
Go-Sci Ring

Entode's corruption of Rage and Anger washed over me again and again, but it was nothing more than the tide splashing against the beach, as the peace that Golunda had infused with my Soul remained untouched. As the realization that even his best jeers and taunts had lost their influence slowly sunk in, the closest thing to fear crept into the old Devil's eyes. His strongest advantage against me was gone, and so too was his ability to predict the Chaos Storm which had birthed me millennia ago, as for the first time in my life, I had full conscious control over the storm.

As a Chaos Storm True Dragon, I was the physical embodiment of the force of nature that created me. Like the element name suggested, my emotions were always chaotic and explosive to the point that it was my defining quality. Despite most of my effort going into taming them, I had never had true control over myself; the most I could control was whether to engage or disengage, but it was not always easy for me to flip that switch. Alkatyenia had been the only person who could ever hold back the beast within me, but even she could lose if I was too far gone. This was my very first moment of true clarity throughout my incredibly long life when Golunda's spell took full force.

Unfortunately, this allowed me to observe the area outside of my influence. Alkatyenia was the Fairy Queen of the Arcana, the foundation of all structured magic, which made it one of the strongest forms of all magic if properly mastered as she had. With her magical power alone, she could outclass nearly all Nova-Ranked beings and match the few overpowered ones, but that left her one major weakness.

If anything could negate magic, she would be hard pressed to fight back. Most methods would be done through an artifact which would mean that it would create a zone that disrupts various forms of magic which might allow her to use a bit of magic if she was lucky, or at least the chance to use a bit of mana to escape the affected area. There had only been a single race known throughout the Endless Firmament that naturally absorbed all types of mana which had been believed to have been wiped out, but it seemed that the Tienovy Pantheon had discovered a survivor of the Ousrah Massacre.

Katye was not completely hopeless without her magic, but she fell to the Supreme-Lord Rank which was about the level of her opponent. Unlike her, the Ousrah's specialty laid in the Axe techniques that he was using against her, slowly overwhelming her defenses. She could handle his speed, but it was the power behind his whip-like arms that were pushing her back every time.

Then it happened. Her rapier broke and the Ousrah's axe cleaved half-way through her chest. To add insult to injury, he stabbed one of his tentacles into the wound and started draining both her mana and Soul.

With burning fury, I transformed into my True Form, becoming a hundred-mile-long dragon with four limbs and four wings. The Chaos Storm that surrounded me grew to blanket a thousand miles in every direction along with the change in size. I swatted Entode away with disinterest as I charged the Ousrah. Once the storm reached him, his body started draining away my mana as my body naturally tried to keep building it, but that was not a problem for me. A moment later, the teeth closed in on him, bisecting his body with the first bite, but I chewed him a few more times before I transformed back to my humanoid form, catching Alkatyenia's body.

But it was already too late, and her body was breaking down as she took her final breaths. I had prevented her Soul from being harvested, but that was all I had been able to do. She reached up her hand and placed it on my cheek as she looked up at me with a weak smile. Death claimed her when her hand slipped from my cheek and her body dissolved into motes of violet energy.

Golunda's final spell was truly being tested as I watched Alkatyenia disappear. It was the only thing that kept me from falling into a blind rage with my emotions constantly boiling up. Thankfully, a target to release them on presented himself as Entode stabbed his sword through my back.

"It's your turn to be free as well," I said, clutching the sword.

The silent storm suddenly came to life and threw hundreds of bolts of crimson lightning at me, which I channeled through the sword. The Soul Gem containing our daughter's Soul finally shattered and the sword crumbled without that support. Igniting both my Life Force and Soul, my body rapidly healed the wound in my chest and swelled with power.

"I will only die after I destroy your True Soul," I growled.


A year after the city of Eden was officially founded, the Gagarin took off from the surface and headed into space, but this was not a usual trip to the Eligius to change crew. No, there was a full crew of engineers and a lot of equipment, and we were heading for the last of the Ark that remained in orbit, the Go-Sci Ring. It was finally time to reclaim the space station since the city could support itself without Katye's and my constant tending to the fields.

