
Welcome Home

It took me another day and a half to heal all of the Eligius Prisoners with the added benefit of being in space. During that time, the Damocles Bomb was dismantled, and I had most of the cargo ejected into space. It might have been valuable in the Old World, but there were plenty of other means of generating power than risking the entire planet with the payload. I saved a few kilos for Sinclair and his team to study in the future, but the rest would hopefully be lost to the void.

After everyone was healed, Diyoza left a skeletal crew of people she trusted on the ship and then took the shuttle craft down with everyone else. While we were gone, Katye had been busy developing the southern end of the valley. She had built six large buildings that were two and three stories tall, four of which had living quarters, bathrooms, and large kitchens while the other two were for general storage. We landed the shuttle on the sandy side of the valley border near the buildings where Katye was already waiting when Diyoza and I led the prisoners out of the ship.

"Welcome home. I've created these buildings for your temporary residence, but once our engineers come here, we'll start building a true city and you will all have your own homes with power and running water by the end. For now, though, the tallest buildings can each hold thirty people with individual rooms on the second and third floors with restrooms on the bottom floor as well as a kitchen and dining area. The shorter two buildings can be used as general storage and we have stocked it with about a week's worth of preserved food and seeds that you can start planting. Rebecca and I can help speed along the growing process, but we will still need to supplement it with food from your ship and the bunkers until the farms are truly going," Katye explained.

"That's very generous of you, thank you. I'll have teams arranged within the hour to begin the work on the fields," Diyoza said respectfully since she was in front of the Eligius Prisoners.

"Good, that will give Rebecca and I time to prepare the land for you. Please, settle in, take inventory of what we have given you, and anything else you need," Katye replied with a light smile.

Diyoza gave a nod and turned around to start giving orders while Katye and I walked away from them. As soon as we rounded the corner of one of the buildings, I dropped my things when I saw Raven waiting and teleported over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist. She chuckled as she slid her arms around my neck and kissed me.

"I missed you too," Raven teased.

"Wait until you see the Eligius. I'll lose you to the ship," I chuckled.

"Nah, there are still things that only you, Katye, and Echo can do," she taunted.

I nipped at her playfully and let her go with an arm still around her waist as Katye walked up. I grabbed Katye's hand and gave it a little squeeze which made her smile.

"I missed you as well," I said.

"Likewise," Katye chuckled. "So, how was your trip?"

"Amazing actually. There was obviously Space elemental energy, but there was so much more... the amount of Light and Shadow mana was two to three times the amount we have here and there were things that I didn't recognize, so I could only brush on their concepts. We need to get the space station up and running again, or at least spend some time on the Eligius," I replied.

"We'll see what we can do in the future, but we need to get the city on its feet first," she chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess so… The valley can't support sixteen hundred right now without regular shipments of food from the three bunkers, but we should spend some time up there occasionally. Even you would be able to start building up your own Light mana."

"We can work out the details with Diyoza, Kane, and Sinclair when you move the first team out of Mount Weather tomorrow," Katye agreed.

"Already rallying the troops, huh?" I asked with a chuckle.

"I can't build an entire city on my own, even with the help of your powers," Raven replied.

"The sooner the city gets settled, the sooner we can get started on the space walks, so I'll shut up and work like a dog," I said with a smile.

"Good, then you can prep the fields while Raven and I relax. Twenty fields the size of the main garden. We only finished the plumbing on the buildings an hour or so ago, after all," Katye teased.

I chuckled with a mocking bow, "As you wish; I need some exercise after all that healing."

Raven gave me another quick kiss then moved away so that Katye could come close and give me a kiss as well. They both walked past me as Katye made a quick stone bench for the two of them to sit. I smirked, shaking my head, and pulled my music player out of my pocket. Just to be annoying, I switched it to speaker mode and played Donna Summer's "She Works Hard for the Money" to the jeers of Katye and the laughter of Raven.

Spreading out my Earth Domain, I started walking the perimeter of the first thousand-square-foot field as I turned the soil behind me to loosen it and break up the grassy turf. Whenever a shrub or tree would enter my working area, I would yank it out of the ground and throw it into a pile for firewood and other processing. It was simple work that I could do at a jog at my current level, so it really was just a simple exercise to plow the twenty fields which I finished shortly after Diyoza had walked up to Katye and Raven.

