna be the strongest in no time!'

Duri dashed beside Taio with a smirk, and that made Taio gasp.

Taio jumped back fast, shooting more wraps at Duri.

Taio said, "You're so much fun, Duri! It's time to take it up a notch!"

Taio made his wraps turn orange, and they made contact with Duri's staff, and it stuck onto them.

Duri said, "They stick?"

Taio laughed, "Haha!"

Taio started moving the wrap around and around, with some of the wrap attaching itself around Duri.

Duri was being slung around and around, while Taio was laughing.

Taio laughed, "Come on, Duri! I know you can do more! You're going easy on me, I know it! I wanna fight for real! Your such a big inspiration!"

Duri couldn't help but smile, smiling because he was having fun, he couldn't contain his enjoyment.


"The feeling's mutual!"

In the stands, Marshy watched closely, saying, "Duri's..laughing.."

Xenon, who was sitting beside her, responded, "He's enjoying himself. And he's also…"

"Playing around…he's not being serious.."

Seven, on the side of the platform, just watching without saying anything. She would often think about how she would deal with Kimera.

Back in the ring, Duri felt that the orange wraps were making his arms numb. Duri kept laughing and laughing, "Haha! I can't contain myself!"

It was creeping Taio out.

"Uh, Duri?"

Duri laughed more, and the wraps around him were blasted off by Duri's force and wind.

Duri laughed, "Here I come!"

Taio jumped back some more, throwing a large hail of orange wraps at Duri, and those wraps had orange electricity around them, and if Duri touched them this time, certain parts of the wraps would explode in orange gas that would knock Duri out instantly.

Duri made a shadow sword form now, and he kept smiling at the horde of wraps hurdling at him like a stampede.

Duri asked Taio, "Oi..hehe..you wanna see me be for real?"


Duri leaned back, took a deep breath, and he leaned forward, his right foot pushing off the floor, and he broke the platform in half as the force from his wind shook the entire force field around them.

Duri cut through all of the exploding wraps with his sword all at once, and he was swinging the shadow sword at Taio's neck.

Taio screeched, "Ah! Is he actually trying to kill me?!"

Duri had a smile on his face the entire time.

But then, Duri flipped his sword around, got behind Taio, grabbed Taio's face from behind, and used his other hand to put the shadow sword to Taio's throat.

The crowd gasped, even Seven said, "Haha, good shit Duri!"

The announcer yelled out, "Oooo what a move! Will Taio give up?!!"

Taio yelled, "No!"

Duri says to Taio, "Oops. Sorry, I got carried away. Let's continue."

Duri turned Taio around, and kicked him in the chest, making Taio fly back and bash against the force field wall.

Taio immediately got up with a struggle, and he made four orange circles appear in the air, and inside those circles were electric eels made out of Taio's wrap.

Taio said, "These eels use your own energy and blast it back at you! But in return, I can't move. Get ready!"

Duri answered, "Yes! More action! Use my own energy against me! Do whatever you want, I'm having too much fun!"

The orange circles had orange beams with eels inside, shooting out Duri.

Duri continued to laugh, jumping over and dodging all of them beams. The beams were getting faster because Duri was going faster. One beam almost hit Duri's head, but Duri ducked, put both hands on the floor, pushed himself up in the air upside doing a spin, and he made some of his shadow snakes form around him like a shield, and the beams hit the snakes, destroying them.

Taio said, "I got him!"

He didn't.

Duri came from the snakes, and he had 18 shadow arms and fists stretching from his back.

Duri smiled, "Hahahaha!"

Taio exclaimed, "What?! That should've took you and the snakes out all at the same time!"

Taio then thinks, 'Unless…he set up another barrier of his shadow snakes to protect himself even more. Even though he is having fun and is laughing, he's aware of how strong he himself is, knowing that if he got hit by his own power, it would hurt. He's still running a strategy..?! No wonder I'm a big fan! But I need to release my technique so I can move again to a different spot and try to form more beam circles!'

