
The Power of the Soul

I practically had to drag Katye away from the third trial since she was practically obsessed with this challenge, but we returned to the surface on time, an hour before sunrise. Raven and Echo were waiting around the dining table, not really talking since one was on her computer and the other was sketching in her journal. I sealed the pathway behind us since Katye had used a big chunk of her mana trying the third trial over and over before I found her.

"How did it go?" Raven asked as we walked up.

"Pretty good. I found the vault, but we will need to complete five challenges before we can open it," I replied, setting my map on the table and sitting down next to her.

Katye circled the table and sat next to Echo as she asked, "I thought we only needed four keys."

"If I didn't need to pull you away from the third test, you would have gotten to the vault and seen that the keys activate the final challenge, though there were no clues about this one."

"Well, 'take heart and steel your resolve' probably means something," Katye said.

"Let's just hope that we don't have to fight those statue guardians because they won't be easy."

"And thank you for jinxing us," Katye retorted, flipping over my map to look at the details of the two trials that I found. "So, we have tests to combine the elements, balance the elements, condense mana into a solid-state, and one involving speed and precision."

"You make it sound so simple," I chuckled sarcastically.

We redrew the map with all of our information together and made a couple of copies of the different trials. Although Raven and Echo could not help us directly with the challenges, they could help with ideas, especially for the combinations of elements. As Ishu had said, there were many possible combinations, but it was harder to come up with ideas other than some obvious things like mud and magma.

The labyrinth was clearly not something that we would be able to solve in a couple of days, weeks, or even months. Each of the challenges focused on different aspects of our powers, so they would be great ways to measure our skill. This was the first time that we had specific training from Tori which gave us some guidance towards our future, but not enough to give us any real ideas of what it could hold. All we could do for now was to continue refining our skills and keep living our lives.

Days melded into weeks as Katye and I focused on training. Katye had practically claimed the third trial since she would spend hours trying it over and over, only stopping when she needed to meditate or when I dragged her out of the labyrinth. It got so bad after the first couple of days that Echo, Raven, and I sat her down like an intervention almost and talked about spending some of her time with the rest of us, Madi included though we did not pull her into the conversation since we felt that was too much of a guilt trip.

I tried the trial a few times and, while it was a fun change of pace, I was severely lacking in comparison to Katye. The goal of the trial was to gather the hundred floating gemstones and place them in the properly colored bowl, but the catch was even harder than she had made it seem. The gems would change through all five colors within a single second and there were no two patterns near each other. I tried herding them into groups to make things easier, but it would cause the gems to completely switch patterns before I could gather more than two together. The cherry on top of this impossible sundae was that there was a time limit of ten minutes before everything would be reset from when you stepped into the ring, activating the trial. It seemed like plenty of time, but those ten minutes included the time to memorize the pattern of the gemstones as they float around, and even behind, you.

Katye had managed to place twenty gems as her best try while I had yet to place a single one due to the strict requirements. Although it was great practice for my Superspeed and overall dexterity, I agreed with Katye that she should focus on it and the fourth trial, to make the mana crystals. My talents obviously laid in the elemental mana versus unattributed mana, so I would focus on balancing and combining the elements. With the time limit looming over our heads, we decided to divide and conquer the labyrinth.

Thankfully, Raven and Echo understood how important solving this labyrinth was to us, so they were not upset with the amount of time that we spent training. I could spend most of my time practicing outside of the labyrinth, but Katye was not so lucky. She could try crafting mana crystals outside of the labyrinth, but it required so much focus that she would become completely unresponsive while she worked.

While Ishu could supply me with a long list of dual-element combinations, that did little for the practical application of creating said elements. Every day, I would practice fusing Earth and Fire since they were my strongest elements for a couple of hours before switching to a different combination and then every other evening, I would spend in the labyrinth with Katye, but we would work on different trials. The mornings after those nights, we would often find Raven and Echo waiting on us at the dining table, though sometimes it would only be one or the other.

