

"Very well, let's go in then." I reply while getting out of the car.

While we move across the passages of the building, I can't help but be a little excited about finishing the development of this new spell.

"I see you are here." says my dad when he sees me come in. "What do you need?"

"It is possible that I came just to say hello you know?" I tell him with an amused smile on my face.

"Neither one of us enjoys waisting time so no you wouldn't have showed up in my lab knowing that I am busy with research while you are busy yourself to 'say hello'." he says while taking his eyes away from the papers he was reviewing and looking at me.

"Fine I didn't come to say hello, honestly I wasn't even expecting to see you here. I thought you would be giving a class." I answer with a sigh.

"That's more like it. I came because I already had class in the morning, so the evening was free for research. Now tell me, what do you need." he said turning his eyes back to the papers.

"I need some test subjects, I am sure that this time the new spell will work and I need to try it out." I tell him honestly.

He lifts his eyes from the papers once again and raises an eyebrow. "Already?" he asks curiously.

"Yes, do you want to see the experiments?" I ask him, I already know that he was quite curious about the results since the spell I used would be quite good as an offensive spell against experienced people, in a way the more experienced someone is, the more likely they are to suffer under my spell.

"Very well, I can pause this for a moment to see your results." he says while standing up and guiding me to where he keeps the test subjects.

"So, what do you need? If you are planning on using pigs or sheets for this, then you will be disappointed since I keep none here." he explains while opening the door to where the test subjects are.

"No... this ones will do fine. Magic circuits are necessary for the spell to work, so it wouldn't be useful on animals." I explain.

"Very well. Hey, get a couple of these on the tables ready for the experiments!" he says while calling out his assistant who was on the other side of the room organising some books.

"Very well my Lord." says his assistant.

While we wait for him to get the test subjects on the table, I figure I might as well explain some things about the spell to him that I had not mentioned before.

"As I already told you before, this spell will make old wounds resurface, this wounds however would have to reach a certain depth and made contact with somewhere well covered my the magic circuits. While everywhere is actually covered by magic circuits, things like paper cuts won't show up with this spell because they simply aren't deep enough to leave an 'impression' on the magic circuits." I say.

"How is it that you managed to bring out the 'impression' as you call it left on the magic circuits?" he asks curiously, while his assistant finishes placing the three test subjects on three separate metal tables.

"In a way I had to cause the opposite effect from my spell <Patecatl>, basically I make the Od in the body of the enemy force the cells to remember a past trauma. The magic circuits which also felt the trauma are connected to these cells, and thus use their own mana to force this cells into the past. Well that is the rough version, it involved a lot of calculations as well as research on what was left behind by a certain magus who had a time crest focused on time magic." I continue explaining.

"I see... you used a lot of your mother's bio-alchemy for this right?" he asks.

"Yeah, honestly I wouldn't have been able to force a combination in the cells and the magic circuits if it wasn't for her research." I answer.

"Hmm, in that case you will have to teach your mother's bio-alchemy to your children as well." he says.

"Yes, while the spell doesn't require a mastery over said bio-alchemy to be used, it will still need basic knowledge, otherwise it will be like giving a gun to someone who doesn't know how to reload, they will be able to pull the trigger a couple of times but that's it." I say.

"Hmm, you shouldn't make gun references like that, it is okey to have gun related alchemy but actually using guns is beneath a magus." he says a bit displeased at my comparison.

"I know, but it was the most appropriate metaphor I could think of. Well the three test subject are ready so I will go ahead and start." I say trying to change the topic.

"Hn." he replies.

I move to the first test subject and look at it for a bit.

"It doesn't have any other scars besides this one right?" I ask my dad while pointing at the scar the subject has on the side of its chest.

"No. It should however have consumed several different poisons thought its time here. Will that also re-appear?" my dad says.

"Not exactly. The poison itself will certainly not show up, the damage caused by the poison however will appear but in a smaller measure. So don't worry about it affecting the spell." I answered.

"Very well... let's get started."


"Argghhhhh!" screamed the test subject while the scar in its chest slowly opened. The colour of his skin turned slightly reddish and pain was evident on its eyes.

"Fascinating." said my dad while looking closely at the opened wound. "You truly managed to do it."

"Indeed, the more mana I use on the spell the older the wounds I can open so against experienced people, people who have been fighting for countless years and have naturally sustained countless injuries as well, this spell will be absolutely amazing, sure I will have to consume quite a bit of mana but it might be worth it." I reply.

"Good job." he says, with a slightly proud expression on his face.

A small smile forms in the corner of my lips before we proceed to the remaining two test subjects.




Author note:

Keep in mind that the mc ended up viewing the 'test subjects' as nothing more than that. Originally he felt a bit disgusted at the whole thing, but after constant 'classes' with his mother, his mentality changed a bit, enough for him to start acting more and more like a 'magus' or an 'alchemist'.

If anyone thinks it is unrealistic or they don't like it, keep in mind anything other than this would have lacked sense. Humans adapt to their environment, and someone like the mc whose origin is desire would obviously stop caring about what stands in his way as long as he fulfils those desires, wether they are making a new spell or winning a war.

With that being said, the mc isn't emotionless or anything like that, he maintains a 'code' so to speak, basically certain lines he won't cross. Those things are explained further into the novel.

Anyway, the weekend is here so hopefully I will have enough time to write a lot and be back to the 2 updates daily on this two novels and one update daily on mha's novel.

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