Taio released his beam ability, and he tried to jump back, but Duri caught him.

Duri and the 18 shaode arms and fists coming from his back were punching Taio over and over in the face and stomach.

Duri's laughed was prolonged while he threw right and left punches over…and over..and over again, with all of them connecting.

The announcer yelled, "Wow! Look at those blows! How is Taio gonna get out of this one?!"

Taio thought, 'Can't..break..free!'

Duri and his shadow arms continued to hammer away at Taio, then after a few seconds of torture, Duri and all of the shadow arms pulled their fists back for a final blow.

Duri laughed, "I had fun!"

Duri and the shadow arms punched Taio all at once, smashing him into the air. Taio's arms and chest were broken, and his face was fractured and his nose was busted and broken.

Taio hit the floor hard, twitching and grinning.

Taio said, "...Ack..so much..fun..thank you..Duri..your the best..bro."

Taio fainted, and Duri said, "Damn. I didn't even hit you that hard. I used like, 1% of my power."

The crowd went crazy, yelling:


"It's so brutal!"

"I knew Duri was gonna win!"

The announcer exclaimed, "And here's your winner..DURI!"

Duri listened to the crowd chant his name, and he smiled some more. 

'They're chanting my name..they love me. This is real life…I'm actually here..I won my first tournament match. It's so cool!'

Duri looked in the stands, and then first person he saw was Marshy and Xenon.

Marshy said to the crowd, "All of you bastards better clap for my son!"

Marshy looked at Duri, yelling, "Way to go!"

Duri gave her a thumbs up, and then he saw Kazuma, Nine, Shiryu, Espen, Ren-Ren, and Jiyu. And they were all clapping.

Duri nodded at them, and then he looked at Seven, and he saw that Seven was staring at him.

Duri tilted his head, asking, "Oi, you sick or sum?"

Seven responded, "N-no! Shut up! Good job I guess."

"Great. Awesome. Sweet. Whatever. Now it's YOUR turn," Duri pointed at Seven.


Hinata, Seven's mom, said to Zaiyen, Seven's dad, "I think Duri did average, don't ya think?"

Zaiyen answered, "Mm. He's obviously strong with a list for blood and a lust for violence. He needs take that under control."

Seconds later, Seven was standing on the fixed platform with Kimera, her opponent.

Kimera was 6 feet tall, and she was a buff muscular girl with blue eyes and blonde hair in pigtails and warts on her face.

Kimera smirked, "Ohoho! I can't wait to pound this wanna be perfect skank! Such a pretty face, I wanna smash it!"

Seven replied, "You're just jealous you don't look like me. Imagine wanting to be me. And not to sound like a cocky bitch or anything, but if you wanna be..then just say so. You gorilla."

Kimera got angry, clenching her fists as the announcer yelled, "Fight!!!"

Hinata and Zaiyen, screamed from the stands, "Destroy that monstrous woman, Seven! Show her what you're made of!"

Seven thinks, 'I gotta see what primary abilities Kimera has. Her power level is greater than mine, so I'll use my Spirit of Wrath form to attack but only for 3 seconds at a time to not waste my energy..and I can't use my full Wrath power on her or she might die..but I'll use my regular form to dodge her attacks-!'

Kimera turned invisible, and Seven could hear the pounding on the floor.

'SHE did NOT just turn invisible!'

Seven stood there, hearing the footsteps running around her.

'I can hear her steps, but she has to be moving really fast, her footsteps all sound like they're all over the place. How is she doing that? Sound manipulation?!'

Seven ran forward, until she was punched in the face hard, Seven flew back, and then she was punched in the back, and then right after, she was slammed into the floor.

Seven said, "Ack!"

Seven's body glowed purple, and a purple force field shot out from her, and she hit Kimera, hearing her grunt in pain.

Seven jumped to her feet, thinking, 'It's totally clear now that she's manipulating the sound of the footsteps around me. I need to close this gap between us. Here I go!'

