
Origin 2/3

"Its you..." I muttered, staring at the unicorn dressed in a suit.

The pain had finally left me alone and I could feel my senses and sanity coming back to me, however the fact that in front of me stood a unicorn calmly confused me to no end.

"Yeah." replied the beast halfheartedly before lying down tiredly. "You are letting your desires consume you." it said, shaking its head.

"I know." I replied with a small smile. "I need to get closer to my origin after all." I explained, sitting down next to it and resting my head on its body. "Though I might have miscalculated how hard it is to control my origin. Though I should have expected that reigning in something that I have been feeding my entire life would be hard, especially when I was letting it run wilder than ever before." I explained as I felt the fur of the unicorn press against my skin.

There was something about the animal that was nice. It relaxed me, in a way I have never been before.

"What are you?" I asked, knowing that I may very well not receive an answer.

"I am 'desire'." it replied calmly, making my eyes widen momentarily.

"So... is this one of those situations where you are my inner spirit or something and I am supposed to pass a trial to gain your approval or something?" I asked.

The unicorn simply rolled its eyes. "Of course not." it said in the same bored tone. "I am simply the representation of your origin. The way you view your desires, so to speak."

I rubbed my chin with my hand as I took a closer look at the beast. "So, my desires are represented by the purest of all creatures, the embodiment of good and kindness?" I asked amused. "Seems about right." I said while nodding wisely. "I am the very embodiment of purity after all."

The unicorn ignored my joke and continued speaking. "Just hurry up and shape your desire into something else." it said. "It is rather tiresome to exist as an animal when I am not even meant to be one single entity."

I stared at it confused, wondering what it meant by 'shaping it' and 'single entity', before something finally clicked in my mind.

My desires are countless, it makes no sense to view them as one when that is not the case... and so I needed to separate it.

The unicorn began to vanish, turning into flames that divided themselves in two. The first group of flames went into my third eye and began consuming it once again. This time however, I managed to remain conscious through the pain and began shaping the fire around my head, slowly turning it into a crown of thorns that embedded itself into my skull.

The second group of fire entered my chest and rested there, however unlike the crown of thrones it didn't hurt, instead it just moved along the way and settled down calmly.

"Just a bit more..." I muttered between muffled screams as I felt the crown nearly be completed.

I lost track of time, the fire slowly digging through my skin and brain and attaching itself to me, as if it had always belonged there, until finally the crown of thrones was latched in my head, completed and in all its flaming glory.

"Not enough..." I muttered, tears of blood flowing out of my eyes and even more blood coming out of my nose and mouth, I could literally feel my mind being burned away by the very essence of the crown I crafted, however there was a solution, an answer to my current problem.

Doing what I had to do would be something that annoyed the future me, but then again there would be no future me if I didn't truly finish this crown.

With a sigh, I ignored the excruciating pain and focused all my attention into a name, a way to truly bring forth my origin into reality.

And so, I began chanting in Italian.

"I am the spark of all desires,

life is my body and death is my soul,

I am the corruption of all idealistic people

the owner of all treasures, given to me by those who bent the knee

and so, as I pray to God...

Bless my crown and give me the right to use what is already mine...


As soon as I finished my words, the crown in my face changed, it stopped being made of fire and became pure golden. All around me, everything returned to normal as I found myself back in my room, Artoria by my side, looking at me worriedly.

Looking at Artoria, who was worriedly asking me if I was fine, I simply pressed my lips against hers.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

I knew perfectly well that I had been passed out for a while so it was important to determine now how long it had been.

"I don't understand." replied Artoria confused. "You just fell down and began to open your head with your own hands, then your eyes glowed and a few seconds after that a golden crown appeared on your head."

"I see..." I muttered. This was undoubtedly the best scenario, because my plans would not be changed due to wasted time.

Taking a deep breath, I felt the crown that rested on my head and the power it was giving me.

"This is good." I said with a smile. "But now it's time to try the other thing."

Standing up, I took another deep breath and focused on the fire in my chest. It was resting, condensing itself into a sphere without causing me any pain.

Knowing what it was and what I needed to do to activate it, I began chanting in Italian as well.

"I am the spark of all desires,

life is my body and death is my soul,

I am the salvation of all empty people

the purity in all wishes that exist to grant happiness to myself

and so, as I pray to God...

Answer my call and walk through my gardens...


Our surroundings changed as well, making a huge smile appear on my face.

The room with broken walls was replaced by the most beautiful garden ever created. Small white clouds moved across the blue skies, trees with greener leaves than any I had seen before, flowers of colours I had never imagined and a small river with crystal-clear water that went across the grassland.

What truly drew the most attention however was the herd of countless unicorns that rested on the fields. Ranging from golden to pure white, their fur seemed to be made with he most beautiful of colours and their eyes looked as if they were crafted by the most astounding gemstones.

"Holy fuck." I said aloud as I felt my something in my very soul change.

Sparks flew out from evert part of my body as I looked at my wife, who now had a surprised expression, noticing both the sparks and the environment.

Her eyes too widened as she noticed the gardens and everything in them around us. "W-What is this..." she managed to say, the surprised expression on her face growing as she saw the countless mythical beasts in front of us.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I said, standing up and hugging her from behind.

"What is going on?" she asked confused while turning around to look at me.

"Welcome, my dear." I said while smiling crazily before opening my arms widely. "To my reality, home to my purest desires."

As soon as I finished my awesome words, the reality began collapsing as I felt my very soul shake.

Falling to the ground on my knees, I found myself back at the house, coughing loudly.

"Are you okey?" asked Artoria, hurriedly coming to my side and helping me up after coming out from her stupor.

"Yes..." I replied with a soft chuckle. "I guess it was a bit too much for me."




Auhtor note:

Hadn't finished editing this chapter so it came out late.

I will make a new chapter explaining the mc's parameters so far once this volume is finished, in the meantime here are the new abilities he 'unlocked' on this chapter. They might not be perfectly clear so if you don't understand anything about them feel free to ask.


Crown of God: ???

Alternative name: Crown of corruption, Crown of the rightful owner.

Creates a golden crown on Dio's head that grants him the 'right' to use anything that 'belongs' to him.

He can use noble phantasm's of other servants as long as those servants either recognise Dio as their king or they give Dio permission to use their noble phantasm. It then recreates said noble phantasm in Dio's soul and allows him to summon said 'copy' whenever he wants. The copies are equal to the original in all ways except they belong to Dio.

Kind of a combination between Unlimited Blade Works and Gate of Babylon. Dio can't launch the noble phantasm's like Gilgamesh nor can he copy the weapons like EMIYA, instead he gains the 'right' to own them and recreates them as his own before storing them on his soul.

He can use all the abilities of whatever noble phantasm he owns.


Garden of Salvation: EX

Alternative names: Garden of purity, Garden of pure desires

Reality marble, kind of a combination between Ionioi Hetairoi and Bellerophon. Basically replace the soldiers with unicorns that explode like Medusa's pegasus.

Creates what Dio believes heaven to look like, which is the garden, and fills it with his desires, which are represented in the form of unicorns.

They are unicorns because Dio sees unicorns as the purest of all beasts, just like he sees his desires as the purest of all things. Each unicorn is a desire Dio has had throughout his life, however only the 'pure' desires qualify to become a unicorn. It is kind of a trick because Dio views all his desires as equally pure.

He can summon the unicorns outside of the reality marble, like how Iskandar can summon soldiers outside, however he can only summon one at a time if he does this. The unicorns explode, like Medusa's Bellerophon, but can't fly because they are not pegasus.

(The mc can't use it properly yet, the explanation will be in a few chapters but basically the reality marble is unstable for now.)

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