
Crown favours

As I'm coming downstairs after my shower I'm trying to think of ways to deal with togepi, I mean we aren't really bonded, we are, but not really and he's such an asshole I don't really want to deal with him, I'll have to figure something out.....Cynthia and Anna have already gone down to entertain our royal guests as it would be rude to leave them unattended for to long.

And just as I get to the bottom of the stairs I hear an *AAAAAHHHNNNN*... fuck I missed it…. My luck is shit, I'm always stuck having to watch dudes moan in pleasure the first time they eat our food, but when it comes to watching a buxom cougar cream her panties I miss it? Yeah, shit luck on my part….

And I finally pull into the lounge room to see the king, Kane and the what I'm still assuming to be the queen sitting next to each other on of my lounges with a big assortment of snack type foods sitting before them on the coffee table, I guess the cooks went above and beyond to keep the royalty happy, that helps me out a bit…..

Oh man are those chicken burritos!? I didn't realise how much I wanted one till this moment, all the food on the table are hand held foods, no cutlery required, fried chicken, nachos ect, way to much for 6 people to normally eat, but what we don't touch the staff normally finishes off, no point wasting good food.

And as I go to sit down next to Anna and Cynthia I notice togepi is sitting on the queens lap munching on some of the food himself, letting out a happy vibe, he seems to like the queen….maybe I can kill 2 birds with one stone here….

So I go to sit down and take a chicken burrito and take a bite....oooh so good.....and I take another look around and everyone just seems to be focusing on their food, I guess the conversations can happen after….

The king had a plate of spicy nachos, almost moaning at every loaded chip placed into his gullet and I notice a cup of coffee in front of him, he's really taken to it with a shine, coffee was one of those unused "herbs" because it was to bitter to be used for anything useful, but the king was hooked after his first cup.

Even has one of the royal teleporting Pokémon come pop around to grab him a big mug at least once a day, usually in the morning, and normally with some breakfast with it…..he's starting to treat my place like a drive through…

Kane just has a chicken (farfetch'd) burger, looking like mayo and lettuce as the additives, the classic….and a glass of whiskey…..well fair enough

And the queen…..she looks about as elegant as a lady could with a drumstick in each hand taking a bite out of each one in rotation, eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head as she stifled her moans with the chicken and squirming thighs…

Placed in front of her is a strawberry milkshake, good for any meal.

I still haven't found cocoa beans to make chocolate, I've put some feelers out but nothing has come up yet, it should exist, but mostly in tropics areas….I'll find it eventually…

And my ladies are just munching some popcorn chicken….the classic…. Plenty of dippy sauce for all…..

And I even notice togepi is eating some pre prepared food for him as well, happily trilling on the queens lap.

We spend 25 minutes in companionable silence as we eat what I thought would be an impossible amount for 6 people...turns out to be just right….

And it seems the king is the first one to break the post new bliss everyone seems to be in.

Maximus "well that was a delightful meal as always Gideon, but I feel my manners have left me as I've yet to introduce you to my wife…..this is my wife and queen of the kingdom of Sinnoh, Alexa Sinnoh…"

The queen just looks at me with cold eyes….

Alexa Sinnoh " a pleasure to meet you young lord storm…..my husband and son have told me much about you...but after meeting you I feel they may have exaggerated their claims of you could be so cruel to such a small and helpless child….."

Ooof, still folding a grudge over the whole naked and about to beat a baby togepi thing i see, I'll try and worm my way around that, hit her with some facts..

Gideon " the pleasures mine your majesty….. and I know it looked bad with how we first met, but as you can now see I now have no eyebrows and it would be that child you spoke of who would be responsible…..and I understand the whole "it takes patience and love to raise the young" thing, but I can assure you he's been a little hell raiser from the moment he came out of the egg…..I've tried everything with him and I'm afraid I don't have the patience to deal with a Pokémon so...free spirited... and in at my wits end with him...but he seems to be quiet taken with you, so I would be happy to see him placed in your care.... for a few favours from the crown….."

The king and Kane look at me with serious expressions, asking favours from the crown is a big deal, it's not a personal favour like the time i agreed to sell alcohol to Kane, he's just an individual, this is a favour from the crown itself….

Alexa Sinnoh " as much as I'm willing to take this sweet little thing out of the hands of a barbarian such as yourself…..and as rare as the togepi line is, it still wouldn't justify a single favour from the crown even if he was green ranked potential….."

She said with a serious yet cold voice, man, she really doesn't like me…..togepi doesn't seem effected at all, maybe even a little happy he might get out of here, me and him are water and oil, just can't get along so this would work out well for both of us, as much as I don't like "selling" my mons, this isn't really selling them it's more like him trading off to a better home and me getting something for the hard work I've put into that little thug.