"Oh, wow," Katye said softly as we left the atmosphere and felt the rush of different energies.

"Told you," I chuckled, looking out the window.

"What's it like?" Raven asked.

"It like a symphony of energy... there are the low drums of Yin energy, the high-pitch flutes of Yang, Space makes up the stringed instruments, and there are even more types that I don't know, but I want to," I replied.

"It's beautiful to see the swirling rainbow of colors as well," Katye added, her eyes shimmering with a violet glow which was the sign that she was using her Mana Sight spell.

"Show off," I grumbled.

"You're one to talk," Echo taunted.

I chuckled, "True."

"We'll be in position with Go-Sci in ten minutes if you want to start getting ready," Shaw said.

"Thank you, Captain Shaw," Raven replied.

He grinned at her since she used his new title, though he was little more than an interplanetary taxi driver. The four of us left the bridge and headed to the cargo bay where the Engineering team was. There was no Sinclair on this trip, and Wick was only here for a week to help with the initial startup, but after that, Raven's project for the next five years would be getting the space station up and running. There was plenty of equipment from Becca's lab that would allow us to monitor both the Earth and the Solar System, so with a little prodding from Katye and I, the council had agreed to the project.

"Wick, have you gotten the power up and running on the Ark?" Raven asked as we walked into the room.

"Yeah, the Chancellor's command codes went in fine, and the place lit up," Wick replied with his typical care-free attitude which made Raven roll her eyes.

"Alright team, we have five minutes before we start the docking procedure. Everyone needs to check over their equipment one more time. It's been eight years since anyone was onboard and we don't know it's current state," Raven instructed her team.

"Yes, ma'am," the majority said in unison, but Wick just smirked at her.

Everyone else was already in their zero-g suits, so it was only Raven, Katye, and I that actually needed to suit up. Echo would be staying on the Gagarin until Raven gave the all-clear, since there was little that she could do to help with any of the engineering problems. She would be living up on the station with us, of course, but that did not mean that she would not jump at any chance to return to the surface whenever Katye or I was recalled to help with some matter or to bring up supplies for the station.

Going from Lead Hunter to hydroponics farmer had been a hit to Echo's pride, but as soon as Katye and I tried to suggest that we set up some kind of rotation for us between time on the surface and in space, she got angry. As she put it, she had already sacrificed her life for us and the future that we wanted to build, but the translation for normal people was that she did not want to make anything hard on us. Although she could be a hard ass at times, Echo really did have a heart of gold and would do anything, and everything, for the people that she cared about. Raven had a great opportunity while Katye and I would be able to grow stronger, faster in space. For us, she would do whatever it took to help and even more if she was worried that she would hold us back.

Raven, Katye, and I pulled on the last of the altered zero-g suits. Each one of the suits ran off of an oxygen-canister system instead of a line that ran into the shuffle craft's life support system. The hope was, that if something did go wrong, Katye and I would be able to rescue everyone before the Gagarin had to disengage, since we could still use our powers with them on, though with a little more effort.

By the time that the docking process finished, we were all in our suits and standing in the airlock, while Echo stood on the other side, waiting to press the final release. After Shaw's confirmation and a nod from Raven, Echo hit the switch as everyone braced for some kind of pressure change... only there wasn't one. We could not feel a breeze with our suits on though I did feel a slight fluctuation of Wind mana which happened with any type of pressure or temperature change.

"Alright, things seem good, but let's take it easy until we know for sure. Wick and Jacobs, you are on the power system. Gibson, Selman, you're with me to get the new oxygen scrubber working and then we'll move onto the mainframe. I'll let you two decide how you want to split up," Raven said through the intercom in our suits.

"I've got Wick and Jacobs," Katye said quickly.

"Thanks," I replied.

