
New crew

I woke up the next day with a smile on my face and a song in my heart as I remembered how well Ronny did yesterday fending off that noble twat….big day today gotta go pick up the munchkins and then head over to the snorlax territory to see what's going on with them....

Normally I would be a lot more worried about walking into a guardian ranked Pokémon territory, but metagross assured me it's fine….and I trust my robot crab, so I'm down

As I get out of bed and stretch my very naked body I look back and see a sleeping Cynthia and Anna looking...well... if you think these women sleep "cute" you would be wrong... Cynthia a sleeping spread eagle naked snoring loudly with hair everywhere and drooling, she's definitely a bombshell, and yes it's pretty hot seeing her so exposed but definitely not "cute"...and Anna? Well she looks like she's ready for another round….she someone how fell asleep face down ass up naked presenting her little goodies to the world as she snores into a pillow…. Normally I'd give her a subtle 10 inch wake up call.

But I actually got a fair bit to do today so she's going to have to settle for a *SLAP!*


I gave a big meaty spank to those clapable little cheeks as a friendly good morning, that was a good crisp slap if I do say so myself, a nice tone to it….

Anna wakes up and jumps like a frightened cat as she covers her butt with both hands and looks at me aggrieved…

Gideon " up and at em gorgeous we have shit to do today, and you two insisted on coming with me so it's time to get ready….. and the way you were sleeping, there were only 2 ways I could have woken you up…I chose the less fun but still enjoyable option….enjoyable for me anyway, so wake up our sexy little snorlax over there and let's hit the showers"

She just sighs and crawls over to Cynthia to gently wake her up while I make my way to bathroom to get our day started.

After a longer shower than we expected all 3 of us made our way down for some breakfast, we ended up messing around in the shower a bit…..that spank got Anna a little more excited than she would care to admit, and Cynthia let her self get dragged into it….so she claims, but she's just as much as a freak as Anna but her "noble pride" won't allow her to admit it…

And as we came down there was already a full buffet styled breakfast waiting for us…..Logan would have to be one of the best investments I've ever made, dudes just on point in everything he does.

So we sit down and start up our brekky, i start thinking back to what Ronny was saying to rile up that noble and it got me thinking...do I want to cuck a noble and fuck a mother/daughter duo at the same time? The answer is obviously yes….so let's see how the girls weigh in on this... we've brought other chicks in on our little sessions and they seemed to enjoy it, let's see how far their comfort zone have been stretched….

Gideon " say girls...how would you feel about us 3 fucking the brains out of a mother/daughter pair?"

Oooo, there was a glint in Cynthia's eye she's definitely down for that, she would probably try and deny it though…..didn't get much reaction from Anna though….

Cynthia " that's madness…..why would you even suggest such an act!!"

She looks a little flushed, she's just as depraved as me…..nothing like a little taboo to get the motor running aye?, not that I'm into incest all round or anything but an inter generational sandwich with me supplying the meat? Even the holiest of men would probably be tempted...and I'm no holy man….or am I? I was sent by literal gods?

Gideon " I didn't hear a no….."

Anna sits there quietly and I just assume she's down for it…..but Cynthia has to look like she's being dragged into this against her will or she might think she lost something?

Cynthia " who would even do such a thing?…."

She wouldn't even look me in the eye while saying that…..yeah she's down….

Gideon " still not hearing a no...and as for who? Don't know, was just a suggestion, but since you 2 are down for a little incest play, I'll start working on this project…..I'm sure I can get some bites at the academy if I start fishing"

Cynthia " well it's not like I have a choice do I? I'm your "fuck buddy" now after all so it would be part of my responsibility to watch and join in..."

She wouldn't take her eyes off her food as she said that, and she's breathing a little heavy…..oh yeah...a true blue freak...I love it…..

So after our casual conversation of having a mother and daughter break the incest taboo barrier we finished our breakfast and had metagross take us to little town to pick up the munchkins, I have all my mons with me except the newbies I'm about to pick up (besides magnemite) and azumarill who's at noble freezon today just bumming around in the park looking after the place…and gyarados who spends his time either terrorising the seas or protecting little town

So as we make it back to little town it's as bustling as ever people and Pokémon everywhere doing something, everyone giving out good vibes…..the one thing that stands out is…..fucking muuna, they're everywhere….. they are so rare in the wild because they are so physically weak….I mean not weak in general with their powerful psychic abilities and all that but they don't really physically toughen up till they evolve into musharna…..so they are very vulnerable before that…

Ever since they warmed up to the village they breed like rabbits….I'm probably exaggerating as yes there are a lot of them….but so are there lots of other Pokémon "tribes" my mons have brought back over the years…..it's just the muuna have almost no concept of personal space or property and just hang out wherever…. One thing I've found over the years is that the newly hatched muuna are drawn to me and it's annoying as shit.

Apparently according to what I got from metagross my whole being gives off the vibes of safety and protection…..no idea why... and the baby Pokémon flock to me, except togepi, he was a bad egg from day one…..but muuna are especially annoying because of their lack of self preservation skills, meaning me and the rest of the town have to rescue them from minor situations day in and day out more or less until they evolve…..but they do have their good sides I guess….no one lacks sleep, and it's literally impossible to have bad dreams when they are around so….I guess that's something.

