
A Night to Celebrate

***Warning: The end of the chapter is NSFW! Enjoy, lol***

The next six months passed quietly and peacefully. Katye focused on learning the new language and the spells that were on the walls, though she was not having an easy time. The rune spells needed perfect recreation as she wrote the symbols in the air, but what could not be copied on a flat surface was the three-dimensional placement of each rune.

So far, she had only been successful with a single, simple Enchantment type spell which caused the object, infused with it, to spin at a set speed, no matter the amount of weight put on it, for as long as the mana crystal lasted. Although it seemed a little useless in a combat situation, Raven had already figured out a very practical and needed usage for it, a generator. Mount Weather's energy source was slowly running out, so this could be the solution that they needed. Sinclair and she worked together over the computer to come up with the designs, but it was Katye who worked with her to build the first few prototypes.

Without something specific to work on, I had a bit of freedom on what I wanted to do and learn, which led to half a dozen different projects. I had developed another dual-element, Glass, which was close to Magma, but the Earth side needed a more delicate touch while the Fire needed to be extra hot. Thanks to it, all of our houses were now completely resistant to the weather and had a bit more flair, and I had built a large greenhouse so that we would be able to keep growing fresh food through the winter. I had also made a still and, with a few tips from Ishu since alcohol was technically a form of Poison, I could finally get drunk again.

The key was that I needed a Mana Fruit, as he called it, which was any plant that had a strong concentration of mana inside of it, but it did not have to be a fruit specifically. In his world, certain plants would naturally draw mana from the air into themselves, turning them into these Natural Treasures that could boost a person's physical and magical abilities. Although none of the plants that we grew would draw in mana on their own, I had already touched upon the triple-element, Plant, so with a month or so of practice, I had been able to make a large raspberry bush that was practically overflowing with the mana that I pushed into the plant.

Creating an artificial Mana Fruit was not enough to create Spirit Wine since it required a form of Alchemy which Ishu was able to teach me. The difference between a Potion, Poison, and Spirit Wine was the balance of Yin and Yang contained within the product. Potions, which were used in beneficial ways, to heal or aid in a breakthrough, had strong Yang properties while Poisons were the opposite with strong Yin properties. Spirit Wines required a perfect balance of the Yin and Yang elements, and any imperfections would lessen the quality of it.

I still could not use what Ishu considered true Yin or Yang elements, but my ability to manipulate Light and Shadow could substitute for it, though the quality took another hit. During the brewing process, I would have to take on a more hands on role to create the Spirit Wine than I would to make normal moonshine, but that made it a more enjoyable process. I directly had to heat the mash with my Fire Mana and control the temperature during the fermentation and distillation processes, while also infusing Shadow mana into it at the same time. Speeding up the time that it took to condense the alcohol vapor with my Ice mana would also improve the quality and flavor of the wine. In the end, the more time and energy I was willing to put into it, the better my Spirit Wine would become, but since it was the only way that Katye and I could get drunk now that we both had our Dusa forms, I felt it was more than worth the effort, especially when it came time to celebrate.

It was well after a year since we had opened the vault when Katye and Raven had finally been successful with building the generators for Mount Weather which would be able to support their needs for as long as there were mana crystals to power them. Abby was still concerned about the possibility of bringing in the radiation, so we built the new power plant right outside of the main entrance on a three-day trip to the mountain. That gave us enough time to make the structure, metal machines, and do the enchanting while Raven taught Wick how to work on them and replace the violet crystals. Katye had made over a hundred of the small crystals while she had trained to do the trial, so there was plenty of stock that should be able to last them several months.

We would have to bring up more occasionally, but we would also need to make repairs to the generators. It was not that inconvenient for us to check up on them regularly, so the last major hurdle for Mount Weather was finally cleared. There was still a chance that something could knock out food production or an illness could sweep through the population, but I was confident in my ability to deal with both problems, if they should arise.

