
Gym Battle

If I would have know weapons class was going to go so easily for me, I would have skipped the class all together.

Martin had Alpha studies so Johnny went to class with me. Actually more like let me get lost then show me where the outside playing field was. Once we arrived I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it looked like something out of karate kid. Kids lined up side by side doing moves one by one. Peering over at Johnny he smiled watching everyone. Seriously this was what they called weapons training?

"Come on." Johnny grabbed my hand and lead me over to a big burley man.

"Sir." He turned and looked down on me. He must have been 6'5, a sharp jaw and pinched forehead, he reminded me of grumpy from snow white. Johnny bowed and I followed right after, "Sir, this is Dallas Don."

"Hello Sir." I extend my hand out to him, in a flash he shook my hand adding more pressure then needed, and for an instant it felt like he was trying to dominate me through a hand shake. Smirking, figuring out his game plan I exceeded more pressure to the hand shake. I met his eyes and didn't back down, he smirked himself. "Welcome Dallas, my name's Justin Tevis, I'm the enforce of the Midnight Pack, and weapons instructor." Releasing his hand I looked around curiously.

"If your apart of the Midnight Pack why are you the weapons instructor for both packs?" I didn't know my thoughts had been spoken out loud. Covering my mouth quickly after I had spoken, I heard him chuckle.

"Quick little thing are you?" He looked from me to Johnny smiling.

"You should see her reaction timing and counter defense." Johnny unconsciously rubbed his arm.

Justin looked down on me picking up his brow questioning and curiously. "To answer you question young lady, both packs have a treaty. I work here teaching the young students from both packs." He gestured to the kids lined up. "Our trainings spread out." Pointing to the back you could see a different group training with Wing Chin Wooden dummies. "The first group you see here in lines are my level 4s they're the beginning, my second are over there with sparing against each other with the wooden pole, they are my level 3s." He pointed around the field as I followed his slender finger. "My level 2s are the ones on the wooden dummies and my pride and joys are in the gym over to the back, those are my level 1." His smile spread wide when talking about his level ones.

Nodding my head and looking around you could see the different level of weaponry from these people. Getting a twinge of excitement I looked around for the knives. Justin must have noticed because he cleared his throat.

"So do you have any questions?"

"Yea where are your knives?" My palms started to sweat from anticipation.

"Well let's take you to the testing arena and find out where to place you. " he motioned for me to follow him. Johnny took a step forward walking off in a separate direction but Justin called him over as well.

"Cool I get to see what level skill set you are."

Smiling I chuckled he looked genuinely excited to see where I would be placed. Curiously I turned to look at him, "what level are you?"

Johnny smiled "Level 3, I'm working my way to level 2 though. Martin wants to make me Beta even though I'm the Packs next in line for a doctor."

"You can do that?" I asked.

"Yea actually if you have a sibling who is younger. I just so happen to have a sister who is younger and has the doctor trait. But then again I'll have to challenge the beta."

"Oh," I mouthed as we followed Justin into the gym. Walking in the gym, you could feel a thickness of energy. It felt heavy like someone was staring you down, it was thick and difficult to breath. And the smell, oh god the smell, like a guy fresh out of the shower, the smell of axe and cologne was heavy with a fresh wooded pine smell. Inhaling deeply my mouth started to water, my body becoming hot to the touch, making my skin clam up with a thin layer of sweat. An uncomfortable pressure build up in my southern region.

I guess I had stopped because Johnny lightly tugged my arm turning me around to look at him. His face showed concern, "You ok?"

Nodding my head carefully because I was slowly becoming dizzy.

"You sure?" Concern laced his voice as he watched me sway slightly on my feet.

"Yea I'm fine, just....what's that smell." Looking around no one was in the gym, which made me wonder who was in here previously that made the gym smell so good. The gym was nothing special. Lining the walls were banners with names of previous alphas and betas, with a couple other names, Enforcers, guards and trackers. To the left as you walked in was a rack of what looked like sparing wood sticks, next to that was spears. To my right the wall had hanging dummies with throwing knives and such. And the center of it all had a fighting ring, what looked to be a boxing ring.

"Our inheritors were in here previously so we have 15 minutes to test your skill sets before they come back in and train."

"You mean next in line?" I watched as he moved a table around to face the stuffed dummies.

"Correct, both Alphas and their betas, excluding Johnny here, who as you know will be challenging Rin Louse for the beta spot next to Martin." Looking at Johnny he has a confident smile on his face. "Plus we have some girls who train to become potential lunas, and the enforcers."

I walked over to him watching his movements as he pulled knives of different shapes and sizes. Looking up at me her gestured to the knives.

"Lets see what you've got shall we?"

Nodding I picked up a slender knife it looked more like a pencil blade, stepping around the table I flipped the blade over in my hand. Watching the dummy like my prey. Smiling evil, I gave a quick spin releasing the blade at the same time aiming for the dummies throat. I ended up facing Johnny and Justin, as I watched both their faces. Johnny was a little shocked but Justin wasn't fazed.

Picking up regular hard knives I aimed for the arms, and center of the forehead. The connection was true and direct getting exactly where I aimed. I was quick with knives and the best at my old pack.