Seven turned into her Spirit of Wrath form, she had two purple orbs in her hands, and she did a hard spin kick in a full circle, with a slash of a crescent shaped purple beam surrounding her entirely.

Seven heard a scream, knowing that it came from Kimera.

Seven turned her direction to that area, and thought, 'There!'

Seven was about to run to that area, but she was punched twice in the face and hit in the stomach. 

Seven didn't really feel it because she was in her Spirit of Wrath form, but Seven slid back a little, making her Spirit Of Wrath go away.

'Dammit! She manipulated the sound again! She must've jumped over my attack at that moment.'

Seven was getting blasted by forces of strong wind, being knocked around everywhere.

The crowd said:

"Oh no.."

"I think going invisible is cheating!"

"It's kinda fair. Seven would be at a huge advantage if Kimera didn't go invisible."

Marshy said to Xenon, "What do you think she should do?"

Xenon answered, "If that was me, I'd try making the camouflage come out into existence."

"So..drawing her out?"


"I was thinking the same thing.."

Duri on the side thought, 'That invisible shit is weird. I can hear the footsteps, it's all over the place, it's even behind me. I wouldn't even know what to do in this situation..'

Seven was continuing to get bullied by Kimera's attacks, and she hit the force field wall, with blood leaking out of her arm.

Seven sat up, saying, "You think you're reaaaaal good huh? Show yourself and fight me!"

Kimera spoke, but her voice was all over the place, saying, "I know you're a strategist, pretty girl! You can solve many problems! If I show myself, I'd be the one at a disadvantage against you! You're pretty tough though, LOL."


Seven thought, 'Blood was taking too long to come out. The blood coming out my arm, I can use that..to bring this monster out to the open!'

Seven walked forward, thinking some more, 'I have to react fast. As soon as I get hit, that very instant I get hit, I have to mark her with the blood so I can track her.'

Seven smiled, and she dug her finger into the wound on her arm, making more blood come out.

Seven said, "Come and get me, bitch."

Kimera answered, "Whatever you want, miss perfect!"

Seven gritted her teeth, and she touched herself up, making her small force field show around her body, even though it wouldn't help much.

Seven was finally punched in the face hard, with the forcefield shield shattering.

'Got her!'

Seven stuck her hand upwards, and wiped Kimera's arm with the blood.

Kimera was marked.

And Seven hit the force field wall.

Seven struggled to get up, and she thought, 'I can see her now.'

Kimera was running in patterns, Seven could only spot Kimera by looking at the blood on her.

Hinata said, "We can see her!"

Zaiyen responded, "She's done it. Kimera is done for.'

Kimera ran towards Seven with a double punch, but Seven dodged them both.

Seven went into her Spirit of Wrath form, and started punching Kinwra over and over again, making her smash on the ground hard.

Seven grabbed Kimera's face, and a purple lightning bolt blasted from her hand, and blasted Kimera against the wall.

Kimera thinks, 'Damn that's strong! How can she see me?!'

Kimera looked at the blood on her, thinking, 'She put that blood on me-!'

Seven was out of her Spirit Of Wrath form, and she smashed Kimera in the chest with a large purple orb, blasting her into the air.

Kimera wasn't invisible anymore, and Seven stepped on top of Kinera, and grabbed her by the throat, breathing heavily.

Kimera was knocked out, and her entire body was broken.

Seven said, "Check…mate!"

The crowd cheered in unison:

"Seven! Seven! Seven!"

Marshy was clapping for Seven, along with Seven's parents. Xenon just sat there, trying to sneakily drink a bottle of whiskey.

Kazuma, Shiryu, Jiyu, Ren-Ren, Nine, and Espen reacted too with claps.

Kazuma: "Seven and Duri are doing great!"

Nine replied, "Especially for their first tournament! I can't wait until mine!"