When we returned to Eden, everyone agreed that we should celebrate the achievement, especially Madi who demanded some of the candied fruits that Katye saved for special occasions. Echo and I went on a quick hunt and brought back a large buck which she broke down with ease. Katye cooked us a delicious meal while I stored the excess in an ice box for later. Madi got her candies for dessert while the adults got moonshine or my newest batch of Spirit Wine. While Raven and Echo could drink it, a single sip seemed to equal two to three shots of normal, strong moonshine.

After dinner, we went upstairs to the game room and played board games with Madi until the sugar finally made her crash around midnight. While Katye carried her up to the bedroom, Raven and Echo tidied up the board game and I hurried down to my little workshop to grab fresh bottles for us. By the time that I got back, Katye had rejoined the table and the cards were already dealt.

"Diamonds are trump and no one touched your cards after I dealt them," Raven said as I placed the bottles on the table.

"Please, you're the one most likely to mess with them," I chuckled then kissed the top of her head before I sat down.

Katye reached over and grabbed the bottle of red liquid with a smirk then poured herself a glass. "My vote is that the overall loser of a hand will have to take a shot and the winner gets to assign a second shot to whoever they decide, including themselves if they want."

"Works for me," Raven replied, picking up her cards.

I picked up my cards and we started our game of Boo-ray that Katye had taught us. It was a simple, fast-paced game where the goal was to win as many tricks as you could with the five cards that you were dealt. The dealer would flip over the next card after everyone had their hands and whatever suit it was would be trump. From there, the person to the right of the dealer would put down their first card then everyone would place theirs in a clockwise rotation, high card would win unless it was trumped, and the round would end when everyone's hand was empty.

Within an hour, all of us were pretty drunk, so we slowed down on the shots and just played for fun... or at least it started that way. One thing that all of us had in common was our competitive nature, so it was only a matter of time before stupid dares replaced the shots for betting purposes, but in my defense, it started off on Katye's idea and the one who turned it dirty... even if I went along with it.

Katye laughed evilly as she pulled in the winning trick for the third round in a row and taunted, "Let's see... what could I want now?"

"So extra," I scoffed with a smirk as I pulled in all of the cards, so that I could shuffle this time.

"As I remember," she said with a devilish smile, ignoring my remark, "you kissed Echo numerous times while you two were in Azgeda. I think it would only be fair if I got to kiss Raven at least once."

"Don't get me in trouble; she started it, not me," I complained.

"You still initiated your fair share while we were there," Echo remarked with a smirk.

"Jok yu," I retorted, shuffling the cards.

"Your accent is still terrible."

"So Raven, what do you say? Want to make Becca jealous?" Katye asked with a teasing smile.

Raven gave me a look, but I shrugged since I knew I had no place to stop her in a friendly bet. What I had not been expecting was that she took my relaxed attitude to it as a challenge and got out of her chair then sat in Katye's lap. My jaw hung loosely as I watched 'Lexa' and Raven make out in front of me. Honestly, there was not a jealous bone in my body aside from the fact that I wanted to be in the middle of that particular sandwich, though when I saw a hand climb up Raven's chest, I cleared my throat loudly.

"I did not cross that particular line with your partner," I remarked as I dealt the next hand after Raven sat back in her chair, which caused her to blush.

"Shame... what a waste to leave it at that point. She's a really good kisser, nearly as good as Echo," Katye teased with a smirk.

Before I could comment, someone else took offense, though not exactly who I would have expected, as Raven retorted, "You're only saying that because you are with her."

"We could always ask Rebecca, but if she has a smidgen of sense, she will side with you, invalidating her opinion, so why not win the next hand and try it for yourself then you'll understand," Katye taunted.

The Spirit Wine did not hit exactly like alcohol, though it certainly impaired common sense, or things would not have gotten to this point. Instead of making me drowsy, it left a bubbly, tingly feeling throughout my body, so it was not too surprising that Katye was acting a little more playful than her usual self. I really was not the jealous type, so I had no problem watching Raven make out with Katye or Echo.

