
Chapter 18: Goblin dungeon 3

Marcus and Ben were sitting waiting for the constant messeges to end.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

"That should be the end of them" Marcus said.

Ben smiled at his high level.

"We're probably the strongest players in the world right now!" Ben shouted in excitement.

"Probably not" Marcus said with a straight face.

"Seriously?" Ben asked.

"Yeah" Marcus said.

"Who could be a higher level then us?" Ben asked.

"Let's pray we don't meet them anytime soon" Marcus said with a serious tone.

Ben gulped when he heard this.

Marcus saw his friends unease.

"Dont worry, I'm just telling you to not be overconfident, there is always a bigger fish" Marcus said patting him on the back.

"Lets go, make sure to distribute your AP accordingly before we fight the boss" Marcus said as he looked at his AP.

[AP: 117]

'I've accumulated quite the number of AP' he thought with a smirk.

[AP: 117->100]








[HP: 4000->6500]

'I've increased my physical capabilities and basically doubled my HP, I'm more then ready for this boss' Marcus thought feeling the new strength coursing through his body.

"Let's gettin going" Marcus said stretching.

"Alright" Ben agreed.

They ran through the original path of the dungeon and killed any goblin that was left before they made it to a giant wooden door.

"Ready?" Marcus asked.

Ben nodded in response.

'Seems the nerves are getting to him' Marcus thought pushing the door open.

They looked at the far end and saw a goblin that stood at least 10 feet tall, it had dark green skin, with sharp fangs that were revealed with it's grin, sitting on a old wooden throne and had a crown of bone on its head holding a a magic staff in it's right hand.

[Goblin Lord<Elite,???>]

[Level: 10]

[Health: 50 000]

[Speed: 2000]

[Attack: 10 000]

"It's at level 10 and it's at elite Rank?" Ben asked.

"I knew it would be strong, but for it to be at level 10 and to even be an Elite monster is way beyond my expectations" Marcus said with sweat on his forehead.

'What's with the question marks?' Marcus thought to himself.

"This is a hell mode dungeon, maybe that's the reason" Ben said.

"It's a beginner hell mode dungeon, from my memory a hell mode beginner dungeon should be as tough as a regular normal mode dungeon at most" Marcus unsheathed his Swords.

"What do we do?" Ben asked.

Marcus looked around and saw a few hobgoblins by the Goblin lord.

"We'll take care of the hobgoblins before we attack it, but we must be fast" Marcus said.

"No need,I will fight you on my own" They heard a voice say.

Both Marcus and Ben looked at each other.

Ben looked at Marcus in confusion while Marcus looked at Ben almost begging that he was the one who spoke.

"Don't be to shocked, I know it's quite odd for my kind to speak your language" the voice said again.

The both turned their heads forward and looked at the Goblin lord.

"You two must be the players who killed my children" it spoke.

"Oh fuck" Marcus said while gritting his teeth.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked.

"Its a mutant" Marcus said.

"You are aware of what I am?" The Goblin lord asked curiously.

"Yeah" Marcus replied with a nervous smirk.

Marcus didn't want to show it, but he was terrified. Not only did they get a level 10 Elite Rank monster but a mutant one, so not only would it be twice as strong as a normal Rank monster, it's twice as strong as a regular elite monster of the same level. And the special aspect that mutants have that set them apart from regular monsters is the fact that when they kill they level up just like players do.

'But why is the title question marks and not "Mutant"?' he thought to himself.

"I'll get rid of these pests so we'll fight without you wasting your energy" The goblin lord said.

Marcus charged towards the goblin lord.

"Make sure he doesn't kill those hobgoblins! Try and kill them before he does, I'll keep him busy for as long as I can!" he yelled.

Ben cast fireball and earth throw to the hobgoblins to get their attention, then used overflow to slow them down.

He caused damage and slowed them down before running to create distance while his Spells were on cool down.

Marcus on the other hand struck the Goblin lord using [Slash] and [Stab] .



His attacks didn't cause much damage but it did disrupt the spell the goblin lord was about to cast.

"Impressive" it said grinning.

"Shut up" Marcus said activating [Flow] and glowing red. He swung his Swords at any vital points he could reach.





The goblin lord became a bit worried at the damage it sustained. It knew it's health was large and the damage was something he shouldn't worry about, but he was worried that such high damage appeared even with his high defense.

'This player is impressive even if he's supposed to be weaker then me' the goblin lord thought standing up and backing away to cast a spell.

"[Shadow ball]!" it yelled as a black magic circle appeared above the staff.

A dark Orb appeared above the magic circle and threw it towards Marcus.

Marcus saw the ball coming and evaded it by a hairs length and took a deep breath at the close call.

He charged toward the goblin lord and kept the attack going, chipping away slowly at its health.

"[Void blast]!" it yelled again and another magic circle appeared.

"Shit" Marcus said under his breath and quickly jumped out of the way avoiding the beam of dark energy that shot in the direction he was previously standing.

The ground was completely erased from where he was standing and he gulped at what could have become of him if he didn't move on time.

