
I Like Your Attitude

It has been two months since Lai began working as Bai's PA at Nero Inc. It was now the first week of April.

"I can't believe it's been two months since I began working for Mr. Ying," Lai stretched her hands together as she had just woken up for another day of work.

Her father had still not returned home since that day he disappeared. Usually, you would panic if your father or a family member is missing for a long time.

But not her. She was used to her father disappearing for weeks, only to return home drunk and smelling of booze.

Her mother on the other hand was a nervous wreck. She felt that maybe something was wrong. Usually when he disappeared, she would be able to get ahold of him.

But he was not picking up her calls or reading her messages. She was filled with anxiety and many 'what ifs' as his wife.

"Mum," Lai began, sitting next to her mother who was now sobbing, "What's wrong?"

She had just left her room with her handbag, ready to head out for work when she found her mother sitting on the couch, hands covering her face.

Her mother glanced up with puffy eyes caused by her weeping.

"I'm worried about your father," her mother began, "It has been almost two months since he left and he still hasn't returned."

She examined her mother who had drooped her shoulders, quivering with each sob she let out.

"Have you attempted calling him?"

Her mother looked up and grabbed her phone from her handbag to show her caller history.

'So, she has been calling him,' Lai nodded as she observed her mother put the phone back in her handbag.

"What if something horrible transpired?" her mother trembled, "Like getting caught by the loan sharks? Or worse, maybe an accident?"

Lai shook her head.

"I highly doubt the latter, mum. If he had been involved in an accident, we would have gotten a phone call by now."

Her mother a steepled her fingers, deep in thought.

"And if the loan sharks had gotten him, they would of called me about the money," Lai continued.

She tucked back the loose strands of gray hair covering her mother's black eyes with her lean fingers.

"Don't fret too much about it," she tried to reassure her with a smile.

Her mother let out a long sigh and clutched her handbag.

"Maybe you're right," her mother nodded.

Her mother then caressed her cheek and smiled at her.

"Do you need a lift to work?" she asked Lai.

"The hospital is so far from my work," Lai shook her head, "I don't want you to be late. I'll be fine. I will take a taxi today."

After giving her a kiss on the cheek, her mother nodded and left for work.

Lai sat back down and sighed.

"Where the hell are you, dad?"

She leaned her head back, looking at the white ceiling.

"Secretly, I hope you're okay for my mothers sake. I don't like to see her worry about scum like you."

She then stood up and grasped her light blue handbag. Apparently, today was an important day at work. She was not told why by Bai.

She had tried to ask Na and Zhenya, but they refused to say anything. Something about it being a secret, but they promised she would enjoy it.

She was just told to dress up and look pretty. Na specifically said she should wear a dress. No suit, but a lovely dress and fancy shoes.

And so she did just that. She wore a light blue dress which covered her shoulders halfway and flowed down into a simple keyhole neckline.

It's a relaxed fit which gave the dress a casual, yet graceful look.

Her arms were covered completely.

The sleeves started out loose and tightened towards the bottom, where they wrapped gracefully around her wrists. The dress' waist was thin, but it was a comfortable fit.

With a small, stylish black belt wrapped around her waist, it was the perfect adornment.

Below the waist the dress fit snug around her and had an accordion style. The dress reached to just below her knees. She wore black stilettos.

No other shoe would've matched this dress better. To top it all off she decided to wear a subtle silver necklace and small, stylish earrings.

'Is there an important business meeting with influential people?' she wondered as she hailed an incoming taxi.

Was that why she was told to not wear a suit, but a pretty dress? So that she could look presenatble to the businessmen and women she would later meet?

If that was so, she hopped that she was dressed suitably. The taxi stopped next to her and she sat inside. Telling the driver where she wanted to go, he nodded and began to drive.

Sighing, she took out her phone. Scrolling through it, her finger landed on her father's contact.

'I am only doing this because my mother's worried about you,' she sighed again, 'not that I care about your whereabouts. You're probably fooling around with some woman like you always do.'

Placing the phone to her ear, she began to call her father.

"The number you have dialled is not available. Please-"

It went straight to voicemail. She tried again and the same thing happened.

Inclining her head to the window beside her, she wondered how busy her father was to not even pick up his wife and daughters calls.

"Pathetic," she mumbled to herself.

"Sorry, did you say something?" the driver questioned, peeking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Oh, no," she smiled at him, "I was just talking to myself. Don't mind me."

The driver nodded and continued driving to her destination, Nero Incorporated. When she arrived, she thanked the driver.

Strolling inside the company, she was met with peculiar gazes. Employees peeked at her strangely and others in awe at how appealing she was.

Since she let her brown hair loose, it swayed side to side as she sauntered.

'I don't like the attention I'm getting,' she pressed her lips together as she strode to the receptionists.

"Good morning, Miss Cui and Miss Gina," she greeted them with a lovely smile.

"Wowsers, would you look at her!" Gina clamored, examining Lai, "Look what the heavens dropped in."

"You look amazing," Cui leaned forward to take a good look at her, "And we're like friends now so no need to be so formal. Just call us Cui and Gina. Drop the 'Miss' part."

Gina nodded in agreement. Lai beamed and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you and noted," she smiled shyly.

"What's the occasion?" Gina inquired as Cui began to pick up the telephone which was ringing.

"I have no idea," Lai whispered to her, not wanting to be loud since Cui was on the phone with a customer.

Gina raised her eyebrow, confusion plastered on her face.

"I was just told to dress up," she shrugged.

"Well, you look great," Cui chuckled after putting the phone down.

"Let us not keep you waiting," Gina smiled.

"Bye," Lai smiled back and waved goodbye, leaving them.

When Na saw her as she stepped out of the elevator and entered their 12th floor, her jaw dropped.

"Now this is what I call 'dressing up and looking pretty.' You understood the assignment," Zhenya clapped her hands in excitement, "I like your attitude."

And so begins the long awaited Volume 2! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I will do my best, as I did in Volume 1, to keep keep you entertained. So please continue to support me however you can. I appreciate it <(´◡`)>

Ice_Princessscreators' thoughts
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