
"Dirty Deeds"

President Salvatore was really impressed by Paulo's love for the club. He was feeling much relief as Paulo had assured him that he will never leave the club for another one even if they offer him much higher salary.

"Are you ready for your next match ?". Salvatore asked Paulo.

"Yes and I am desperately waiting for it". Paulo replied.

"Do you like Re del Calcio ?". Salvatore asked Paulo.

"Yeah I like them to loose this season". Paulo said.

Both Salvatore and Paulo laughing together.

Paulo left the office and went to Fabio's car to go home. During there way to home Paulo tells Fabio about his conversion with president he had.

"I don't understand what happend and what he is trying to say, seriously is he the president of this club". Paulo said Fabio.

"Why are you saying this, tell me what exactly happened between you both". Fabio asked Paulo.

Paulo tells him everything.

"He asked me am I feeling comfortable with club, with the coach or I am having any problem. I mean why do I have any problem with anyone, I mean he just given me a chance to prove myself and then he is asking me am I ready to play in my first match, he even asked do I like Re del Calcio". Paulo said.

"Yeah Of course he will ask you because you're the best thing for our club". Fabio said.

"I am not the best c'mon I play so good because you and all the players are there for me, just stop saying that I am the best". Paulo said.

"It's only you who think that you're not best but not the president". Fabio said.

"What do you mean and why did you said that ?". Paulo asked.

"You saw that guy in an elegant suit after you arrived at the training ground ?". Fabio questioned him.

"David Valentino right !". Paulo answered him.

"Yeah do you know about him ?". Fabio questioned him.

"He is the president Re del Calcio C.F, so ?". Paulo said.

"Not just the president of Re del Calcio C.F but also a billion euro businessman, he is also a reason why president Salvatore is so concerned about you". Fabio said.

"I don't understand what are you trying to say and why because of him president Salvatore is so concerned about me ?". Paulo asked.

"Since last five years he and his club won Lega d'italia five times straight even the domestic cups as well but not because of his team worked hard, all because he knows how to do business".

Paulo seems to be more eager to know about David Valentino. He asked Fabio to tell him more about David Valentino.

"It is said that if David Valentino puts his eyes on any player who is much best and is the next big thing in football, no matter what he'll get it by splashing money either he'll go dirty". Fabio said.

"Dirty ?, I don't understand". Paulo said.

Fabio explained him by telling David Valentino's deeds he did before.

"He stole many players from our academy before, he manipulated those players by promising them to give higher wages in future than our club but he didn't in fact he just pulled out his benefits from them". Fabio said.

Paulo wanted to know how Valentino dirty games and how he pulled out benfits from those players.

"He just send those players on loan for two or three after taking them for free get some money and then sell them to other teams get more serious money and then with the help of that collected money he buy best players around the world. By doing this he also made sure that his rivals I mean our team could not ever get top of the Italian league table and succeed in it. Now we don't have enough players for making substitutions in a match. If we had those players then today we might be not fighting in relegation play offs match". Fabio said.

"Doesn't anyone say no to him ?". Paulo asked.

"One time someone did say no to him but because of that No he had paid heavy price for it". Fabio said.

"Who ? and How ?". Paulo asked.

Fabio tells him the story of that player.

"If was the player of our relegation play offs opponent A.F Bologna. His name was Carlo Bianchi, at his time he was the best defender in the Italian he was the wall of bologna defence, no attacking player had a chance in front of him. Since two seasons he was never dribble past by any player. He was so solid in defence that he was named the "Bolognese Toro". Soon he got the attention of David Valentino because of his defensive attributes, he was then offered a contract from him but Carlo Binachi said no to him because he played for A.F Bologna since his childhood but David Valentino can't take the rejection from him so he ruined his whole carrier before it even started. Some time ago it was rumoured that Carlo Binachi having an affair with his fellow teammate's girlfriend however it wasn't true and nobody wasn't much intrested about it but when David Valentino get to know about this he used his good connection with the Italian press and media, very next day he made it headlines of this thing, this topic became popular between people and when it became popular it was getting worse for Carlo Binachi. His started to become much hostile towards him, the fans in the stadium started to chant him 'Puttana' into the stadium, his coach even started to drop him in every single match and then his girlfriend also left him all alone. David Valentino took his revenge from him in a very evil way he can, he just destroyed him professionally, personally and mentally. After that incident he retired from football at age of just 23, left Italy forever and settled himself in Mexico".

"David Valentino is the most crooked person in this whole football, that's the reason why president Salvatore is so concerned about you". Fabio said.

Paulo after hearing the deeds of David Valentino he finally understood why president Salvatore is so worried about him, he realized that Salvatore wants him to be in his team because he needs him.

Paulo said to Fabio that he already assured Salvatore and now he is gonna assure him as well that he will never leave them for another club for money, no matter how higher amount of wages they offer him.

Fabio hailed his loyalty towards them and he said they believe in him and his words.

After that Fabio left Paulo at his home.

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