Shiryu: "That other girl…turned invisible..cool..does anyone know where the bathroom is..?"

Jiyu asked, "Don't they h-have two more matches after t-this until the finals?"

Ren-Ren answered, "Yes they do. Tch. If I was in this tournament, I'd mop EVERYONE."

Espen responds to Ren-Ren, "Lying is not good."

"Definitely not lying. Just wait until MY first tournament..hehe..hehe.."

"Your thoughts…are clouded with..evil stuff.."

"Duh! Cause I'm a villain!"

"It's not good to call yourself that."


The announcer yelled, "Seven has beaten Kimera, which means Duri and Seven will be proceeding to the second round! Give them a round of applause!"

Seven jumped out of the platform, and she stepped up to Duri with blood leaking from her lip.

Duri had a tissue ready for her, and she wiped the blood off of her face.

Seven blushed immediately, saying, "D-dummy, why are you doing this out here?!"

Duri answered, "I honestly don't care. I do what I want, when I want, and how I want."

"Geez..you're a handful. You're acting like Espen."

"Don't get me started on how she is."

"She'll definitely see if you need a check up."


Duri finished, and he threw the napkin in Seven's face, smirking as he walked away from her.

Seven said, "Oi! Pick that up!"

"I'm not picking that up. Once it touched you, it became yours. That is your responsibility, leave me out of it."

"I actually hate you."


2 minutes later, other fighters for that tournament were fighting on the platform, brutally breaking each other with their powers, making the arena rumble, and making the crowd and announcer go crazy.

In the locker rooms, Duri and Seven were sitting in there while other fighters around them were stretching and warming up, talking to each other, or commenting on the fights that were showing on the TV at that moment in that same arena.

"He's got a mean right hook."

"Yeah, that Wazun technique scares the hell out of me."

"Oh he knows taekwondo too?"

"Definitely a bonus."

Seven and Duri were sitting side by side on the floor, with their backs leaning against the lockers.

Seven asked Duri, "I'm so glad we got them all to stop trying to talk to us."

Duri answered, "They only stopped because we threatened to murderize and massacre them all."

"It worked didn't it?"

"It always works when I'm involved."

"Such a narcissist."



"That was um..good how you stood that Kimera monster girl."

"Oh yeah? Ya think so? Stop lying to me."

"I hate complimenting people. Probably because I suck at it. But you did good. After beating that girl, you can take on anything else that comes your way in this tournament."

"Are you serious?"

"Are you trying to talk me out of it?"

"N-no I meant like…thanks."

"I'm not saying your welcome, so don't mention it."

"Yokai I guess. Now about you.."


"You were happy when you fought Taio. What else did you feel?"

"I felt a rush. My adrenaline was pumping hard. I felt the excitement in each punch. Even though Taio stood no chance against me. I looked forward to this day a lot, and now that I'm here, I can't help but get excited. Don't you agree?"

"Haha. I can relate. I didn't wanna join the tournaments as bad as you, but I like the rush and mystery prizes that come after."

"Hell yeah."

It was silent for a few seconds between them, then Seven said, "Since we're a team for this tournament, we need a handshake. Our synergy needs to be higher than anyone else's."

"Really? I thought you were gonna say something like, 'Oooo I'm Seven and I'm perfect. I think we should make up a team name because I'm so amazing!' Sounds like you."

"I DO NOT SOUND LIKE THAT. Although..we could think of a name.."

"NO! FORGET I MENTIONED THAT. Anyway, fist bump."

Seven shocked silently, replying, "Alllright then leader."

"Yeah that's right. Worship me."




Minutes later, Duri and Seven were back to the platform, and they fist bumped each other before they fought their next opponents.

Duri was fighting a girl who had long spiky hair, and she was spinning it all over the place while trying to punch and kick Duri.

Duri laughed the entire time he dodged all of her attacks. Duri grabbed her sharp hair as his hands were getting cut up, and he started spinning, tangling her hair up and roundhouse kicking her in the face over and over.

