

A force powerful enough to rule multiple realms, with a minimum requirement of at least one Dao Lord, was still not at the highest categorized level? It sort of made sense. After all, what if a force had 10 Dao Lords? Shouldn't they be categorized higher than a force that only has one?

"Is there… is there something greater than realms?" Lex asked, trying to imagine the situation. From planets, to star systems, to galaxies, to entire realms, one was basically just a collection of the lower level. Did that mean that the level above the Overlord level controlled something even larger than realms? How vast was the universe? Was there even an end to it?

"Of course," the emperor said, but after a pause, he corrected himself. "Of course not. Realms are realms, there is nothing greater in the universe at the moment, but who knows if it will always be like that. But the power level above Overlord has nothing to do with a larger territory. Instead, it has to do with power.

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