Before I knew it, another month and a half had passed. Not a single trial had been completed, but we were getting closer... or rather, I was. I had succeeded in forming my first dual-element, but unfortunately, Mud was not what the Earth and Water brazier needed. I was not surprised since, not only was it the simplest of the dual-elements to form, but it also did not have a lot of practical combat power. A Mud ball might hurt more than a Water ball but launching a solid stone at an opponent was much stronger. Still, it gave me a feeling of combining the elements and proof that I was getting closer.

For a change of pace, if only for a day, we took the day off to celebrate a full year in this world. We explained it to Madi as the day that the first members of Skaikru landed on the ground which we were celebrating in honor of Raven. She did not care about the reason, but rather that Katye and I spent the entire day just relaxing and playing with the young girl.

Although we went back to work the next day, having one that was completely off did a lot to help our minds reset and approach our challenges in new ways. I had spent most of my time focusing on creating dual-elements, but I decided to work on balancing the elements solidly for a few weeks. The trial was not the most exciting since I needed to be in a trance-like state to be able to sense the fine levels of the four elements.

The trial used a balancing, bronze contraption. There was a single, clear crystal placed in the center of four bronze bars that each connected to a smaller crystal with bands of metal. The colors of the four were red, blue, green, and yellow, reflecting the four elements that needed to be balanced. To activate the challenge, I had to place a hand on the clear crystal and the four smaller crystals would inject their elemental energy into it. The bronze bars would rise or lower, depending on how much of their element was currently inside the clear crystal. The goal was to even out all of the bars four times with the range of elemental energy growing with each level, but the challenge was that each level had to be done in under a minute or it would be reset.

Typically, I could manage the second round without too much difficulty, but the third round was a big jump from the second and I had yet to succeed in passing it. It did not simply require me to inject my own elemental mana into the crystal since the device would react to my actions and try to throw off my attempt by fluctuating the energy it supplied. The first round could do it once, the second twice, and the third three times which was the usual cause of my downfall. It would take about twenty-five seconds for me to balance the crystal in the third round I had calculated through numerous attempts, but it would change every nineteen.

Somehow, I needed to reduce the time that it took for me to take control of the elements within the crystal. Like a crack of thunder, an idea came to me one night as I meditated to recover my mana faster, and it even forced me to awaken from my trance. Instead of trying to ease a balance with the device, I needed to take control. So many of my problems in this life, and the one before, were rooted in the fact that I preferred to sit back and let the world pass around me when I could step forward.

As if possessed, which I might have been in a sense, I placed a hand on the clear crystal while my Soul Power stirred with my unconscious Will. The trial started instantly, and I activated my mana in a different way than I had before. It was similar to my Domains, but more forceful and using all four elements at once while a single name rang throughout my mind, Elemental Domination. The different elemental energies flooded into the clear crystal, but as soon as they did, my new spell took control over them. I could absorb what elements were in excess while boosting the other elements with ease.

This was the piece that I had been missing the whole time as even the sudden shifts could not rattle my strangle hold on the elements within the crystal. One... two... three... I broke through the rounds without any difficulties. I did not even give the device the chance to switch more than once before I would balance it and pass onto the next round. The fourth gave me a little bit of trouble as the range neared my total mana, but I was able to use those elements that I had absorbed to supplement the energy that I needed.

The device gave off a loud, deep gong-like sound when I completed the fourth round. The pedestal with the instructions for the trial crumbled and revealed a small crystal that could fit in the palm of my hand. It gave off a strange silver glow, but I could also see a deep, crimson core inside of the crystal. I sat there, next to the silver crystal, panting as the few minutes of using my Soul Power had completely drained everything that I had.

A little bit later, the sound of footsteps running reached my ears and Katye rounded the corner a moment later. She hurried over to me and knelt down at my side. I handed her the silver crystal with a weak smile on my face.

"Our first key," I said, tiredly.

"You did it?" she asked with surprise.

"Soul Power... that's what we've been missing, that's why the first test required us to learn how to use it."

Katye sat down with a defeated expression and placed the crystal to the side. "I should have thought of that weeks ago."

