

Lex did not teleport away after getting the information he needed. It would be quite rude. Besides, considering that Vera had chosen this as the location for their meeting meant that she wanted to have a lengthy conversation, probably.

But he wasn't in a rush to start the conversation himself, either. For a time, he just sat in silence and enjoyed the view. The scenery was like something out of a cartoon, as so much of the flora was now from different planets. While Lex's favorite remained the purple crystal trees, the turtle had been especially busy in adapting endless types of plants to the environment of the Inn.

For that he also introduced many new kinds of insects, which had now spread across the space of the Inn, and already gone through several generations. Fortunately, the newborn insects counted as Inn workers, so Lex ordered them to stay out of sight when guests were around so as to not observe them.

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