"Well, well... you finished that quickly," Katye chuckled as I slowed to a walk as I approached.

"I've been healing or meditating for the past three days; I wanna get back to the house as soon as I can," I retorted with a teasing smile.

Raven smirked and stood up as she said, "We need to set up the aqueducts and about ten other things before we can call it a day, I'm afraid. You've had six years to enjoy your time off, so it's time to get back to work for all of us."

"Fine," I groaned dramatically.

Raven rolled her eyes with a smile as she walked over to me and said over her shoulder, "We'll get the last of the stuff done then head up to the house. Don't take too long with your side of things."

"Yes, both of you run away when management work starts," Katye teased as she stood up.

"That's what I'm best at," I laughed before I pulled Raven and myself into the Shadow Realm.

There really was a lot for me to do and Raven was my guide for most of it since she had drawn up the plans for the first farming region. I needed to divert the river and create a large pond on the edge of a ridge line which would feed the aqueducts that ran down to the fields. While I could do all of the stonework and ground moving, Raven would help direct the finer details like the pitch of the channel and the splits for the different offshoots. After that was done, we tested the system out by filling the twelve wells that were positioned between the twenty different fields.

By the time we finished all of that, sunset was fast approaching, but it had been a good day. Diyoza's people had come out in force and planted all of the fields by the time I had finished my work. Once I got home with Raven, I checked up on Madi and Echo then took a nice, hot shower with Raven before dinner. The evening was even better with Seluna acting as the invisible watchman, so that the four of us could catch up with some peace of mind. It may have just been three days apart, but it had been a long time since we spent an evening separated and it would be our last quiet night for a while.

The next morning after breakfast, all five of us drove down to the southern side of the valley where the Gagarin was still on the ground. People were already moving around, tending the fields, prepping firewood, and other miscellaneous tasks. We parked the rover between the buildings and the shuttle and climbed out as Diyoza and Shaw made their way towards us.

"Good morning," I called out as Diyoza and Shaw neared.

"I hope everything is to your liking. Our supplies are limited, but we gave y'all what we could," Katye added.

"It's fine, far better than any of us could have hoped for," Diyoza replied with a light smile.

"I'm glad. Echo and I will be staying behind today to help boost the fields, so Rebecca and Raven will be leading you to the first bunker," Katye said.

"Are you sure that you don't want to come too? There are rifles in the storage buildings," Diyoza asked with a bit of concern.

"If your people are going to feel accepted, we have to show them that we trust them and want to help. We'll be fine," Katye replied.

"Don't worry. While I can tank a bullet, Katye cannot just dodge them, but see them moving through the air," I added with a smirk.

"Alright then, the ship has been prepared and it's just waiting on us," Diyoza replied.

"Well, let's get going then, right, kiddo?" I teased while trying to reach for Madi's head, but she immediately retreated to the other side of Raven as soon as my hand moved.

"You better stop that when the others get here!" she complained.

I chuckled, "I've helped raise you for the past six years, kid. Let me embarrass you like any good parent would."

That got a laugh out of Katye, Echo, and Raven and even Diyoza and Shaw chuckled lightly as Madi stuck out her tongue. We made our goodbyes from there with Katye and Echo heading towards the fields while the rest of us walked towards the Gagarin and stepped onboard. Both Madi and Raven were excited as they looked around the inside of the ship while we made our way to the bridge.

Shaw took his seat at the helm with Raven sitting not too far away, so that she could peek over his shoulder. I let Madi have the window seat that I had sat in before while I stood behind her, holding on to her chair. When Diyoza sat down in her chair, she gave Shaw a nod and he started taking off.

"Do you have a heading for this bunker of yours?" Diyoza asked.

"Head northeast over the mountains and keep low to the ground. We built a road several years back, marked with black stone pillars that were fifty feet tall, so we can follow that. Eventually, a split will pop up and we need to follow the left side with the pillars that have three white bands," I replied.

"Why do you even need us?" she sighed.

"Because we can move a hell of a lot more equipment at once with your ship," I chuckled despite knowing that she meant it as a rhetorical question.