"Well... I didn't really think of it myself. I had an idea and then my body acted more on its own than under my direction."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not really sure. It's happened a few times when my life was in danger, but since my Dusa form awoken, I've noticed something has been influencing me more often. Typically, it's nothing more than heightened emotions, but opening the door to the labyrinth and now this... it was almost like my instincts took over. I know Tori said that he did this so that we could help him in the future, but I think there is something more to all of this, something important that he hasn't told us," I replied quietly.

Katye sighed, "That would be just like him. Tell us enough to get started and, when we get close to a dead-end, he'd drop a clue to get us back on the right track. We're going to need to have a long talk with him whenever we see him again."

"I just want to punch him in the face at least once," I replied with a weak chuckle.

"I'd like to get a few answers from him first, but if he does what he did at the beginning of this, I'll try to hold him still for you," Katye retorted.

"Thanks," I said with a smile then sighed. "I'm glad that I have you to face all of this with, Katye. I need someone like you who is steady and keeps pushing forward."

"I don't really feel like I do anything other than force you to deal with all of the problems that pop up," Katye sighed.

"You managed the Coalition, came up with most of our plans, and fought by my side when you could. Having someone to trust and support me is far more valuable than having someone to remove the obstacles in front of me."

"Well, without your faith in me, I'm not sure I could have done all of this, so thank you," she said, placing a hand on my thigh.

Although it was an innocent gesture, I could not help but feel my heartbeat quicken. Considering that we both preferred women, I could not help but guess that Tori had meant for us to get together. I was with Lincoln when we first met and then jumped quickly into my relationship with Raven after his death, so there had never really been a chance for something to develop between us. This was the longest amount of time that we had been together, and, despite her workaholic nature, I truly did enjoy her company. When it was just us, there was a good chance that things would develop between us, but there was no way that I would let anything happen now and hurt Raven.

"I'm, uh... pretty spent after that, so I'm going to head out early tonight," I said a little awkwardly and stood up.

"Of course," she said, looking away.

"Put the crystal somewhere safe," I reminded then walked away.

"Yeah," she sighed.

It seemed that Katye had similar feelings, but she also understood my feelings towards Raven. The two of us would have a long life together, if everything went to plan, but the time that I had with Raven, and she had with Echo, was limited, so it was an unspoken agreement that neither of us would act on these feelings.

Nothing else special happened that evening, or even for the rest of the week, but my tip to use Soul Power did pay off. Two weeks later, Katye completed the third trial and earned more than just the next key. Like the tribal tattoos that boosted my strength, Katye received a set of her own except that hers were violet in color. Violet runes ringed her eyes from her eyebrows around to the middle point of her eyes. Her fingers also got symbols between each set of knuckles which continued on the back of her hands and melding into a single set of larger symbols that continued up her arms. Unlike mine, her markings enhanced her dexterity and eased the process of infusing her Soul Power into her Superspeed ability.

The last two trials were not something that adding some Soul Power could fix. The first trial required full control over the elemental mana and creativity to form the correct dual-elements. The fourth trial required an enormous amount of unattributed mana and control to form the mana crystals that were needed, and it was not something that could be left for more than an hour before the crystals would be absorbed by the pedestal.

Despite our dedication, it took another six months before we received our next key. After finishing the third trial, Katye did not even bother going down to the labyrinth except once a week to attempt the fourth. Instead, she spent every bit of mana that she had, day after day, making mana crystals out on the surface which slowly grew her mana pool until it was large enough to make the ten mana crystals that the trial needed.

I had made my own gains over that period of time, coming up with several of the dual-elements. The combination of Fire and Earth ended up being Magma while Fire and Wind was similar to the blue fireball that I had once created by condensing my Fire mana though it was even hotter and used less mana. Fire and Water became Steam and Wind and Water turned into Ice. It was the combination of Earth and Wind, and Earth and Water that were still giving me trouble.

One evening after Madi had been put to bed, everyone was gathered in the kitchen, chatting. Well, the others were while I was laying face down on a quickly made stone bench, sulking at the fact that I still had not come up with the right combination. They were going over the list of dual-elements that Ishu had given me and comparing them to what had been successful.

"I'm sorry, Becca, I know you don't want to, but I think Ishu is the only one that can give us a better idea of what to focus on," Katye said.