Gideon " while you would normally be right…..this time it's different, yes the togepi line is rare and yes his talent wouldn't be worth it at green... but he has purple grade talent..."

That hit everyone in the room like lighting, well except me and Logan, who was standing in the corner making himself invisible as every good butler should, purple grade talent is something kingdoms would fight over if it got found out…..that's why I don't let people exams my mons as all of them are purple grade...I'm sure it would start world war 1

The king and Kane looked stunned, as did Cynthia and Anna, the queen just glared at me to see if I was lying, trying to sell her snake oil…. But Maximus recovered after a minute and made the first move.

Maximus " if what you said is true...why would you be willing to hand him over so easily...you aren't foolish enough to not know what a purple grade talent is worth…..especially on such a rare and potentially powerful line of Pokémon….."

Trying to figure my game plan aye? Well I don't really have one…..I just don't like the little shit, but don't hate him enough to throw him out, and if I can get rid of him I go a good home? Well all the better, he's been terrorising my newest mons, especially magnemite, and magnemite doesn't have the spine to talk back to him yet….

Gideon " of course I understand what it means, but it doesn't matter how good his talent is if we can't be in a room with each other without trying to ruin the others day…..and besides, I don't need another purple grade, gyarados has that covered..."

Its not a lie if I don't tell them all of my mons are purple grade right? I'll just let them focus on my fish, who's a monster in his own right.

And it struck home like I wanted, they seemed to pale at the mention of my big fish buddy, having "kings blood" and purple grade talent on top of being one of the most feared breed of Pokémon to ever exist? Well terror would be a default setting as they know that my fish loves me more then life itself, and what would happen if he ever found out someone was trying to scheme against me….. I'm pretty sure coastal trading would be off limits from that point onwards…

The queen seems less intimidated than Kane and Maximus, mainly because she hasn't met my fish, I'm sure she's heard stories but seeing him in real life is different, but I'm not using this as an intimidating tactic, just letting them know the facts.

The king recovered first again and restarted our conversation.

Maximus " ok so "if" he had purple talent and you wanted to "trade" him for a few favours from the crown, what would those favours entail?"

Gideon " to be honest I haven't thought that far ahead, I just saw he togepi liked the queen and thought it would be nice to see him in a home he won't try and terrorise, and it will be 3 favours…. I'll try to make sure they are not harmful to sinnoh if that's what you're worried about…..this really was just an in the moment thing so don't think to hard about it….you know I hate politics and what not….."

Maximus " I would like a minute to discuss with my father and my wife if you wouldn't mind"

Gideon " have at it mate, Logan will show you to a room where you can take your time…..hell take togepi with ya, maybe he might grow on you too"

The king just nods and takes the queen and Kane out of the room led by Logan to have their secret discussion about the devil egg…..

Cynthia was quite this whole time but as soon as the royals leave the room she explodes into her questions

Cynthia " that little rapscallion was a purple grade talent!!?!??, why didn't you tell me!?! I would have found a better way to try and befriend him!!"

Gideon " would never have worked, he doesn't like you, me or anyone I associate with, he's been a little dick since day 1 and I really have tried everything...yesterday was the tipping point for me, we are now are the point of no return…..I don't like him…..he doesn't like me…..that's how it is, he's effecting my other new mons negatively as well, and I can't have that…I don't care what his talent grade is….."

She wanted to argue but this is one of the rare times I was serious, I don't put up with this shit….honestly I'm sure he would have died sooner or later to either bell or gyarados…. Bell because….well it's bell, and my fish because if he found out he was negatively effecting me and my new mons, he wouldn't let that go.

He cares for his new "family" and me especially and as I said before togepi never really fit in….I had the same thing happen with butterfree and vespiquen but they just didn't want to fight, but they didn't dislike me, to the contrary they were affectionate and loved to be around but they wanted chill lives and that was more than ok…..

Togepi is just a little cunt through and through so I'm cutting him off now before he starts more shit… and a few crown favour couldn't hurt to have, need and not have than have and not need right?

After what felt like about 15 minutes the royals make their way back in and take their seats in the same order as before.

Maximus " we accept your offer, I'm not sure how you kept it a secret for so long….especially from the aura guardians….we will have him tested in the palace under only the most trusted servants eyes and if what you claim is true, then you shall have 3 crown favours….."

Gideon " cool beans, well now that's out of the way, let's get down to what you really came here to talk about aye"

The tense mood lifted with that…And we were almost back to casual as the queen sat there with a sleeping asshole egg on her lap as she softly coos at how adorable he is...he's your problem now….

Maximus " yes let's, we had a few items we wanted to discuss with you today but let's start off with your land in the slums you have now renamed noble freezon, and how you seem to be keeping nobles out of it.....and how much trouble it's causing...…"

Oh this will be a fun conversation....


I'm dabbling in another story but this time my original if anyone is interested it's called Tavern : it's time to settle down

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