
Chapter 140 : Labor Pains


Xander was walking a few paces behind me. He glanced down at his watch from time to time, especially whenever I bent over with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath every time a contraction ripped from my lower back and settled over my belly.

“Are you doing okay?” he asked as I wiped tears from my eyes, refusing to look at him.

“What am I supposed to do with a newborn at our wedding, Xander?” I asked hotly, swallowing back a sob. I was delirious with pain and heavy, crippling anxiety. I felt several conflicting emotions at once, and all of them threatened to send me over the edge into a full-blown breakdown.

I couldn’t blame anyone but myself for having our wedding only a week before my due date. Summer Solstice was a major holiday, and it felt like the perfect time to gather our family together to celebrate. I figured Alexis would be right on time.

But she had other plans–early plans, it seemed.

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