But imagine a baby human that could float and all the trouble they would get into? Now imagine that baby was actually pretty intelligent but chose not to use that intelligence in any meaningful way...they are basically little psychic pig mr magoo's, getting into shenanigans every chance they get..

I had to "invent" psychic proof fly screens to keep em out of peoples houses during the summers…if you left your window open for like an hour and went to do something outside? Well now there's a muuna raiding your pantry, 2 muuna asleep on your bed, both covered in dirt of course, one's somehow gotten into your booze and drunk it's self into unconsciousness on your kitchen table and your ice box (fridge) has exploded because a muuna got curious and got itself trapped in there and freaked out and strong armed it's way out….

And they don't even have the decency to run away when you catch them….they just kinda know they'll be ok...and it's so hard to get mad at them for it…..it's just their nature….and the people of little town adore them

On more than one occasion psychic type noble family's have approached me to "buy" my little piggys and I was tempted with what they were offering but…..the muuna hated them….like really HATED them for some reason and they don't hate anything, they were giving shady vibes too so I turned them down, did have a couple of kidnapping attempts after that but it never worked out well for them, usually dead Pokémon and people dumped on the doorstep of the people who sent them….

And i notice a lady set a pie on the windowsill to cool….rookie mistake...she must be very new... she turned around for barely a minute and came back to 2 muuna taste testing the pie….seems they approve of her cooking…..

So we make it into my mansion as I let out magemite and yell out a quick "IM HOOOOOMMMMEEEEEE!!!" And you can hear what sounds like little thumps mixed with some tactical sliding make it's way down the hall and finally he's in sight..

With a spring in his step my little leaf turtle jumps into my embrace…ooof….he's heavy….and he starts rubbing his face into my chest…giving off I missed you vibes, so him him a scratch under the chin

Gideon " I missed you too buddy…. Where are the others?"

Just as I said that i let out another ooof as something impacts my back and I turn around to see my little dragon bat as she's latched onto my back with a big content smile on her face….she's a little clingy if I'm gone for an hour let alone a few days, so let her get her fill..

And as I'm thinking about that heat a flutter as I feel a weight on my left shoulder and turn around to see rookidee perched on my shoulder with a little trill….he's pretty chill….

These 3 with magnemite are my new generation crew, togepi doesn't count anymore so it's these 4…. Magemite just hovers over me with an anxious vibe about him and I just grab him and drag him into the hug….he's been a bit soft since his birth and togepi just made it worse.

The girls made their way into the mansion interior to let me and the newbies some time…..

They are all still young and barely started training, but they all seemed ready for action, but I'm in no hurry for it so we're taking it slow

Turtwig is just a little ball of energy, always down to explore and mess around, he's a fan of Rhyperior and likes to hang around him much to the chagrin of the latter as it cuts down on his sleeping time….but he tolerated it because he's family…

Rookidee is pretty stoic and more or less hated everyone who isn't me or my crew, he tolerates the servants because they work for me and sometimes feed him….he likes to be around me when he gets the chance but like peace and quiet….

Magnemite as you already know is a nervous wreck most of the time and I think it's because togepi picked that weakness right out of the egg and took advantage… and it really hit his confidence, we can work on that though with some training and confidence boosting and when he's a gigantic magnezone zapping anyone who stands against him to dust?...he'll be fine…

And last but certainly not least is noibat…..and when she hatched...she was worse than togepi, just a little bitch about everything….dragons are natural born assholes with a superiority complex to boot and it about 3 week after her birth I sorted her out…..pretty much the same thing as I did to togepi, she thought herself the alpha and I decided to let her know she wasn't...but after the little ass kicking? Sweet as pie, she really warmed up to everyone now she didn't have the "family's safety" resting on her shoulders….

That's just how dragons are….since there were no dragons besides her, she naturally took up that role in her mind and had to show her dominance to everyone by being a dick, but now that I'm the "alpha" she's just fitted into her role as one of the pack and she's very friendly with everyone…..

So now I have to break it to everyone that togepi is gone…..I know they didn't like him….like at all, but he was still one of them so I don't know how this is going to go…

Gideon " listen gang…..I got some news…..I don't know if it's good or bad, it depends on the person...but I'll just shoot it straight, togepi isn't part of our crew anymore….he was just to much and I ended up trading him off to someone who might be able to handle him better"

I looked at them and expected something along the lines of shock or even a minor case of betrayal but….they all kinda cheered…..togepi really was the worst wasn't he...

They didn't seem to be hiding any pain about it either….none of them liked togepi at all….so it works out I guess….well I guess we should get moving….

I made sure they'd eaten, balled them all, checked I had all my mons, went out to the side of the mansion to grab my fish buddy in case things get really hairy and then back inside to grab the girls….ready to see what these snorlax are about…

Let's see how this goes…..it's a major factor in me getting the territory or not….so let's hope it goes well aye?

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