Duri laughed as he grasped her head, and bashed it through the force field wall, sending her into the crowd.

The crowd went:



Next, Seven was going against a man who was dressed as a wrestler, and that man was trying to grapple and tackle Seven multiple times.

Seven wrestled him, but as she did it, her bones creaked. She realized his power could make a person's bones ache and eventually shatter if he grabs you.

The man put Seven in a bear hug, squeezing her back trying to crush it.

Seven said, "Dammit, damnit, dammit! Let..me..go!"

Seven grabbed the side of the man's head, using her power to mess the inside of his head up, letting her power circulate through his brain. Seven rammed her knee upwards, and it hit the wrestler up the chin. After, Seven slammed a purple orb on his face, and then slammed the back of his head into the floor. 

The announcer declared Duri and Seven as the winners of that match, and then some more fighters came to fight each other.

(15 minutes later)

(Final round)

Duri and Seven were the ones who had gained the most points after all their wins, and they were standing in the ring with two twins that wore sunglasses, had long red hair, a black mouth and nose mask, and wore pajamas.

The announcer said:

"This final fight will be a 2v2 all out battle royal! The last team standing wins!"

The twins said to each other:

"Hm? Brother, they are going to fight us."

"Our power levels match up to 6 million. And we've trained for years. We will last."

"Let's combine our energy for a swift attack."

"Yes. Let's."

The force field closed over them, and the announcer yelled, "Start!"

The two twins had put their hands close to each other, and energy was building up in the middle of it, making everything vibrate.

Duri asked Seven, "Um, what the hell are they doing?"

"Are you serious? You've done this with Marshy when you fought Ferrow. Remember? You two did it to stop a supernova blast from space."

"We did? Ohhhh yeah we did. I forgot about that space thing, not gonna lie."

"These twins have a combined power level of 5 million. Since this is our last fight in this tournament, do you wanna.."


"Yeah. We can do it now, right?"

"Hell yeah!"

Duri turned into his full shadow form: Shadow form ONE.

Seven formed into her Spirit of wrath, closing her fist up.

Duri said, "Follow my lead. Don't kill these guys."

"That's something I would tell you."

The announcer yelled, "Oh! this is getting intense! What are Duri and Seven going to do?"

The twins yelled at the same time: "Hiya!!!"

Duri responded, "Ew."

Seven added, "Who says 'Hiya!' anymore?"


Duri and Seven stood side by side, leaned backwards, and they both gave a smart grin as they threw their fists forward, punching the air in front of them…

(10 seconds later)

The twins were out in the stands unconscious, with the crowd cheering wildly.

The announcer exclaimed, "And here are the winners of the Hazmat tournament…Duri and Seven!!!"

Duri and Seven bowed, saying, "Thank you, thank you. This outcome was inevitable."

The announcer continued, "Oh look! Here comes Host Marshy and Host Xenon with their prizes!"

Duri and Seven looked behind them, seeing Marshy and Xenon walk towards them with golden orbs in their hands.

Seven stepped up to Xenon, and Duri stepped up to Marshy.

Duri asked Marshy, "Do you know what the prize is? If so, tell me right now."

Marshy chuckled, patting Duri's head and wiping his blood cheek.

"I don't even know what it is. Just go with it. Now..put both hands on the orb."

Duri and Seven listened to her, and they both touched the golden orbs, letting the energy and power within the orb rush through their bodies all the way to their souls.

Duri said, "Shit feels weird."

Seven replied, "Totally."

Xenon said to them, "No talking. Shush."

Duri said to Xenon, "You shush old man."

"I'm not old, brat."

The golden orbs went away, it had gone into Duri and Seven's bodies. The crowd clapped and cheered again.

Duri asked, "So um..what now? How do I know my new moves or luck or ability or whatever?"

Marshy replied, "You'll know when you go to sleep and wake up again. So in the morning, you and Seven will know."

