
People die when they are killed

Dio left the area where they had been fighting and his annoyed face turned into a smiling one. Diarmuid was the first one to notice this changed and got curious about it.

"Are you happy master?" he asked confused. "I thought we would have disappointed you because of our failure..."

"Why would you think that? Besides you didn't fail at all." replied Dio. "I told you to have fun and challenge someone to a fight and you did just that, Medea on the other hand..."

Medea looked down at this. Her master asked her to locate Berserker's master, but she failed at this. He also asked her to locate Saber's master, but she failed once again and got him hurt in the process. Then, instead of continuing with the mission she got a bit emotional and was about to attack were the bullet came from instead of building a barrier around him to protect him.

"Medea made me even happier!" said Diol while chuckling. "Well I suppose that isn't appropriate to say, in fact you both made me extremely happy."

Both Medea and Diarmuid were confused at this.

"I understand why you would think I am crazy, but there is actually a very logical explanation for this." said Dio, still smiling. "You both dropped what you were doing and came to my side." stated Dio simply. "Normally people prefer having allies that would follow through the plans before anything else, and to a certain point that is very important, but the way I see it is you both care about me enough to stop what you are doing and come help me. Perhaps with time you will realise that I was never in any danger, but this time you thought I was in danger and you came to my side."

"It may sound weird, but you just proved me that this war will be ours." said Dio.

Medea and Diarmuid looked at each other for a moment, both still confused.

Dio looked back and saw their reactions before sighing. "You really are gonna make me say it huh? Well, the simplest way to say it is that... we have... ugh I don't know if I can do this." Diol said while dropping to his knees defeated. "Fine then, I will just go ahead and say it. The simplest way to explain it is that we have the power of friendship..." as soon as he finished speaking, Dio began rolling around the ground while clutching his head, a pained expression on his face.

Both Diarmuid and Medea stared at their master deadpanned before the later began laughing.

"You... you really just said that we will win because of the power of friendship? Hahahaha." said Medea while laughing at him.

"Hey! It's not my fault you didn't understand me!" replied Dio while getting up.

While the three had been talking, Giorno arrived to the street they were at driving a car. "I am here, young master." he said while getting out of it and opening the door for Dio.

"Thanks..." said Dio before quickly getting in. Medea was still making fun of him for sounding like an idiotic hero while Diarmuid was still confused about how the power of friendship meant they would win the war.

Along the ride back to the mansion, Giorno understood what was going on and the confusion of the two servants and decided to take things on his own hands and make his master's life easier. "What the young master wishes to say is that the relationship between the other masters and their servants is... fragile at best, while ours is actually good." he explained, much to the appreciation of the other three.

Dio had been struggling to put that exactly into words while Diarmuid and Medea didn't quite understand why the power of friendship would make them win.

Eventually they arrived at the mansion, where Medea went to continue her territory creation and Diarmuid headed to keep watch and make sure no one followed them.

Dio and Giorno headed upstairs and went to the balcony where Dio took a cigarette and placed it in his lips before lighting it up and inhaling deeply.

"Did things go according to plan, young master?" asked Giorno curiously. He had been watching the events unfold but he hadn't heard what they were talking about so he coudlnt be sure.

"Yes." replied Dio with a cold expression. "The relationship between Saber and Kiritsugu will begin to crumble already, the same goes for Rider and Archibald. Archer's relationship with his master was already doomed from the start, but perhaps my words might accelerate the process, who knows..." continued Dio while smoking. "The only one who must have been unfazed by my words is Berserker, though for him we only need to take care of his master, which won't be much trouble. Assassin is not even worth mentioning, after all even if they all came at me and killed me ten times each, it wouldn't be enough to take me down."

"I am glad the developments pleased you, young master." said Giorno. "If you require anything else, I will be inside." he continued before heading back into the house.

Dio stared at the night sky while inhaling deeply. He held the smoke in his lungs for a few seconds before releasing it slowly. A small smile formed on his face as he remembered his life.

"Heh, I hope you are watching you wannabe hero, because I will enjoy proving your dumb-ass wrong. People don't die when they are killed... they die when they no longer have any use to me." said Dio as the smoke dispersed in the air.

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