It was almost annoying when Katye won the next hand, but she did not let me down, asking, "Welp, I guess I'll be the one to ask. Echo would you be willing to show off?"

Echo shrugged and stood up a little clumsily but walked around the table still. I could not suppress the small, expecting smile on my face even when Raven looked over at me, so she chuckled and stood up as well. Similar to how she grabbed and kissed me in the bathroom in Troit, Echo held Raven in place with a hand around her throat and the other was placed on her lower back. Raven was not bothered by it and even put her arms around her neck then their lips met.

Neither of them was willing to back down, so it quickly turned into a hot and heavy make out session. Katye and I enjoyed the show and even toasted our glasses as their hands started to move around each other's bodies since we were not going to stop them. When they did finally separate, both were breathing a little harder and I could see a familiar, hungry look in Raven's eyes.

"So, see my point?" Katye asked with a teasing smile.

"That doesn't mean that she is a better kisser than me," Raven retorted despite her heavy blush.

Before she could sit back in her chair, I caught her wrist and tugged her into my lap with no real resistance from her. Raven sat down happily, draping her arms around my shoulders, and kissed me passionately. I did not care about the other two women in the room since they both had just made out with her, so my hand snaked its way under her shirt, and I pinched her nipple, making her moan against my lips.

"Are we going to keep playing, or do Echo and I just get to watch you two fool around?" Katye asked with a chuckle.

"I think we'll head upstairs," I retorted when Raven and I broke apart.

"You don't have to," Echo added with a smirk.

"What? You want to join us?" Raven chuckled.

"A bit," Echo retorted with no shame. "I tried several times when Becca was still Octavia, but she always refused. It'd be nice to know if the real thing can live up to the sexual frustration that I had to deal with sleeping next to her, naked, for weeks."

Katye laughed while Raven gave Echo a deadpan stare and I looked at Katye, expecting her to be the voice of reason, but she just shrugged and replied with a chuckle, "It wouldn't be my first time to have a few extra hands in the bedroom, as Lexa and Katye."

"Were you a swinger or something in your past life?" I asked.

"Raver kid," she corrected.

"Dear lord," I chuckled and then tapped Raven's butt, so that she would stand up, "and on that note, I think we'll take a permanent raincheck on that offer. Come on, babe."

To my surprise, Raven did not move right away and, instead, she turned back to face me with a complicated smile.

"What? Do you actually want to?"

"I mean... it's going to be the four of us for a long time, right? If it happens now, it happens together," Raven replied and, despite our drunken state, I caught her underlining meaning.

Instead of focusing on the negative, I ran my fingernails up her back and teased, "You just want to see what it's like to have two of us that can use superspeed."

She chuckled, "The thought may have crossed my mind once or twice before this."

"Who am I to disappoint you then?"

Raven leaned down and kissed me, but she had an ulterior motive as she grabbed the back hem of my shirt and pulled it off when she sat up, leaving me with just a wrap around my breasts. She chuckled mischievously and asked over her shoulder, "So, where are we doing this?"

There was a hungry glint in Echo's eyes that I had never seen before as she stared at me while Katye chuckled, "Our room is the closest if you are serious."

"She's still mine," Raven retorted, tossing my shirt at Katye.

"I know... but it would be nice if you would share," Katye replied with a smirk which made Raven chuckle like it was some inside joke between them.

Raven slid off my lap and helped me stand while Katye stood up; Echo had never sat back down after kissing Raven. I grabbed the bottle of Spirit Wine as Raven met up with Katye on their way towards the stairs and both of them slid an arm around each other's waist with Raven giving me a little wink over her shoulder. I was distracted by the two beautiful backsides walking away from me, so I did not notice the fourth member of our group walk up behind me. Echo's arms wrapped around me from behind, one hand sliding down my toned stomach and the other cupped my breast.

"It's about time that we finished this thing between us," Echo growled quietly in my ear.