"Hehh? Laaaaame."

Seven fainted, but she fell into Duri's arms. Duri held her up, saying, "Oi, the hell's wrong with you?"

Xenon answered, "Must've been from that Wrath form. It drained her. Give her to her parents."

"Oh yeah.."

Duri looked down at Seven, thinking, 'She went above and beyond during these fights. We share the same determination..'

Hinata and Zaiyen came down, and Duri handed Seven to them.

Hinata and Zaiyen looked at everyone, without saying a word.

Zaiyen said to Duri, "Good day."

Then they walked away.

Duri watched them leave, and then Marshy dragged Duri towards her and hugged him, yelling, "Oooo! Good job! Aren't you happy?!"

"Am I happy? Hell yeah I am! Hahahahaha!"

Then Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Shiryu, Espen, and Nine were heading down there towards them along with the rest of the crowd.

Kazuma was running, saying, "Duri!!! I made it to your first tournament!"

Duri said to him, "No hugs, I swear!"

Everyone started congratulating him, besides for Ren-Ren, who just stood there watching.

[Club Anchor]

[Tokyo, Japan]

The club was halfway empty, and a man and his goons in suits were standing around him. The main man had a scar on his left eye, and he had light brown and blonde hair in a small bun on his head, smoking a cigar, and wearing a suit.

He said to the goons around him, "He's on the way then?"

"Yeah, one of our guys tailed him."

"Not gonna lie, but the kids got some guts. Guess we'll play with him a bit."

A hole was busted through the wall, and walking through it, was a man in a suit, and behind him, was Tek.

Tek was having trouble breathing, and he was reaching out to the man in the suit that was walking in front of him.

Tek said to him, "Give..me that.."

"Nah, I wanna read it! Haha!"

The man in the suit was holding the small black book that Tek always reads.

The main man with the bun smiled to his goon, "Ooh! Ooh! Lemme read it, lemme read it!"

The man handed the book over to the main man, and read over it.

Tek said to the main man, "You..I was looking for you.."

"Yeah, I know. I got eyes and ears all over Tokyo. Nothing slips by me. Everyone and everything that comes out or in is part of my business."

"You..worked with my uncle…helping him create weapons of mass destruction, selling them to countries that are at war.."

"Mmm, who are you talking about? Who's your uncle?"


"MAGEMELL IS YOUR UNCLE?! MAN WHAT A SMALL WORLD! Why do you want him? And how did you find me? This is a private club."

"I got your name by asking some underground weapons dealers. I know all about it. But..but.."

"Ooo, having trouble breathing? Aw, I know what it is! You want this book?!"

"Where is my uncle..? Where is Magmell?!"

"Can't say. But what I CAN say, is that this is a really beautiful book."

"Start talking…or I'll.."

"Or you'll what? Fight us? It seems this book is the source of your power. You probably read it alot. Fucking nerd."

"No..that book..is supposed to contain my power…I have to read those affirmations..daily...or else I'll…"

"Or else you'll what?! Haha! Tell us! Or else you'll cry, is that what it is?!"

Tek held his chest some more as it was in pain, and he dropped to his knees.

His head started to bleed, and chains were coming out of his body. Two chains came out of his back, and they stuck into Tek's neck.

Chains started to wrap around Tek's eyes like a band, and chain spikes were coming out of the chains around his eyes, and Tek's hair was turning fully back.  Blood came from Tek's chains and his eyes, and his teeth got sharp, and his fingers were sharp.

The main man with the bun said, "Sick transformation, bro! But what were you saying earlier? Something about..or else? If I don't tell you where Magmell is..what are you going to do?! What is the what else?!"

Tek had drool leaking from his mouth, and he said, "Or else.."

"Or else what?!"

"I'll go.."

"You'll go? Go where? Go crazy?! Haha! Get a load of this guy! Where are you going to go?! Or else you'll go what?!"

Tek replied with a malicious and dark tone, "Berserk."

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