
Chapter 136: Why Is This Happening Now?


Worry tightened my heart.

What happened? I couldn’t see from this distance but it couldn’t be good. When I got to where Theo and Luther were, I noticed there was a huge space cleared around them like no one wanted to get close.

Theo had Maggie in his arms and was slowly lowering her to the ground.

“Theo, are you okay?” Then when I saw Maggie’s lifeless pale face, I gasped, “MAGGIE!”

Theo was expressionless, brow slightly creased. He stared at Maggie for a moment longer and looked up to me. “She… sacrificed herself,” he murmured distantly.

Luther was on his knees, wavering from side to side. Just before he crumpled into a heap, Jennifer ran out of the crowd and grabbed him. She wrapped her arms around him, tears in her eyes, and lowered him to the ground.

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