He charged toward the goblin lord again and kept was continuously causing damage while dodging anything he could, but he was still getting hit by the smaller magic attacks that were to fast for him to dodge completely.

'He's a tough bastard, I'll give him that' the goblin lord thought. He looked at where Ben was and saw the Hobgoblin guards were almost all dead. 'That one is almost finished with my guards, I must finish this one before that or it might be troublesome, and maybe I should try and kill one of my guard to see what might happen, the Swordsman was very scared at the thought of me doing it' he thought.

'Time to see what my knew sword can do' he thought as he kept attacking the goblin lord, but before he could.

"[Void blast]!" the goblin lord yelled.

Marcus got out of the way of the attack, but to his surprise it never came. Instead the goblin lord was nowhere near his original spot.

"What?" he asked.

He landed and looked to where Ben was, he saw him almost kill the final hobgoblin but the goblin lord appeared behind him and smacked Ben away.

"Ben!" Marcus yelled and ran towards him.

Ben landed so hard into the wall of the cave he was stuck in it.

"Ben, are you okay?!" Marcus yelled.

"Fuck, I didn't even see him" Ben said coughing blood.

Marcus looked at the goblin lord and his heart dropped when he saw it pick up the last hobgoblin.

"[Void blast]" it said and the hobgoblin disappeared.

"Fuck" Marcus didn't know what to do now, when a mutant monster killed it would gain Exp and level up like players do, but a mutant monster at level 10 wouldn't have the same Exp requirement as a level 10 player, monsters wouldn't even need half the Exp to level up, but it would gain three times the power.

Marcus could hear the goblin lord laughing and grit his teeth.

'We have the blessing of life, but some mutants can kill players even with the blessing, we should've left when we had the chance' he thought. But he looked at the goblin lord and saw no difference.

The goblin lord smile slowly disappeared and looked at himself.

Both him and Marcus thought the same thing 'Nothing changed'.

They both had the same thought but different reactions. The goblin lord was deep in thought while Marcus charged at the goblin lord and the whole room started getting warmer.

Marcus began using the first skill of [Dragon tooth] when he got close enough to cut the goblin lord.

"[Sunburn]" he said as he began cutting into the goblin lord.

A sun appeared above Marcus' head and the goblin lord was beginning to worry.







[Burn inflicted on goblin lord]


"No stop it!" The goblin lord yelled.

"Shut up, you fake mutant" Marcus said with an angry tone.

Wirh every slash and stab the goblin lord could feel his life slipping away.

It had 25% of its health remaining.

"[Eteranl dark]!" it yelled and a magic circle appeared on the ground.

A dome of darkness began to surround Marcus and the goblin lord.

Marcus thought of trying to jump out but his instincts told him he wouldn't get out so he kept attacking.

He kept attacking and felt his HP gradually falling.

"[Burning wave]" he said a wave of fire appeared in front of him as the sun was beginning to vanish.

"Arrrgh!!!" The goblin lord roared out in pain, it didn't expect to get any injuries while [Eternal dark] was active, it was his strongest defence spell, but he noticed a strange energy in his wounds.

'That black sword is dangerous' he thought.

"[Dark blits]!" it yelled hitting the bottom of the staff onto the ground.

A barrage of black energy balls flew in every direction and hit everything in the way.

Marcus grit his teeth and started hitting the balls with his swords.

'Move faster, move precisely' Marcus thought as he started cutting the dark balls in half and managing to parry some of them.




Ben managed to get himself out of the wall and looked at the dark dome that covered his friend and the goblin lord.

"You better be okay in there" he said listening to the sounds of battle in the dome.

The goblin lord felt his health was about to bottom out and couldn't allow it.

"Don't fuck with me!" it yelled.

A large amount of mana shook the whole dungeon. The shaking was so violent players outside the dungeon could feel it and we're terrified.

"What's going on?!"

"I don't know!"

"Are there high leveled monsters nearby?!"

"I'm scared!"

"Don't worry I'll protect you!"

Inside the dungeon Marcus and Ben were both being crushed by the weight of the wave of mana.

'Fucking monster' Ben thought.

Marcus had lost his consciousness as the weight of the Mana was to heavy as close as he was.

The goblin lord saw this and raised it's fist to punch him, but before his fist connected [Dragon tooth] started glowing a blinding purple colour and a loud dragon roar erupted from the sword.

[<Dragin tooth> has used a locked Skill<Dragon roar>]

The roar shook the dungeon even more violently, it could be felt and heard from outside.

Everyone standing near the dungeon couldn't move a muscle, no matter how much they wanted to run away.

"We're dead!"

"Why did we come to this damn dungeon!"

"What the hell kind of goblins are in there?!"

"Not the kind I want to see!"

Ben looked at the black dome pop and saw the goblin lord and Marcus standing still, the goblin lord struggling to move and Marcus seemingly unconscious.

'What is that damn sword?' the goblin lord asked himself in complete fear of the sword and it's wielder.

'I need to get away from this human, I can't beat him' the goblin lord thought.

To be continued...

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