I let out a groan as I turned my head to the side and complained, "But I don't wanna. He's just going to call me a mindless beast again and whatever else he can think of to insult my intelligence."

"Then should I ask Raven to go tuck you in with Madi?" Katye retorted while the others chuckled.

With a flick of my fingers, I launched a small fireball at her, but she raised her hand and let the white flames hit her palm, harmlessly. I sighed and pushed myself up, sitting up properly, then pricked my finger so that I could summon him. Ishu pulled himself out of the void and looked around the room with mild surprise.

"You summoned me," Ishu said as his usual greeting.

"You explain it, Katye," I said.

"We are still trying to solve the trial of the dual-elements. Becca figured out four of them, but the last two are proving to be a challenge. I was hoping that we could find something in common with what we know, so she doesn't have to waste any more time on elements that won't work. So far, we have confirmed Ice, Steam, Magma, and Blue Flame," Katye explained.

Ishu looked at me and asked with disbelief, "You formed four true dual-elements?"

"The braziers accepted them," I replied, forming a small ball of ice.

"How long has it been since you last summoned me?"

I looked at Katye, but she shook her head, so I shrugged and replied, "I don't know... seven or eight months."

His entire body flickered for a moment as he stared dimly at the ground, muttering, "Eight months to create four separate dual-elements... Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Seeing the first sign of weakness in him, I popped the ice ball into my mouth with a smirk and added more fuel to the fire, saying, "I've created more. Those were just the ones that worked."

I pinched off a piece of my bench and transformed it into Mud then created a fine Mist around me. His body flickered again, and I did not bother to hide my laughter.

"Can you stop teasing the poor man and get his help? We don't need Madi to wake up and see him," Katye chided.

"Fine, fine... Focus, Ishu. I'm not from your world, so stop trying to define me by those measurements," I said.

"Yes... You are looking for a correlation between the elements that have been successful, correct?" Ishu asked after a few minutes.

"Yeah, we don't really know a lot about any type of magical world, other than mythology and fantasy stories, so we hoped that you could provide some insight," I agreed.

"And you are the only one who can use these dual-elements?"

"So far; Katye is trying to learn them, but only recently and her skill is below mine."

"Four Dragon Emperors, six Dragon Kings... The trial was made for you, dragons are related to your Dusa form, so that is my best guess. From the Heavens, the Water Emperor, Earth Emperor, Wind Emperor, and Fire Emperor came forth then gave birth to the Blue Flame King, Magma King, Steam King, Sandstorm King, Ice King, and Acid King. It was a legend in my world which my master had been obsessed with, trying to recreate the lost bloodline of the Dragon God."

Katye and I shared a knowing look since the coincidence was too obvious to have not been planned while Echo chuckled and remarked, "A Steam Dragon?"

"The Steam Dragon King was well-known for delighting in boiling humans' skin with a simple exhale," Ishu retorted with annoyance that she was not respecting the power of the dragon.

"So, Acid and Sandstorm... what can you tell me about their balances?" I asked.

"Acid requires a heavier lean towards Water that encompasses the Earth element evenly, but I know nothing of Sandstorm. I was an assassin; my mastery was Acid and grand mastery was Poison."

"Well, that's a start. Thank you, Ishu. You're dismissed," I said.

Ishu's body faded away, and the four of us talked for a short time longer before retiring to our respective rooms. With Ishu's guidance, I was able to create the Acid element in just a few days. Sandstorm was still a little difficult to understand until Katye asked if I had used the same idea but with Wind and Earth. After that, it only took me two days to find the correct balance since it was slightly off from Acid.

We finally had the four keys, but we did not use them right away and instead, we returned up to the surface. We had no idea of what the final challenge was, so we did not want to take any chances. With some of the extra furniture from the Louwoda Kliron village, we made a room where we could recover right outside of the labyrinth, so that Madi would not stumble across us in whatever state, but Raven and Echo could still visit us. Our ideas of what we would face were grim looking at the two guardians that watched over the final trial, but little did we know that we were far from the truth...

A/N: If you would like to support me and get early access to the story, join my P@t reon - Azazii6181?fan_landing=true.

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