Raven led the group onto the space station with Katye and I taking up the rear. Thankfully, the artificial gravity was working, or things would have been difficult with everyone else having a tool bag on their shoulder and a couple were also carrying big pieces of equipment. The two teams separated right away, Raven's going right while Wick's went left. While we walked, both Katye and I infused our mana throughout the metal of the ship, searching for weaknesses. Explosive decompression was something that all of us wanted to avoid at all costs, so anything that we found would need to be pointed out right away.

Despite it being eight years since anyone had been on the station, things were still in decent condition. Raven was able to get the oxygen scrubbers back online without any difficulties and Wick did not find any surprises in the power system. After the computer confirmed that oxygen levels matched the Gagarin, we started moving all of the supplies that we had brought onto Go-Sci and setting up everything.

Over the next week, no one got a proper night's sleep with Raven pushing all of us to get the station to a self-sustaining state before Wick was due to leave. We overhauled all of the major systems, from power to life support, to building an entirely new hydroponic farm. She pushed herself harder than anyone, often working forty hours straight before she would get caught nodding off working on something and then I would get called to take her to bed.

When it came time to take Wick down to the surface, Katye and I also joined him so that we could collect more supplies, specifically metal. Raven wanted us to fuse the existing metal of Go-Sci with the metal that we could create by the end of the five-year stay, which had been dubbed mage-steel by the engineering teams. Raven had shown prototypes of what would be created to the Council when we were first getting permission for this project. Even without mana, the fused metal would retain most of the quality of mage-steel which meant that the space station would have two to three times stronger structural integrity. The downside was that we could only use half of the metal that we created since we promised the other half to Eden, though Katye and I had no intention of complaining.

A day's worth of turning sand into metal correlated to four days for us to fuse it with the existing metal of the space station while also boosting the production of the hydro-farm. After a few weeks though, we changed that tight schedule of both of us going down every four days to once a week for two days and only one of us would go at a time, which gave Echo the chance to leave as well. It was a busy, yet fun time in our lives, so I should have known that something was bound to spring up with how easy it had been to settle Diyoza's people.

I sat in our bedroom, meditating. Despite the four months of living in space, I was no closer to understanding the unnamed energies, so I did not risk using any of them, since an accident could easily damage the space station, risking the lives of everyone onboard. That did not mean that I had made no progress during that time as my understanding of the Space, Light, and Shadow elements had improved, and therefore my repertoire of spells had increased. Submerging myself in the different elements allowed me to understand their concepts better and manipulate them in different ways.

Most days when we were both on the station, Katye and I would switch off during the 'workday' between working on the hydro-farm and meditating in our quarters. Typically, I would get about five hours of meditating and six of actual work since Katye had the extra task of cooking for the nine of us that lived up here. Today, though, was different as Raven was the one who woke me up, and much earlier than normal.

"Hey, Clarke, Kane, and Luna need to talk to you. They're waiting for you on the main screen in the Command Center," Raven said when she knew I was fully awake.

"I thought we were done having to put out fires," I complained while I stood up and stretched.

"Are you really surprised?"

"I want to be."

She smirked and gave me a quick kiss. I slid my arm around her waist as we walked out of our bedroom and to the Command Center. I got suspicious, however, when Katye, Echo, and Shaw were the only people in the room.

"Well... isn't this ominous," I remarked as I walked over to the main monitor where I could see Clarke, Kane, and Luna sitting in the Council Chambers.

"There's no easy way to tell you this, so we hoped this would help. Bellamy has gone missing," Kane said directly.

"What do you mean 'missing'?" I asked with disbelief. "What happened?"

"He was on a supply run to Polis with Gina," Clarke explained. "They spent the night in the bunker and finished loading the rover in the morning. Gina says that he realized that he had forgotten something back in their room and ran back to get it. The camera showed that he made it to his room, but after turning a blind corner, we lost any trace of him."

At the mention of Polis, I looked at Katye, who had a complicated expression, which meant that she was thinking the same thing that I was. There was a certain powerful artifact buried under the bunker's floor which the two of us had been trying to ignore, but it seemed that the time had come far sooner than any of us wanted. The Disciples were the only plausible reason of how Bellamy could just disappear.

"I guess there is still one last fire that we need to handle," I sighed.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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