
Mt. Fang

The snow crunched under Dagon's bare feet. He was freezing and his fingertips and toes were purple, but he didn't really care. Gena had come close to him, and her heat alone was enough to keep him from getting frostbite.

"Is this the place?" Gena asked.

Dagon looked up. His eyes followed along a wide path that seemed to be carved into the mountain's side. He couldn't see all the way up due to the storm churning around him, tugging at him and attempting to push him side to side. But he felt certain that they were in the right place.

Dagon began walking forward, moving up the path, not moving his eyes away from his direction.

"I'll take that as a yes." Gena growled, following beside him.

Sephtis moved along Dagon on the other side. His hackle scales were up and he held his head low, looking around. It seemed he was on alert.

"We are being watched, but I do not know where from." Sephtis growled.

"Do you think it's the dragon and that girl?" Dagon asked, not even making the effort to look over at Sephtis.

"Possibly, but I'm not sure."

For a long minute, they continued up the path in that same tension. Although, even as the dragons were aggressive and concerned, Dagon was not bothered. He felt almost completely safe.

And then they reached the cave entrance. They were maybe twenty feet away from it, when the sound of something moving above them caught their attention.

Dagon looked up just as a blur of silver flew overhead and landed on the ground before them, blocking off the cave's entrance. Atop the dragon's back was a rider in silver armor holding a spear.

The silver dragon had three long, sleek horns, one on either side of its head, and another larger one directly down the middle, pointing back. It's eyes were cold blue, sparks of lighting shooting from them. Al of its scales were metallic silver and it's wings were short, but they were extremely wide. Small, thin spikes protruded from its back and longer ones from its shoulders. It's talons we're long and thin, it's snout was narrow and it's teeth were thin. It's tail came to a sharp point at the end.

"Who are you, and what is your purpose here?" The dragon growled, it's voice feminine, yet still deep.

"I had a dream of this place." Dagon said. "You were in it, as well as a woman. So I came here hoping to find answers and guidance."

"Guidance?" The rider asked, her voice cold and calculating.

"Yes. I intend to become the dragon king and destroy the Four Kingdoms. I just need to know how." Dagon explained.

The girl laughed. She hopped down from her dragon, pulling away her helmet to reveal a pale complexion and dark brown, flowing hair. She had deep blue eyes and a strikingly beautiful appearance. She had a single, small blue horn upon the left side of her head.

The girl came face to face with Dagon.

"You want to be the Dragon King but you don't even know what to do to get there?" She asked.

"I have a general idea." Dagon spoke. "I need to find and awaken all the dragons. I need to unite them all below my banner and lead them onto the kingdoms."

"No." The girl scoffed. "That will get you nowhere. For one, the dragons won't listen to some boy. For two, there aren't enough dragons in the world to achieve that goal anymore."

"Then what?" Dagon asked, "because I won't give up."

The girl glared at Dagon, looking him up and down as the wind whipped her hair about.

"You want to know?" She asked, then looked between Gena and Sephtis. "Fine. Come with me."

The girl turned and headed into the cave, her dragon following. Dagon, Sephtis and Gena followed behind as well.

"You are a Dragon Kin." Dagon spoke as they went into the cave. "How did you survive the war?"

"Simple." The girl answered, "I wasn't in it."

"What? How? Did you family take you away..?" Dagon asked.

"No. My parents were killed." she placed a hand on her dragon, "She saved me. Ever since then, I've been raised by her."

Dagon was silent for a moment, then spoke, "I'm sorry. I think I understand how you feel though. My father.. I had to watch him die as he gave his life for me and his dragon to escape. Ever since then I was raised by Gena."

"I know your story, Dagon." The girl said, catching him off guard.

"What…? How did you-"

"Everyone knows the story. Ayden, the last dragon king, gave his life so his only son and his dragon could escape and go into hiding. One day, the boy would return with the power of the gods and bring about a new era. Or so the story says."

The girl suddenly spun about, the sound of scraping metal came as she held a knife to Dagon's throat.

"But you don't seem that strong to me. And honestly, I don't think you are even worthy of the title 'Dragon King'. You do realize I could kill you right now if I wanted to, right?" She said. "How can you expect to be Dragon King being so weak? You don't even have the willpower to eliminate your enemy all the way through. We took the liberty of finishing what you didn't."

"Wait.. you killed that rider?"

"You mean Nargash?" The girl asked, lowering her knife, "Yes. And his dragon. They are both dead." She turned to Sephtis, who was growling at her.

"Do not raise your weapon to him again." Sephtis growled venomously.

"Huh. Never expected the Great Acidic Demon, Sephtis to get attached to a boy." The girl mocked. "I'm disappointed. I thought maybe there was a real reason for you to forge Kinship with him, but it seems like you just got attached."

"No. He has potential, more than you may think. He is already stronger than I could have ever have imagined, considering how short a time he has been in Kinship." Sephtis spoke.

Dagon was surprised to hear such praise from Sephtis. It made him feel sort of uncomfortable and awkward.

"Fine then." The girl said. "If he has so much potential, then why don't you show me?"

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