I left it there and turned my attention to what was out the window. Although the desert had reclaimed the once green land, I knew that it was only a matter of time before Life started spreading out and it would likely follow this stretch of road since we planned on keeping the bunkers running. Generations would travel this road between the future cities, but only if we could hold off the Final War. Since we knew what the Final War was truly about, we were confident that it was the final test of 'character' that Tori had told us both about, so with everything else, it was quite obvious.

The only trouble that we should be facing was from the Second Dawn Cult, but only if they learned about us. In the show, they only learned about the survivors of Earth after Diyoza and Octavia had gotten trapped on Skyring and were captured by the Disciples which would be quite hard with the current standings since no one would be traveling to Sanctum. Still, Katye and I had learned not to be cocky predicting the future with my brother's interference since the world around us had proven time and again to adjust to our actions.

Shaw easily navigated to the entrance of Mount Weather, but the shuttle was too large to land near the door. Instead of forcing the ship to land further away, I teleported out of the shuttle altogether and landed on the ground to create a landing pad big enough for the Gagarin which was opposite the power plant for the bunker. By the time that Raven, Madi, Diyoza, Shaw, and a couple of others exited the ship, Kane, Abby, Roan, Indra, and Anya walked out of the bunker and joined me on the edge of the platform.

"Seda," I said with a polite bow.

"I haven't been your teacher in years, girl," Indra chided.

"But I will never forget your lessons, so you will always be my Seda," I chuckled as I grabbed her outstretched arm. I repeated the action with Kane and Roan, but Abby gave me a hug just as Madi ran up.

Abby gave her a hug as well and laughed, "You've gotten so big!"

"Are you coming to Eden too?" Madi asked, hopefully.

"Not this time, but next time I will be," Abby promised.

"Kane, it's about time that I made good on a promise that I made to you, years ago. Marcus Kane, please meet Colonel Charmaine Diyoza; Diyoza, please meet Marcus Kane, former leader of Skaikru and a current Council Member of Wonkru," I introduced with a smile as the others walked up. "This is Doctor Abby Griffin, Indra, another Council Member, and Roan, also another Council Member. All of them have dealt with Katye's and my plans for years, so if any can understand your pain and annoyance dealing with us, they will."

"Thanks for the introduction," Diyoza said sarcastically. "Rebecca has told me quite a bit about you, Kane. It's good to have a face to go with the name."

"Likewise. It's good to have you as part of the team finally," Kane replied with an outstretched hand.

"If you say so," Diyoza sighed, shaking his hand.

The main door to Mount Weather opened again and Sinclair led a team of people out, all carrying crates. I turned my back to them before any of them could see my face and used my power to create a metal half-mask which would cover the upper section of my face. It may have been a little silly to do, but I was 'dead' and, if I did not hide my trademark Soul Burn, it would start the rumors sooner than we would like.

"Cute," Raven chuckled as I put the mask on.

"Well, that should work for most people," Kane remarked.

"If anyone recognizes my voice after six years, I owe them an explanation of why I'm 'dead'," I replied. Diyoza gave me a questioning look to which I shrugged and explained, "It's not like Katye or I could really retire or step down with 'who' we were before the bunkers, so we 'died' instead."

"Reyes, it's good to see you again," Sinclair greeted as he approached.

"Likewise, sir," Raven said, respectfully, as she shook his hand.

"Rebecca," he said, giving me a nod.

"I hope my brother hasn't given you too much trouble over the years," I replied, shaking his hand as well.

"He's grown into a fine leader and Arkadia wouldn't have lasted without him."

I nodded my head, "I knew he had it in him."

We did not talk too much more and instead started moving things onto the ship. Since the surface was now livable again, quite a bit of equipment had been dismantled and was being repurposed to help build things for the future city. Even with the aid of our powers to create metal and glass, there were still things that required normal fabrication without mana, so we could only harvest things from the bunkers and Arkadia until we could produce them in our own city's workshop. The ship was loaded down with anything, and everything, that the three sites could spare since we had known this day was coming for months. It would be up to Sinclair, Raven, and the team of engineers that were coming with us to figure out how to set up all of the facilities that we needed for the new city that we would be building, but all of us were looking forward to the challenge.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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