"It would be a shame if you could only last a few moments," I taunted, remembering our time together in Azgeda.

She did not reply with words and, instead, slipped her hand under my waistband so that she could slide her fingers over my clit, before she pulled away completely. My moan got caught in my throat when I realized that she was just teasing me, and it turned into a growl. She chuckled as she hurried around me and over to the girls. Part of me wanted to get her back right then and there, but I had the whole night to make her repay it with interest.

We made it upstairs and across the bridge to their little suite. Katye secured the door, but before I could grab Echo, she grabbed Raven and started kissing her. I could not even be mad or think about my revenge against Echo as I just watched the scene in front of me. I took a drink straight out of the bottle, but Katye snuck up behind and made me jump a little when her fingers traced along my hipbone, causing me to spill a little of the wine.

"Let me get that," Katye said as her head dipped down.

Her tongue touched the top of my cleavage and collected the bead of wine as she followed its trail over my collarbone and up my neck. Ripples of pleasure washed over me that were caused by more than the simple action, though I was not sure if it was a trick or something more. I wrapped the arm with the bottle around her waist while the other tilted her head up and I kissed her directly.

It was nearing the third year that we had known each other and when our attraction first began. Things had never played out right so that we could have had a chance to be together before now, so a lot of tension was immediately released when our tongues met. We fought for dominance, both of us tapping into our powers to speed up and strengthen ourselves, but it was hard to determine a victor between us. Katye pulled away first, but instead of pressing my advantage, my eyes turned towards Raven and Echo, who had already made it over to the bed.

"We can't let them get too far ahead of us," Katye breathed in my ear.

"I'd rather join them," I replied then picked up Katye and carried her over to the bed, dropping off my bottle on a nearby table.

Katye did not complain and kissed me again while I laid her on the bed next to Raven. Katye reached out towards Raven while I straightened up and moved behind Echo. While Katye and Raven started kissing and groping each other, I carefully pulled Echo away from the other two and turned her around to face me. There had always been this underlining tension between us, different than that between Katye and myself, since neither of us thought that we would actually have this chance, so it only took a matter of moments before we started peeling off each other's clothes. Once I had her naked, I pushed her back onto the bed which paused Raven and Katye so that Katye could turn over and kiss Echo.

While those two had their little moment, I turned to Raven with a wolfish smile on my face. She smiled back as I crawled on top of her, but I only gave her a quick kiss before I pulled her shirt. My hands went straight to her breasts and started kneading them as my thumbs flicked across her nipples, causing her to moan. When she arched her back, I leaned down and gently nipped at the sweet spot behind her ear, further increasing her pleasure.

I teased her for a few moments before my hands moved down her sides and I took off her pants. Katye took the chance to steal Raven's lips yet again, but since she was the only one still dressed, I used her distraction to rid her of her pants as well while Echo went for her shirt. Katye suddenly found herself in the middle of all three of us and, like circling sharks, we all went in for the kill.

Raven, on her left, claimed her lips while she pinched Katye's nipple. Echo, on her right, simply lowered her head and started sucking on Katye's other nipple. That only left one spot for me, but I was not complaining as I knelt between her legs and ran my tongue up her wet slit. A shudder rocked through Katye's entire body while Raven muffled her moans of pleasure. None of us were taking it easy on her, so it was not long before Katye let out a scream of pleasure with her orgasm.

I stood up as Katye's and Raven's make out session came to an end, but it was Echo shifting to the edge that drew my attention and suspicion. Everything was explained, though, when she reached into the nightstand and pulled out a metallic strap-on. If she had not handed it over right away, I probably would have taken it from Echo. While I took a few seconds to put it on, the girls shifted positions so that Echo was on all fours with her ass pointed towards me and her head was between Raven's legs. It was far too tempting, so I smacked Echo's butt before I positioned myself and thrusted the entire shaft into her, causing her to cry out.

"That was for earlier... now, I think it's time you paid for every stunt you've pulled since we met," I said in her ear as I leaned down.

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