"Alright well we figured out your well skilled with knives, let's try your hand to hand combat." And as if on cue Johnny started laughing. Justin watched him, "and what's so funny Johnny?"

"Her hand to hand combat is fine if anything."

I had to giggle myself as I watched Johnny rub his arm once more. Remembering how I had pinned him in 5 seconds flat.

"Really?" He questioned watching mine and Johnny's reaction. "Well shall we?" He pointed to the boxing ring as I nodded.

Walking up and slitting the rope I ducked under and stood in one corner. I watched as Justin stood in the other.

"We go by a point system here. If you reach 10 points before I pin you then you automatically push to level 1 got it? Any number under 4 you automatically become a level four." I nodded listening to him. "You don't have to hold back, I want to see everything you have, just be genital with my face." He flashed me his pearl white teeth.

Nodding, he took off his shirt showing off his animal body, his chest scared from battles. I took my hoodie off along with me shirt, thank god I was wearing a sports bra. Johnny whistled as I glared at him.

"Yea, yea hormones ragging come on let's get it over with." Justin lifted his hands in a defensive position in front of his face. I dropped my cloths to the floor and jumped to my fighting stance. My hands were open right foot first on the balls of my toes. I inched forward waiting an attack.

Justin was the first to strike with his right hand, I slipped past grabbing his wrist with my right hand and grabbing his elbow with my left apply pressure, making him buckle just a bit before his left leg almost made contact with my face. Releasing his arm I ducked the last second, turning I kicked my legs out dropping him to the floor. I quickly wrapped my leg around his neck like I had with Johnny, pinning him in a vice grip.

He tapped my leg and I released but I knew the fight wasn't over, in a flash I was on my back about to be pinned for the count. Bringing my legs up I locked them around his chest pulled back to a sitting position, sitting on his chest knee in the throat blocking his air way. He patted my thigh again, and I rolled off and away from him. We both bounced up getting into position again , he smiled "you pinned me twice already that's 8 points." I nodded breathing heavy.

I felt like taking on the world, my body never felt so good before. It had been a while since I was able to let loose. He came at me full force hand clocked back ready to strike in a superman punch. I rolled and jumped on his back putting him in a chocker hold. He rolls with me crushing me with his weight, as I let him go. I hopped up as he hit me with his right hook just catching my jaw. I groaned, taking a step back but he kept coming at me, as we danced around. Till finally he jabbed out at me as I grabbed his hand locking it in place, using my right free hand and hit him square in the jaw. His teeth rattled with the hit, but I didn't stop. Pound after pound after pound, I kept attacking letting all my anger out.

It wasn't till I felt a set of hands on me pulling me back hitting the pressure points to my arms making them go limp. It was then the smell hit me again, the smell of woodsy pine, thick and fresh mixed with that sweet peach. It flooded my scenes.

I was pulled away from Justin bleeding face as I looked up. Martin was looking down at me in awe as if I was something new and shinny he wanted.

He finally let me free smiling, "I had to take you off him, you were going to town." I stood up shaking my head a little, looked back over to Justin where I saw him whipping blood off with a towel.

I didn't care though, quickly looking around the room I spotted what could only be the center and focus to were the scent was coming from.

I watched as he repeatedly kicked a body bag, his back was the only thing visible to me. From what I could see he was ripped, his shirt pulled against his muscles as if they were about to rip threw. My mouth watered a bit wondering how they would feel under my touch. He attacked the bag, growling out with each hit. It wasn't till I heard someone clear thier throat, breaking my concentration.

Looking back to Justin I noticed his face was already healing, the bruises I had left on his eye now lessening. "You did well. Where were you ranked before?"

"I made ranks as the alpha's top guard, being well trained with knives I was perfectly suited to be taught by the Alpha himself."

Justin nodded "Well you child, will be in the level one. During your 4th and 5th period you will be here in the gym practicing. Got that?" I nodded, but didn't pay too much attention as I watched this mystery man from afar.

He paused what he was doing breathing heavily, someone handed him a towel, as they talked to each other.

"That's Rowan, he's Alpha of the Midnight Pack." Martin's voices whispered in my ear, his breath tickled against my neck. "He's dating Jackie Moses, she's his beta's daughter. They've been intended to be mated ever since they were born." As soon as those words left his lips, my heat broke a little inside. (What....no.)

I watched as he covered his face with the towel, I still hadn't been able to get a good look at him. I watched him walk out of the gym, taking his heavy wooded scent with him.

Turning my head to Martin I watched him, his face had fallen slightly as we looked each other in the eyes.

"And are you intended for anyone?" I question feeling a little empty with Rowan gone. I didn't understand why, it's not like I knew him. I hadn't even met the guy and I was feeling like this. I watched Martin closely his eyes shifting a little grey, then back to the crystal blue.

"My family believes in love not arranged marriages." He said it as if he were disgusted I had even asked him that question.

"Well, have you found your someone yet?" I don't know what took over me, asking these questions and being so bold.

Martin took a step back from me and smirked as if he had a great secret. "Someone but she doesn't know it yet." He pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose and walked away.

Leaving me alone in the gym, I breather out a sigh, picking my cloths up from the floor.

Muttering to myself I sighed. When would this day end?

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