
The Last Stand, part 3 (Final)

"Do you have any charges left on that ring of yours?" Rebecca asked.

"One, but I can't use any magic, or it will disrupt the cloaking enchantment," Katye replied.

"Use it," she said.

"But I won't be able to shield..."

"We aren't going to last much longer if we don't do something drastic. I'll manage without you and wipe out the spirits," she said, cutting her off.

Katye did not like the idea, but she also knew that they were in a desperate situation. She would not be able to last more than a few more minutes at the rate that she was using her energy to block the heavy attacks of the wasp. Rebecca was in a similar state and could not close the distance between her and the wraiths while defending her from them and the lesser spirits.

She activated her ring with a twist of the gemstone detail. Although she had said that she could not use magic while using the ring, that was not exactly true. What she could not do, was use magic outside of the small bubble created by the enchantment, so when Rebecca threw out that golden ring of fire, she used her Superspeed to race behind it and then leap into the air to jump over the heads of the ghostly army where their ranks were the thinnest.

Even though she was invisible, she really did not have the ability to recover nearly any of her strength before the enchantment broke. Instead, she watched as Rebecca fought her way through the horde of lesser spirits. She had known for quite some time that Becca was stronger than her and better suited to close combat, but she was still stunned by the raw power that she could erupt with even when her mana and stamina were so low.

The lesser spirits posed little threat to her at first, but then she was hit by an attack from the wasp. Her armor took some of the blow, turning black instantly, but there was a portion that struck her skin. She could see Rebecca's skin start to bubble and even corrode, yet she kept pressing forward. The Water user's wraith launched a stream of black water at her, but she dodged and countered with a blast of her golden fire. Unfortunately, that allowed the spirits behind her to close in and claw at her back.

For a split second, Katye thought that she was going to have to step in, but then she felt it. Rebecca's aura always gave off the feeling of an ancient beast sleeping, but now, it had stirred. Golden lightning erupted from her body and ripped through the lesser spirits like they were nothing. The Water user's wraith was instantly destroyed, but Artem's raced towards her and launched an attack from his axe. It neared her, but before it could hit her, she teleported past it and then shot out that golden lightning again, destroying him.

The wasp fired another projectile at her and it was a direct him this time since her armor had been eroded away by the earlier attack. Rebecca could not help but fall to a knee and the remaining spirits rushed in while the Fire user's wraith launched an attack at her. Again, there was a moment that Katye thought Rebecca was going to lose, but that ancient beast stirred again.

Golden lightning erupted from her body, shooting in all directions and wiping out all but a few stragglers that were away from the rest of the crowd of spirits. Unfortunately, achieving this came at a heavy price. Rebbeca's mana was practically empty and she released a mouthful of blood as she caught herself from collapsing onto the ground. Katye could see that she was struggling to stay conscious and then the unthinkable happened. Rebecca fell on her side onto the ground and did not move.

Memories of the battle against Iseto's army, the hundreds of times that they had sparred against each other over the years, and even the fight in Sanctum flooded Katye's mind. Not in a single one did Rebecca ever falter, ever stop. She was this force of nature that no matter how hard you tried to suppress her, she would break through whatever barrier that was in front of her.

Something in her mind, and Soul, shattered as new strength rushed into Katye's body. The enchantment that cloaked her was broken by the sudden change and her body glowed with a violet light. The few spirits, the single wraith, and the wasp, all turned towards her, but it was already too late as her new spell took shape.

Gloriosa superba, also known as the flame lily, is one of the most poisonous plants on Earth. Every single part, from the roots to the leaves and the flower itself, was toxic and would cause nausea, vomiting, numbness, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea within a few hours with much more serious symptoms if not treated quickly. The plant was as beautiful as it was deadly and was the inspiration of this spell construct. Violet energy condensed around her body, but this time it wasn't like her translucent daisy, as the energy formed solid sheets of violet that melded to her body. The five rippling petals sat on her head like a crown while the vine-like stem and leaves went down her arms like blades.

The wasp aimed straight for her face as the lesser spirits charged forward. She could feel a tingle assaulting her mind, but the effort was nothing in front of Alkatyenia as Katye was gone for now. The wasp shot its projectile, yet she only lifted her arm, and the blade-like leaves formed a shield which easily blocked the attack. With her other arm, she pointed at the lesser spirits, killing all but the wraith, which she only allowed to live due to it being the cause of Rebecca's unconsciousness. It was still far too early for her to learn of her existence.

Alkatyenia leapt into the air and chased after the Yin-blood summon. Every step she took in the air caused a violet ripple to spread out from her foot and that allowed her to stand on the air like it was solid ground. The wasp had no true intelligence and only knew its objective, which was to kill Rebecca and Katye, so it charged at her unafraid. The arm that had formed a shield now lengthened, becoming a long sword, and she split the wasp in half, destroying the spell construct.

She landed back on the ground, careful to avoid the corrupted blood that had been splattered everywhere, and walked over to Rebecca. The Mind user's wraith tried to charge forward, realizing that its attacks were not working, but it found itself trapped within a prison of violet roots. Alkatyenia knelt down and placed a hand on Rebecca's cheek then started healing her injuries and giving her a little bit of mana while careful not to undo the wraith's spell that was affecting her mind.

"Even human, you're still as beautiful as I remember, Dystina... though I do miss your horns," she said gently as she stroked Rebecca's cheek before she stood up. "Istar, manifest yourself, now!"

"Alkatyenia, such a pleasure to see that you have awoken," Istar said with a wry smile as his body appeared not too far away from her.

"Hardly, this was a failsafe that I had woven into my Soul. Your meddling almost got the both of us killed," she scolded.

"This is a Dynamic universe, I had nothi..."

"Dynamic universe, perhaps, but it was a Dead universe when you placed us here. From the moment Iseto appeared, your influence became obvious even to our untrained selves. You will make this right for them, or you will find out just how much destruction a Chaos Dragon can unleash when you forcibly awaken Dystina, and I am not going to step in to stop her, even if I have the strength to do so. It's still too early for her return," she warned.

"She was advancing too quickly. If I had left the world alone, things would have destabilized, and you both would have been ejected into the Endless Firmament."

"You won't be able to contain her if she starts to think of you as an enemy, so make this up to her and myself," Alkatyenia said as her spell construct started to collapse. "I won't be able to do this again, so be careful. If you push her too far, Chaos will be unleashed."

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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